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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    Interesting note about the Biggo hit tonite-Biggio got his first career hit on June 29th, 1988 off of Orel Hersheiser and his 3000th career hit one day shy of the 19 year anniversary of his first career hit.
  2. vivalaultra

    Go skateboarding day

    Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Yeah, I didn't skateboard when I was a teenager (mostly due to lack of balance or coordination), but I hung out with people that did and I thought we were cool, but, now that I'm 24, when I see those skater punks, I just wanna tell them to pull up their pants and whack them about with an oatmeal spoon. I guess that's what growing up is all about...whacking people with oatmeal spoons.
  3. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    Yeah, the pen ain't been too good lately. It's been clear that the Astros' focus this season has shifted in the last two weeks from winning the division to 'Biggio and his pursuit of 3000 hits'. Now that he's gotten it and it's very likely that the Astros will be 15 games under .500, I'm not sure what they're going to do to market the team unless they like...call up all the young prospects and get rid of all the dead weight, but, knowing how Drayton usually operates, he'll just raise concession prices again.
  4. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    Biggio with hit #3000 in the 7th inning off of Aaron Cook. He's gone 3 for 4. His #3000 hit was a single to center and he got thrown out trying to stretch it into a double. See ya in Cooperstown, Little Buddy.
  5. vivalaultra

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

  6. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    The most ridiculous delivery in the history of baseball It ain't the gyroball, but it's still pretty nifty.
  7. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Hey now! Chris Benoit might've been a steroid freak and murderer, but he would NEVER EVER cheat on his wife. That's just wrong!
  8. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Maybe he was aware of his condition and maybe he wasn't. Maybe he had a condition and maybe he just wanted to kill people. Who knows? I still don't think it's appropriate to call Chris Benoit a 'victim' in a thread talking about how he murdered his wife and his 7-year old. Doing that, to me, seems similar to how Nancy Grace and Bill O'Reilly are using the Benoit case to make an issue out of steroids in the WWE as opposed to the actual crime and loss of lives. I don't think the case should be made into a discussion about the status of mental health care in the US, at least not yet.
  9. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    They are responsible insofar of the severity of their condition. No rational or healthy person can murder their family like that. So obviously Benoit had reached the point of no return where his breakdown cause a complete collapse of rational thought and morality. Such a condition isn't something you can just turn off at will. Ok, he was neither rational nor healthy. He was also a 40 year old man who, presuming he was mentally impaired to such a degree that it required professional help, had opportunities to seek that help. It's not my fault, nor his wife's fault, nor his boy's fault that he didn't do that. It's his own fault. He held down a job that paid him enough a year that he could've, realistically, gotten help for whatever his problem was. Apparently, he did not choose to get help or put enough of his resources into getting himself help. He went 40 years of his life without murdering anyone; I don't think the fact that might've had something in his head 'snap' should make him in any way a sympathetic character. There are resources available. That Chris Benoit chose not to take advantage of these resources to an extent that would've caused him to not savagely and brutally murder two people and, in fact, apparently did many things that would contribute to his own mental breakdown does not and should not make him a sympathetic character. He certainly probably did have some type of mental breakdown, but, still, he took two innocent lives. No amount of psychobabble will change that. Chris Benoit is not a victim. Chris Benoit is a murderer.
  10. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Tough break for the dead guy that tied his wife up and strangled her with a TV cable and then used a wrestling submission hold to murder his mentally-impaired seven-year old son. C'est la vie and all that. Being deceased and/or mentally unstable doesn't preclude you from being labelled a scumbag murderer and taking responsiblity for your actions.
  11. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I wish Donahue was still on the air...that would be a MUST-SEE show right there.
  12. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'm sure that the tox. reports will show at least SOME traces of steroid/steroid usage, but I don't know a lot about how long that stays in the system or anything like that. It obviously seems like if there were large quantities of steroids and HGH found in the house and Benoit was injecting his son with HGH that he was probably using it to some degree, but I'm still not convinced (nor do I like the way the media is portraying) that it was 'Oh my God! He was a wrestler! He used steroids! Roid rage! Roid rage! Case closed!" For the record, Glenn Beck did NOT throw Benoit's wife under the bus, even though he totally did.
  13. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Motherfucker. This caller is stupider than Nancy Grace! Can McMahon or any coworkers be charged with a crime if they knew Benoit was on steroids?!?!? What the fuck? I don't even watch wrestling anymore and I'm getting pissed off at how they're transitioning from the main story of 'Chris Benoit murdered his wife and young son and then himself in a brutal fashion' to a main story of 'Vince McMahon and the WWE are culpable for the family's death because they inject all of their wrestlers with steroids.'
  14. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I wonder what angle they'll take if the toxicology reports come back negative for steroids. Then will they just talk about the tragedy of a man killing his wife, child, and himself in such a brutal manner instead of trying to take shots at pro wrestling? My guess...is no.
  15. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Wow...that's a very...unflattering picture of Benoit and Woman they keep showing. Nancy Grace is a moron, if you didn't know. Edit: "He had gone from the elite, one of the 4 Horseman, down to...Raw. How do you think he took that?"-Nancy Grace. I didn't know she was a old-school Horseman fan.
  16. vivalaultra

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Liz Clairborne, anyone? No? Ok.
  17. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Just an FYI if you didn't know, tomorrow Vince McMahon is going to be on the Today show on NBC.
  18. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    The Astros are 14 games below .500 and the bullpen gave up 35 runs in 25 innings on the roadtrip. Bring on the Little League World Series!!!! When does the LLWS start, by the way? I always enjoy watching the kids from Curacao introduce themselves. Everybody on the team lists Andruw Jones as their favorite player...except for that one kid that always likes David Oritz.
  19. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    Dear Cubs: Sowwwie!!!!! Love, The Houston Astros
  20. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    Well, without the hits, Biggio would have 0 hits for his career, which would, most likely, keep him out of the Hall. Smarminess aside, I can see how some casual fans might be surprised of how prolific Biggio's career has been just because they don't pay attention to Houston sports. But for guys on ESPN to say that is just ridiculous. Biggios top 10 comprables include 7 current Hall of Famers (Yount, Morgan, Molitor, Sandberg, Ripken, Brooks Robinson, and Charlie Gehringer), 1 guy who's a lock for the Hall (Roberto Alomar) and two borderline HOF candidates (Lou Whitaker and Vada Pinson). Add in the fact that Biggio has outperformed Yount, Morgan, Sandberg, Robinson, and Gehringer in many offensive categories and I don't see how people can possibly be surprised that Biggio will be a first-ballot Hall of Famer.
  21. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    Biggio has 658 doubles, 6th all-time and the most of any right-handed hitter in the history of baseball (Pete Rose is 2nd all-time with 746, but he was a switch-hitter). As far as Richard Justice, I personally think he's a complete tool for the most part. He's one of those sportswriters that speaks glowingly of everyone involved when the team is going good and completely rips them to shreds and acts like a complete prick when they're not going well. A lot of times he comes off as condescending and kind of a dick. When the team goes on a long losing streak, he does nothing but bitch and complain, but then when they win a few in a row, he's the first one to say, "See? I told ya not to give up on the Astros!" and all that.
  22. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    They're doing the best that they cannnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    I think it's the right thing to do. I mean, it's not like Biggio's setting the world on fire hitting on the road anyway, so it's no real loss to hold him out of the lineup in favor of Loretta, Burke, or Bruntlett. Also, Biggio, along with Bagwell, is the face of the franchise and the most identifiable figure in Houston sports. I think it's only right that he gets 3,000 at home in front of the fans who have loved and supported him for the past two decades. And, besides, the team's 13 games under .500, so ya gotta give the fans SOME reason to come to the park.
  24. vivalaultra

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    How about you write "By wearing this wristband, I am not supporting Chris Benoit, the person, but I am honoring the legacy of him as a performer in the ring and am also dedicating this wristband to the fans, wrestlers, and WWE workers who were shocked, devastated, and in disbelief by this tragedy (sic). San Dimas High Football rulz." That would work if you have especially large wrists.
  25. vivalaultra

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Is that the same Florida company that was linked to Gary Matthews Jr. and Evander Holyfield a few months ago? Even though Benoit didn't leave any type of suicide note, I wonder if there's anything pertinent written in the diary that his wife had bought him to write letters to Eddy Guerrero mentioned a few pages back.