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Everything posted by CBright7831

  1. CBright7831

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    RVD! *tries not to laugh*
  2. CBright7831

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    Let me tell you how it's going to go... Show will go for a chokeslam, HHH will kick Show in the stomach/balls, Show will back off and grab his kicked area in pain, he will turn around and get hit with the Pedigree and 1-2-3.
  3. CBright7831

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/power25/ Triple H is # 3, and The Undertaker makes his first appearance (I think) on the power 25.
  4. CBright7831

    WON Notes - HOF inductee - Eddy....

    Good. He deserves to be in the HOF.
  5. CBright7831

    Good funeral songs

    "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead"
  6. CBright7831

    Smackdown spoilers?

    Wow. The saddest part is that, if the reports are true, Rey will fail at avenging Eddie and lose his WM title shot to Orton. But Eddie Guerrero would have wanted it that way [/WWE logic]
  7. CBright7831

    Smackdown spoilers?

    I don't know what else Vince could to get Randy over at this point. He'd have to pyshically to go Eddie's grave and piss on it, or RKO Eddie's wife, or some-ah you're right, there are more distasteful things RKO could do.
  8. CBright7831

    Smackdown spoilers?

    HA HA HA! Ooooh boy! I hope the crowd was dead for this.
  9. CBright7831

    Will WWE ever be as great as they were in 2000?

    I say the newly arriving, RVD played a big part in carrying the invasion period alongside Austin and even Heyman. That was an interesting time, in the absence of Triple H and Benoit, Rhyno got pushed as did Tajiri (by making him the best comedy bit on the show). It had things like Stasiak's idiotic actions. The goofy over-the-top antics from Kanyon and DDP, Tazz, (which should have culminated in Tazz choking Austin out in the survivor series match). The work was better... RVD was emerging as a superstar....2001 is really under-looked. Just because the angle was a flop doesn't mean it was a bad year. This is true. Alot of people say that 2001 was the beginning of the downfall for the WWE, but I disagree, I think it was 2002 that started the hell that we are currently in today.
  10. CBright7831

    Owen Hart's accident

    Here's a website w/ pics from that dark night in Kansas City: http://homepage.mac.com/knarley/owenhart/owen.html
  11. CBright7831

    02/06/2006 Raw Rating Stays Strong

    I wonder what it will be like when it gets closer to Wrestlemania and people know the two main events on the card will be Angle/Orton and Cena/HHH.
  12. CBright7831

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Who do you think will win the Road to WrestleMania Tournament? Masters 7.26 % RVD 48.12 % Triple H 35.51 % Big Show 9.10 % I feel sorry for the 48.12% of people that voted for RVD.
  13. CBright7831

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    Who do you think will win the Road to WrestleMania Tournament? Masters 7.26 % RVD 48.12 % Triple H 35.51 % Big Show 9.10 %
  14. CBright7831

    Britney Spears is pregnant- AGAIN

    Federline is such a fucking bum. He dresses like one, and on top of that, he's living off of his wife.
  15. CBright7831

    Who all has ever been part of a black church?

    How would you know?
  16. CBright7831

    Things That Annoy Us About John Cena

    Jesus, can't you all count?
  17. Besides the mention of Eddie getting a HOF nod, there is nothing else positive going on.
  18. CBright7831

    Al Lewis passes away

    I guess nobody remembers his "FUCK THE FCC" rant over live radio on the Howard Stern Show a few years ago.
  19. CBright7831

    Al Lewis passes away

    FUCK THE FCC~!!!
  20. Now before you think that I'm rubbing it in, I'm not by any means, I'm just making an analysis. It's amazing, this time last year, the Republicans were pretty much on cloud nine, and now a year later, everything has turned against them, due to events like: + Hurricane Katrina (as a whole) + Delay and Libby indited + Bush's approval rating plunges + Democrats kept govenors in VA and NJ + Iraq There's more, but those are the most well known. What do they have to keep to save face? Thoughts?
  21. CBright7831

    RVD on Byte This

  22. CBright7831


    Poor, poor James Franco. Deuce's Wild City By The Sea The Great Raid And now this. It seems the only thing he has going for him is the Spider-man movies and James Dean.
  23. CBright7831

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    Ok so theres an "inside source" on Darkhorizons thats reporting that http://www.darkhorizons.com/news06/060201g.php