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Frankie Williams

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Everything posted by Frankie Williams

  1. Frankie Williams

    WWE's best segment ever

    Kido, the Red Rooster/Brawler segment that originally took place on Prime Time? The one with Gorilla? If so, IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT. I mentioned this segment in the "Funniest Moments that weren't supposed to be Funny" thread. I will say it again, that is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. I gotta agree. There is nothing quite as funny as Terry Taylor geting hit with a padded stool and selling it like a Balls Mahoney chair shot.
  2. Frankie Williams

    Vengance card

    Im hopin' that Hurricaine and Rosey get the tag title shot. There is no team more exciting in this reporters eyes.......of course I am leagally blind.
  3. Frankie Williams

    Possible spoilers

    Im surprised that no one noticed the REAL spoiler from that house show line up........TEST IS GONNA JOB TO A RETARD!!
  4. Frankie Williams

    Since Stone Cold's gone...

    The week before when Vince tells him that he could do it "His way or the hard way" alawys cracks me up no matter how many times I see it. When Austin asks Vince if he could have a moment to think about it and then he turns around and rubs his face, then putting his finger to his head as if he is in deep though as if he is really thinking about it. Funny shite. God I miss those days.
  5. Frankie Williams

    Some small wwe news

    Yes he did. Its from pwinsider.com.
  6. Frankie Williams

    Looking for a soundbite

    Does anyone know where I can download a clip of Michael Buffer announcing Bret Hart as "Bret Clarke"? Ive never heard this before and need a good laugh. Thanks in advance.
  7. Frankie Williams

    Another altercation between wrestlers takes place

    Why is Billy Gunn even in New York?
  8. Frankie Williams

    Who are the Celebrities this year?

    Ugh. The Catfight girls were just awful last year. I think it was the brunette that kept calling Hulk Hogan, Hulk HOLGAN.
  9. Ok....excuse me....a HUGE promotion. Better??
  10. I guess you can say that its kinda promotion for Taker. Last year stuck in a go no where handicap match and this year a high profile match with Kane. Flair wasnt on the show last year in a wrestling capacity and now hes in a match that has some good heat. And what about Funaki????? Even though he wasnt on the show last year, Im sure he was backstage looking for someone to interview. YAAAAAAY FUNAKI!!!!! Welcome to the BIG TIME!!!
  11. Frankie Williams

    Great Article on TNA

    Wasnt Dixie Carter on Designing Woman?
  12. Frankie Williams

    Extra Royal Rumble

    Im glad you corrected me. It was a long time ago. I KNEW a rope broke, but I was wrong as to which one. Thanks.
  13. Frankie Williams

    Extra Royal Rumble

    I was at that MSG Runble show. The funny thing about it is that the top rope broke towards the end and the ref had to jump into the ring and hold it up.
  14. Frankie Williams

    Angle & Holly newsbits

    They should get rid of the "Hardcore" nickname and just call him Grumpy Holly.
  15. Frankie Williams

    Favorite TV taping moments

    This actually made TV, but it my favorite. I attended a Raw taping at the Manhattan Center in 1993. While waiting on line to get in, they filmed an angle in where Curt Hennig got into a fight with Shawn Michaels outside and threw him into a window of a car, which by the way was rumored to be owned by Howard Finkel. Awsome angle. Sorry to stray off topic but I was proud to be there.
  16. Frankie Williams

    Why is Dusty selling all his stuff?!?

    They must have eliminated the dollar menu at the local McDonalds.
  17. Frankie Williams

    Vince as announcer

    How about at SummerSlam 1994 when the obviously board crowd was dead silent during the Taker/Taker match Vince was like "This crowd is so stunned at what they are seeing, they are silent."
  18. Frankie Williams

    Read my new column

    My Webpage
  19. Frankie Williams

    Something that just hit me

    EIGHT YEARS this man has been in the WWF/E and two more to go. Has there been anyone to accomplish so little in such a long amount of time?? Hes never won a title (and Im not counting the Euro title because that was handed to him), hes had COUNTLESS injuries and has never gotten any heat. Why has he been around so long??
  20. Frankie Williams

    Something that just hit me

    Ok I do agree he has some kind of heat now, BUT do you think its legit heat, X-Pac heat, Sunday Night Heat or a combo of all.
  21. Frankie Williams

    The Miz...

    Thats the other way around. Trischelle dumped his ass like day old garbage.
  22. Frankie Williams

    The Miz...

    I wouldnt even consider him a "Z" celebrity. Hes nothing but a wanna be who carries around a toy belt, cutting unoriginal promos while putting on an annoying voice. The sad thing is that WWE will probably sign him.
  23. Frankie Williams

    Wrestlers with the perfect theme music

    No doubt, Goldust. One of the best entrance themes ever.
  24. Frankie Williams

    Dave Scherer Leaves 1wrestling.com

    You know whats funny. That announcement was on the top of the newspage and there was a link to the same story where you had to sit through pop ups to read the same thing word for word.