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Frankie Williams

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Everything posted by Frankie Williams

  1. Frankie Williams

    WWE signs four wrestlers from the past

    Marty Jannetty??? God damn it!!!! Now the Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club has lost ALL credibility in my eyes!!!!
  2. Frankie Williams

    WWF Observer notes

    Zenk was a pretty good wrestler but was HORRID on the mic.
  3. He was gearing up for the WM IV title tourney.
  4. Frankie Williams

    WON 2006 Hall of Fame Issue...

    Lazy bum. Seriously, thanks,
  5. Frankie Williams

    Different entrance music on WM DVDs???

    Poor Slick. No more Jive Soul Bro residual checks.
  6. Frankie Williams

    WWF Observer notes

    Shit. I was just thinking the same exact thing.
  7. Frankie Williams

    WWF Observer notes

    This is one of the GREATEST wrestling magazine covers ever:
  8. Frankie Williams

    Matches that ended abrubtly

    I recall a match from Survivor Series 1997 that ended ubruptly. I cant seem to remember which one. Its on the tip of my tounge.....
  9. Frankie Williams

    WWF Observer notes

    Great read. I never knew that Mania 3 was once again considered to take place in multiple venues. Thanks alot!!
  10. Frankie Williams

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

    I think the REAL question is, will JR be fired for saying the word "belt"?
  11. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    Wacky ending to a wacky match.
  12. Frankie Williams

    Most underrated Summerslam matches of all time

    I think Bossman vs Mountie just has to win on the delightful post match stipulations. You mean situations. I still laugh whenever I think of the Mountie being thrown into a jail and the gay guy saying to him "Don't you like the way leather touches your body". "OOOOOWWWWW!!! YOU'RE HURTING MAY ARM!!!!!" Classic shit.
  13. Frankie Williams

    Evaluating - Chris Jericho

    Cant believe hes been gone a year already.
  14. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    That was pretty damn cool back in the day. I was watching the MSG channel that night when Hogan won the title.. those were the days.. Damn right. I lived in Brooklyn and I didnt have cable until the early 90's so I missed most of the classic shows. Watching that MSG show makes me wish I lived elswhere growing up.
  15. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    Classic WWF Championsip Wrestling intro. I would really love to find the intros to Championship and All-Star Wrestling when Bob Backlund was champ.
  16. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    That was FUCKING awesome. Ive heard alot about that match over the years. Man.....you really CAN find almost anything on You Tube. Thanks You Tube!!!!!
  17. Frankie Williams

    WWE Diva Search

    Next week on ECW......Kelly Kelly vs Layla in a Pole Dance off.
  18. Frankie Williams

    WWE Diva Search

    Finally a Diva winner with a BIG OLE BOOTY.
  19. Frankie Williams

    WWE Diva Search

    Neither of them should win because of the last segment.
  20. Frankie Williams

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    Wasnt that the reasoning for their WM X-7 pairing?
  21. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

  22. Frankie Williams

    WrestleMania XXIII Main Event (RAW)

    The Rock returning to face someone of importance could be a draw. I've always wanted to see Rock/Shawn, but Rock's never faced Flair in a one on one match. Maybe Flair finally takes out Foley, which brings back Rocky to save his best pal? WM23 will be the most important show since WMXX so WWE really has to pull out all the stops to truly make this one a spectacle. Not to nitpick, but Rock faced and beat Flair on Raw in 2002. Sorry.
  23. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    Add to that when he put the chicken wing on wimpy, fragile WWF magazine editor Lou Gianfriedo (sp?) leading up to SurSer94. Vince was great during this "STOP IT!!!! STOP IT!!!! HES JUST THE EDITOR OF A MAGAZINE!!!!!" Also when he procured it on Jim Ross, as his gut tried not to pop open the buttons on his shirt. Good shit. Im disappointed that I cant find it anywhere.
  24. Frankie Williams

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Good thing his "close friend" Sylvan is there for him.
  25. Frankie Williams

    The Youtube Thread

    Request: Maybe Im not looking hard enough, but if anyone happnens to come upon the episode of Raw where Bob Backlund get Jerry Lawler to say "I quit Mr Backlund" seconds after applying the chicken wing on him during the Kings Court, could you pass it on? That always cracked me up. Hey....thanks in advance.