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UZI Suicide

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Everything posted by UZI Suicide

  1. UZI Suicide

    The Dark Knight

    Oh and..
  2. UZI Suicide

    The Dark Knight

    I don't believe it lived up to the "best movie EVAR" hyperbole but it was certainly great and I'll be seeing it again early next week. One thing that irked me a bit was Jonathan Nolan's screenplay. A lot of the dialogue was just way too corny for my liking. Especially at the very end. I was thinking on the way home about who is talented enough and ballsy enough to take on the role of The Joker if they do recast. And the two that came to mind were Johnny Depp and Daniel Day-Lewis. And then I thought.. Ben Foster would probably make an awesome Joker. Heath Ledger was fantastic, but I don't think it's like a situation where it was so mindblowingly unbelievable that nobody can ever play The Joker again.
  3. UZI Suicide

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/15/08)

  4. UZI Suicide

    Carl's Jr. & Hardee's

    We have Carl's Jr. here, not a big fan though. The Burgers are decent enough but the fries are terrible. I wouldn't put either over Burger King. Luckily, I live within 10 minutes of both In N Out and Fatburger.
  5. UZI Suicide

    Subway thread

    Footlong Spicy Italian on Italian Herb and Cheese bread - Provolone cheese - Lettuce - Light mayo - Onions - Olives - Ranch Dressing (fuck yeah) - Black Pepper/Oil/Vinegar Footlong Tuna on White - American cheese - Lettuce - Mayo - Olives - Green Peppers - Black Pepper
  6. UZI Suicide

    2008 Bored's College Football Pick 'Em Sign Up Thread

    I'm back as the Wildcats of Arizona.
  7. UZI Suicide

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    ..... WHAT?! Oh, right, he's played really awful in the Metrodome. I knew it was one or the other.
  8. UZI Suicide

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    I wouldn't be surprised to see Favre end up in Minnesota. Although I don't know if he'd be that ballsy to come back, ask for a release, and then go to one of Green Bay's biggest rivals. The Vikings are one of the top teams in the NFC though, or certainly would be with Favre, badly need a QB and he's always played really well in the Metrodome.
  9. UZI Suicide

    WWE Raw (7/7/2008)

    That was a strange time for a commercial.
  10. UZI Suicide

    Death of the movie star

    I think I'd call Johnny Depp a movie star.
  11. UZI Suicide

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    What really angers me is people who drive ridiculously fast for no reason. Maybe they're actually in a hurry to get somewhere, but usually they're people in either a little sports car or a huge truck/SUV that are just trying to show off. The kind of people that just dart in and out of lanes trying to speed past everyone. What I hate the most is when they'll get behind you and speed up really fast so they're almost bumper to bumper with you, as if they're trying to intimidate you into going faster. What I typically do in this instance in slow down, so they'll change lanes to try to go around me, then once they get into the other lane I speed up and don't let them pass. I get a kick out of it every time.
  12. UZI Suicide

    Ever felt like you just can't get the right job?

    You might want to try UPS. You'll have to start out doing package handling for a little while, making something like $9.50 an hour. How long it takes to become a driver depends on the location, from what I've heard. But once you're a driver, you're pretty much set. Factoring in overtime hours, after a couple of years as a driver you'll be pulling in around $70,000 a year with full benefits. I'm still in college, also a majoring in journalism (sports writer as well), but like you I see that the future of print journalism is pretty shitty and I'm not sure if I want to take my chances finding a high paying magazine or Internet job. So I've been doing a lot of research on places like UPS.
  13. UZI Suicide

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Cody Rhodes is pretty damn good on the mic.
  14. UZI Suicide

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Haha, JBL can't say "asterisk" properly.
  15. UZI Suicide

    TWIBsies! June 23 - June 29

    The Dodgers just got no-hit by the Angels and still won, 1-0. Matt Kemp scored after reaching on an error. I'm sure this has probably happened before. When was the last time?
  16. UZI Suicide

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    I really like Rhiad now, hated the live version. The other two songs are terrible. That "If The World.." song is embarrassing.
  17. UZI Suicide

    WWE Raw (6/2/2008)

    Lawler's face when it said "Service Unavailable" was classic.
  18. UZI Suicide

    2008 NBA Finals: Lakers vs. Celtics

    Even if the Pistons were a better team, the "Team B is better than Team C, and Team A beat Team B, so they'll definitely beat Team C" line of thinking is fucking retarded. Basketball, maybe more than any other sport, is about matchups. How the Celtics did against the Pistons has absolutely no bearing on how they'll do against the Lakers. Completely different teams.
  19. UZI Suicide

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Doug Collins to the Bulls means that he gets to talk about Michael Jordan even MORE than usual. "When I was originally here in Chicago I observed Michael's work ethic and I realized that part of the reason Michael was so successful was that he practiced like he was playing in a game. When I got the job here, Michael called me and wished me well and told me that he had faith in what I am doing here. I really appreciate that coming from someone like Michael, but any time I get to hear from Michael is a real joy. I loved the years I spent with Michael and I consider Michael to be one of my closest friends."
  20. UZI Suicide

    Tales of Restaurant Misbehavior

    I'm sure. I know that a lot of the A grade places are probably fucked, but I figure if one actually got a B then it must be really terrible. I just prefer the illusion that I'm eating at a place that isn't crawling with rodents, even if it is.
  21. UZI Suicide

    Tales of Restaurant Misbehavior

    You have to understand before reading this story that I'm a very picky eater and a somewhat paranoid person. Ok, you guys know about these food grades they put on the outside of every restaurant right? Or is it only in California? I think it's everywhere. So, I go out for lunch/dinner to a mexican restaurant with my sister and two of our friends. My sister comes back from the bathroom and at this point, thank heavens, we haven't ordered yet. She sits down and goes, "I didn't realize this place had a B grade..hmph.." and goes back to reading the menu. In my head I'm like.."B? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?". See, I don't know how it is where you live, but in Los Angeles, basically everything is an A and I know there's plenty of shit hole eateries that were graded A when they probably should have been a C. The way I figure it, if everything is given an A, these food inspection people must not give much of a shit, and only give anything lower than an A if the rats outnumber the restaurant workers. I start telling everyone at the table that eating at a B restaurant is a terrible idea and that we are risking death if we stay one minute longer. They all think I'm being ridiculous, and this point they're ganging up on me with various insults.."stop being a pussy/fag/bitch/insert-insult-here". At this point I'm just fed up with the whole situation and am being ganged up on by a bunch of derelicts that apparently have no problem risking their health for some average mexican food, so I stand up and.. -hey, before I say this, I realize in hindsight I shouldn't have done it, but whatever- I stand up and yell at them, "I'm not eating at a fucking B grade restaurant. So I'm going to go find something else to eat, either come with me or call me when you're done and I'll pick you up". Of course, a hushed silence falls over the place. It's not a very big restaurant, there's just one big room where all the tables are, so everyone heard it. I quickly made a beeline for the door and ate at the Souplantation across the street.
  22. UZI Suicide

    American Idol (season 7)

    So who is going to be the "huge superstar" the show is promising tonight? Michael Jackson? Madonna? Chris Daughtry? Carrie Underwood? Uh........Clay Aiken?
  23. UZI Suicide

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    Boston fans are so fucking annoying. Yeah, the refs are out to get you guys - the NBA doesn't want the BOSTON FUCKING CELTICS in the NBA Finals. Give me a break. Is Kevin Garnett playing today?
  24. UZI Suicide

    if Chinese Democracy is released......

    Robin Finck is terrible. Absolutely terrible. I mean, really, there's nothing about him that is good. He's just flat out terrible. He fucked up solos left and right. The guy just isn't a good guitar player. In fact, he's terrible. I can't believe anyone would have the audacity to compare him to Slash, especially someone who I assumed was a longtime GNR fan.
  25. UZI Suicide

    Stone Temple Pilots

    I don’t get why this band gets so much flack. I’ve always wondered this and with the news of their reunion tour, it’s on my mind again. In STP’s heyday, the band was constantly ridiculed by critics and hailed as “pretenders to the throne” of Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Granted, they didn’t, um, “revolutionize” rock music like Nirvana supposedly did, but STP was still a pretty damn good band that people judged way too harshly. I mean, all they did was sell like 20 million records and churn out hit song after hit song. Unless you’re just not a fan of the genre, I don’t get how people can objectively listen to songs like “Interstate Love Song”, “Plush”, “Creep”, “Big Bang Baby”, “Sour Girl”, “Lady Picture Show”, “Sex Type Thing”, “Vasoline”, etc. and just be like..”Man, this blows.” They weren’t the best band of the grunge era and they had PLENTY of faults but I think a lot of people are way too bias against STP and overlooked some pretty decent mid 90’s rock music.