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Everything posted by CBright7831

  1. CBright7831

    They're getting rid of Taboo Tuesday

    NOOO...Oh wait, I don't care. Nevermind.
  2. CBright7831

    The OAO '2006 Hall of Fame ceremony' thread.

    And more interesting enough, Triple H (another big player behind the Montreal screwjob and a person Bret has gone on record as calling a "piece of shit") will also be in the front row.
  3. CBright7831

    The OAO '2006 Hall of Fame ceremony' thread.

    I had to edit out "on April 1, 2006" in every setence.
  4. CBright7831

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    This is how I see the scenario running: Shawn goes over in the SF HHH beats Cena with McMahon interference HHH and McMahon(s) beat down Cena Shawn makes the save Shawn gets beat down for his trouble McMahon-Helmsley Era 2k6 begins, however they will probably have a new stable name of like the Royal Family in order to fit with the KOK gimmick And that means CBright will find something better to do than watch RAW.
  5. CBright7831

    United 93...

    In the Oliver Stone movie, I'm sure we'll see a scene of George W and Usama sitting in the same room together, eating popcorn, and watching the madness unfold on TV to their delight.
  6. CBright7831


    I was going to tell someone I know about this site yesterday...but thought better since they would probably think I enjoy looking at dead people.
  7. CBright7831

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    Meh, it was a cute movie. Certainly not on par with Disney's better CGI movies (Toy Story 1 & 2, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles). I give it a 5.5/10.
  8. CBright7831

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    I know you all care, but I missed RAW to watch Chicken Little.
  9. To be quite honest, I'm not sure where I stand on my religion right now. Many years ago, I considered myself Christian/Baptist - but now I'm not really sure what I am. I find myself questioning the existence of God altogether sometimes.
  10. CBright7831

    Odds For Wrestlemania 22

    The odds of me buying this PPV: 99 to 1
  11. CBright7831

    The Simpsons Movie In Production

    The Simpsons is my second favorite animated show of all time ( with Looney Tunes being my first), but I don't want this. Not now at least.
  12. CBright7831

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Those vignettes are still going on?
  13. CBright7831

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    To bad Steve Buscemi won't be here this season. Anything Steve is in (minus a few Adam Sandler movies) is good.
  14. CBright7831

    Two more confirmed for the Hall of Fame

    I still don't know why Mr. T didn't get put in last year.
  15. CBright7831

    Top 50 Moments...

    This will be interesting. I don't think anyone has done something like this before on this board, but I know somewhere lists like this occur everyday.
  16. CBright7831

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It's bad when your HOF ceremony looks more appealing than your biggest show of the year. Not one match appeals to me. Not one. I think that is a first. Even some of the worst WM of all time had matches that appealed to the audience. Since I have refused to watch RAW and Smackdown! the last few months, is the crowd behind any of these matches at all?
  17. CBright7831


    There is nothing appealing about this Wrestlemania. This is the first Mania in a long while that hasn't had one appealing match on it. Hell, even Wrestlemania 11 had some matches that appealed to people.
  18. CBright7831


    Nope. From the looks of things right now, I won't even buy this one on DVD.
  19. CBright7831

    V for Vendetta

    Ah so
  20. CBright7831

    V for Vendetta

    It's doing pretty good review-wise - it has a 75% at RT right now. I thought it was a great movie, but there was something that I didn't get.
  21. CBright7831


    I never missed a day of school (K-12). ... Should I even brag about that?
  22. CBright7831

    V for Vendetta
