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Frankie Williams

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Everything posted by Frankie Williams

  1. Frankie Williams

    Smackdown spoilers for 1/27/06

    Is Benoit US champ or was it non-title?
  2. Frankie Williams

    PWI Awards

    Im not buying it. Just curious as to who "won".
  3. This spring will make 10 years the he has been in WWE/F. I would have to say that out of those 10, he has been on the active roster about 4 of them (and that may be generous) accomplishing NOTHING, but getting hurt and hurting others. Besides the Euro title, which he was given, he has not, and deservingly so, ever held a title. Even during his most sucsessful run tagging with D'Lo Brown, they didnt even win the tag titles. He has had one of the worst if not THE worst runs in WWE/F history. Some of his "highlights" include: -Fathering a hand with an 75 year old woman -Discovering that Sammy was a transvestite by grabbing his penis while his mother watched. -Getting a ball stuffed in his mouth by PMS during a S & M session... Thats about all I can think of. As a matter of fact the only useful thing I can think he has done, was covering up Mae Young at the Royal Rumble when she took her clothes off. Can anyone else thing of someone who has done so little in such an extended period of time?
  4. Frankie Williams

    PWI Awards

    Worst awards ever.
  5. Frankie Williams

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Finally its revealed what Val Venis REALLY does.......he folds towels. BTW...who does Kurt Angles eyebrows....they are lovely.
  6. Frankie Williams

    Has there been anyone else who has done LESS in 10 years

    How can you honestly say someone who has basically stolen $10 million dollars from Vince has done so little? Mark Henry's basically a hero of mine for all of the wrong reasons. If Vince wasn't so cheap he could have just released him, or bought out his contract. I admire Mark for having the balls to stick it out and keep collecting his checks, though he is easily one of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen. Sorry. I was wrong. Can we please delete this thread. BTW....that was pretty funny.
  7. Frankie Williams

    Has there been anyone else who has done LESS in 10 years

    He came to mind, but he has held titles, been in some interesting angles and actually got a World title shot at a major ppv.
  8. Frankie Williams

    Survivor Series Poster

    Maybe WWE will use Marty Janetty again so the Undertaker can rise from the dead after half the Smackdown roster "kills him" again.
  9. Frankie Williams

    Melina vs. Mickie

    Making their way down the aisle at a combine weight of 450 pounds......MN!!!!!!
  10. Frankie Williams

    WWE to start Midget Division on SmackDown!

    Wait....let me check my calander. Nope. Its not April 1st.
  11. Frankie Williams

    Old school upsets...

    Tom Stone over Jake Roberts by dq after Rick Martel interfered on Superstars in 1991. Moondog Spot over Terry Funk by countout at the Wrestling Classic. Brutus Beefcake ending Mr Perfects winning streak at Mania VI Shane McMahon beating X Pac for the Euro title. Aldo Montoya over IRS on Raw
  12. Frankie Williams

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    Jim Ross....the Billy Martin of WWE
  13. Frankie Williams

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    HEy...the bitch is back but she didnt mention if the bitch is black.
  14. I think they should throw Bad News Brown into the mix just so he can walk out on his team like he did in 88 and 89. Fun.
  15. Frankie Williams


    If you look closely he was in the ring during the legends segement on Raw last week....sans disgusting beard and hat of course.
  16. Frankie Williams

    The No Mercy '05 Thread

    You mean Sylvan was on the ppv and I didnt order it??!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!
  17. Frankie Williams

    WWE Gets Excellent News Regarding Its PPV's

    _ WHOO HOO!! _ WHOO HOO!! _ WHOO HOO!! _ WHOO HOO!! _ WHOO HO.........D'OH!!!
  18. Frankie Williams

    The No Mercy '05 Thread

    I just took 35 dollars out of my my wallet and burned it. It was fun.
  19. Frankie Williams

    What Happened To The Mexicools?

    Did you really think that they were gonna last long on the "main" show?
  20. Frankie Williams

    Survivor Series Commercial

    I wonder if Bob will break out his pink cowboy hat from 1986?
  21. Frankie Williams

    SNL Review

    One of the funniest things about the Kanye West incident was, as soon as he made that comment, they cut right to Chris Tucker.....a black man....good times.
  22. Frankie Williams

    SNL Review

    God I miss Norm MacDonald on WU.
  23. Frankie Williams

    Fear Factor....

    Im so used to watching it before Raw, and this week I go to tune in and theres some other show on. I havent heard about it being cancelled. Anyone know if it has been or it it will be back mid season? Thanks.
  24. Frankie Williams

    Fear Factor....

    Because I follow TV news? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is that a question?