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Frankie Williams

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Everything posted by Frankie Williams

  1. Frankie Williams

    F the PWI Awards

    Read my latest column with my own year end awards. My Webpage
  2. Frankie Williams

    Just and observation

    I havent been here in a long time so forgive me if this has been discussed before. Ive noticed a few thing that have been similar in the grooming of both the Rock and Randy Orton. When both started out, they were pushed as third generation superstars (Orton not as hard as Rocky but still the point was made). After the fans not taking to them, they both turned into cocky heels and joined factions, Rock with the NOD and Orton with Evolution. Both of their first major title reigns were IC reigns. Now I know that is only 3 points, but you can deny the similarities of the two. I know that Orton is not Rock, and Im not saying that I am a fan of his because I'm not, but dont forget, when Rocky first started, we had no clue what he would turn out to be.