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Frankie Williams

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Everything posted by Frankie Williams

  1. Frankie Williams

    The What If Topic...

    I'm not so sure either of these would drastically change history. If anything, the WWE switch gave them some national publicity in print and on the news, and gave them some new marketing angles. Triple H was jobbed for a few months, but he did have the IC title 6 months later, and one of those jobs was to his best friend, in a Raw main event, in a early MOTY contender. But if Im not mistaken, he was supposed to win the KOTR in '96.
  2. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    If you only knew, that was already posted. Sorry, I couldnt resist.
  3. Frankie Williams

    The What If Topic...

    1.What if Bret never got that career ending concussion? 2.What if there was no Iraq war in 1991? 3.What if Vince Russo never left the WWF for WCW? 4.What if the WWF never had to change to WWE? 5.What if Triple H never joined in the MSG incident?
  4. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

  5. Frankie Williams

    Greatest Interview in Sports Entertainment History

    I know this isnt an interview, but the Rock and Austin going at it on the Raw before Survivor Series "01, where Austin sang the Margarita Song, was priceless.
  6. Frankie Williams

    Favorite MSG Matches

    Savio Vega vs Goldust from the famous MSG Clique incident house show in 1996......seriously. GREAT match.
  7. Frankie Williams

    Does anyone miss Molly Holly?

    Trinity is on match.com. She needs a man.
  8. Frankie Williams

    Quick Request --- The Wrestling Challenge Logo (89-90)

    Ok......I found this Wrestling Challange board game on ebay. I cropped the logo as best as I could, but Im not sure if this is what you're looking for.
  9. Frankie Williams

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I dont know if this was discussed here, but does anyone else think, the reason the ladder match was pulled from the show tonight, was because they wanted to save it for Mania. Of course if D&D win the titles tonight, thats pretty much out the door.
  10. Frankie Williams

    Move Suggestions

    And then what?
  11. Frankie Williams

    Quick Request --- The Wrestling Challenge Logo (89-90)

    Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but its all I could find.
  12. Frankie Williams

    The OAO Raw Thread for 22/01/07

    This match is "special".
  13. Frankie Williams

    PWI Awards

    I havent bought this issue in years but Im still interested as to who "won" them. Anyone pick it up?
  14. Frankie Williams

    PWI Awards

    Im actually talking about the year end awards issue.
  15. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    Intro to Hulk Hogans Rock N Wrestling Thank god Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo left the WWF shortly after the first wrestling album came out, because if they didnt, we may still hear Hogan coming out to that music.
  16. Frankie Williams


    1. Defeated the Iron Sheik for the WWF title at Madison Square Garden by using the legdrop in 1984. 2 Shocked the world when he went heel, forming the nWo with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. 3. His name rhymes with Bulk Bogan.
  17. Frankie Williams


    Easy one. 1. Makes great chilli 2. Once used a live chicken in a fight. 3. Told Lex Luger that "Nows the time!!!!"
  18. Frankie Williams

    101 Reasons Why Edge is...

    19) Because we think we know him??
  19. Frankie Williams

    Raw / Smackdown Spoilers for 10/16 and 10/20

    Kevin Federline. Yeah .....uh huh. Wasnt Taylor in WWE for a brief time in 2001 playing the Dutchess of Queensbury while Regal was feuding with Jericho?
  20. Its actually almost 8. She started when Smackdown premiered. Cant believe its been that long.
  21. Frankie Williams

    Kevin Nash re-signs with TNA

    "Oh no, the DX vs nWo fued won't happen now!" Well, I dont think Stevie Ray, Bryan Adams, Ed Leslie, and The Fake Sting are doing much these days.
  22. Frankie Williams

    Boogeyman released

    What possible "future endeavors" could there be for a person called "Boogeyman"? Perhaps a tissue salesman?
  23. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    Greatest wrestling music video......ever.
  24. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    See, THATS what was missing from Goldberg while in WWE.....BACKFLIPS!!