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Frankie Williams

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Posts posted by Frankie Williams

  1. Who is Big Sky? Did Vince have any interest?


    A guy named Tyler Mane. He never worked for Vince. He was in WCW in 1989 as Woman's bodyguard for a short time, then disappeared to Puerto Rico and Japan before coming back in 1993 as Big Sky. His second run was just as short as the first one and he retired from wrestling in 1996 to pursue acting. His highest-profile role was Sabretooth in 2000's X-Men, a role that was originally meant for Kevin Nash but he couldn't take because of WCW conflicts.


    He pretty much sucked as a wrestler.


    He plays Michael Meyers in the Rob Zombie Halloween movies.

  2. I met Mick Foley under funny circumstances when I was 15. He wasn't my hero but he was one of my favorites. My dad and I were driving home from a SmackDown at Madison Square Garden, my first live wrestling show. This was during Foley's original run as commissioner. I believe it was the SD before the 6-man hell in a cell event. Anyway, we are stopped at a red light a few blocks from the Garden, when Foley pulls up in the lane to the right of us, waving at me like a crazy guy. We rolled down our windows and he asked us for directions. My dad did all the talking, because I guess you could say I was in awe of the guy, in combination of shock. He followed us until we got off at the George Washington Bridge back to NJ, and he continued on toward Long Island. He was wearing the same outfit as he did at the taping - a t-shirt and the trademark tattered flannel. He was also driving the same Volvo that he drove to the arena in on TV.


    This is so funny because back in 2001 I was sitting in the passenger seat of my then girlfriends car driving to Brooklyn on the belt parkway. All of a sudden this beat up BMW pulls up next to us in the center lane, and Mick Foley is driving. I happen to have Foley is Good with me so I roll down the window and get his attention. He then rolls down HIS window and asks me to enjoy the book and gave me his thumbs up.


  3. The MSG shows often held their main events before the end of the card. Usually they would have the main event, then a couple lesser matches to carry them to the 11pm curfew.


    Yeah, it was always fun going to one of those shows and having a Tony Garea match end the night.

  4. Watching this show now on WWE 24/7. A handful of thoughts.


    -A main event anywhere in the country?


    I love that quote. I remember Monsoon saying that during a Bret Hart/SD Jones match at the Garden in 1986.


    The show was quite enjoyable and you could tell that it was a special night. Its a shame that the Garden has become just another arena.


    I read Scott Keiths write up of the show before I watched it and was curious as to why the Hogan match wasnt the last match of the night, then I kinda figured that it was so they could have whatever celebratory interviews they had and to announce the Hogan/Orndorff match for the next month before the show was over.


  5. New "news" from wwe.com




    "ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. – Tuesday night, ECW announcers Mike Adamle and Tazz removed their headsets and left the broadcast position before the conclusion of ECW on Sci Fi. The event occurred just prior to the evening’s main event Handicap Match, featuring ECW Champion Kane and Chavo Guerrero with Bam Neely.


    Adamle and Tazz reportedly exited the arena and marched straight to the parking lot. Adamle was said to look shocked and expressionless as he left.


    WWE Superstars were shocked by this unprecedented occurrence. Calls and texts to both Adamle and Tazz have gone unanswered.


    It has been no secret that our traditional ECW fans have not been satisfied with Adamle’s lackluster commentary. Speculation is this could have led to the play by play and color commentator walking off during a WWE broadcast. Did Adamle and Tazz leave of their own volition or were they asked to leave?


    WWE.com will attempt to get exclusive video interviews from WWE Superstars about this situation and post them as soon as possible. Stay logged on to WWE.com to learn more about this shocking development."


    I wonder if Joey Styles wrote that.


  6. Someone who is attending the taping said that Mike Adamle abruptly got up and left the announce table to go backstage before the main event. Tazz stood up and was said to look very confused about what was going on. He sat back down, but eventually left to go backstage too. The announce table was empty during the main event.


    Dont you mean THE Tazz?

  7. right after WM, i predicted the main event of WM2 would be Hogan vs Piper for the title


    right after WM2, i was positive WM3's ME would be hogan defending against savage


    after 3, i was confident Hogan would go turn heel again and lose the strap to Ricky Steamboat at WM4


    after 4, i thought dibiase would gain the belt and drop it to hogan at WM5 for hogan's final run as champ


    after 5, i figured savage would regain and feud with Jake the Snake, who would DDT him for the title at WM6. I envisioned Jake celebratin with Damien around his shoulders, holdin' the belt and tellin the snake "we did it damien!"


    after 6, i told everyone that UW would defend against the HTMan at WM7


    after 7, i knew it'd definitely be Hogan defending vs Taker at WM8


    after 8, i foresaw Ric Flair losing the title to the UWarrior at WM9


    after 9, i bet everyone that Hogan would retire at WM10 by dropping the strap to the Narcissist


    after 10, alot of people called HBK-Hart for WM11 (they were a year off)


    after 11, i guessed Diesel-Hart for wm12


    after 12, me and others predicted Hart-Taker for wm13


    after 13, Hart's turn looked so discouraging, i bet on HBK-Taker for 14


    after 14, I figured SCSA going over Kane at wm15, defending his strap


    after 15, i woulda given anything for a Rock-SCSA rematch at wm16


    after wm2000, i hoped for HHH-Rock at wm2001. 1 on 1, no 4 way


    after x-seven, i bet people that x8's ME would be SCSA vs Goldberg


    after x8, I was sure they's book Hogan-SCSA to main event wmx9


    after 19, i predicted Lesnar-HHH at WM20


    after 20, i was tellin everyone that Eddie would feud with HHH and regain the title at wm21


    after 21, i guessed maybe they'd have HHH-Cena-Batista in a 3 way dance for wm22


    my 1 year prediction for wm23 was Batista-Orton for the WHC


    after 23, i was 100% confident they were saving Cena-Batista for the wm24 ME





    anybody else have predictions gone wrong?


    Dont worry Sport, you'll get it right one year.
