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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    Didn't Peavy have a game last year where he struck out 17 Braves and ended up getting a loss?
  2. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    The Astros just lost in about 85 innings to the Pirates. The Pirates have beaten them 5 times this year so far. I didn't sit in front of the TV for 6 hours and smoke a pack of cigarettes and eat two King Size Hershey's w/ Almonds to see them lose to an Adam LaRoche single.
  3. vivalaultra

    I Would Do Anything For Love

    I can do that! Now now I can do that! Will you hold me sacred? Will you hold me tight? Can you colorize me life; I'm so sick of black and white? Can you make it all a little less old?
  4. vivalaultra

    I Would Do Anything For Love

    Would you raise me up? Would you help me down? Would you get me right out of this Godforsaken town? Would you make it all a little less cold?
  5. vivalaultra

    I Quit Smoking

    My advice is to read this similar thread: Smoking Thread
  6. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    It works on so many levels! 2007 World Series: Mariano Rivera takes a foul ball to the groin? This contest is over! Give that man the $10,000!
  7. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    The Cubs are GOING BESERK~!!!!!! with offense. They probably won't score any more runs for the next week or so.
  8. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    A foul ball to the groin? Was he the designated 'bullpen guard' or was he just sitting with his leg spread reeeeeaaaaaaallly far apart?
  9. vivalaultra


    Weeeeellllll, another thing is that cig'rettes have gotten ass expensive over the last year, I reckon. A-yup, I used to could buy a pack of Camel or Marlboro fer about $3.75, but this year they raised the dadgum price of cig'rettes a nickel a cig'rette, so now I spend about $5 a pack, and a carton is damn near $40. I reckon I could just smoke a cheap brand like Sport or them Harly Davidson cig'rettes, but I have refined taste. Ev'rytime I make the drive over yonder to Loosiyana, I load up on cig'rettes fer because they're still relatively cheap over that way. I can stills get 'em for a right price, I reckon; I just got ta go down the road a piece. Edit: Edited to add Texan drawl.
  10. vivalaultra


    In Houston and most surrounding areas, you can only smoke in buildings that serve alcohol. In Baytown, Tx, about 45 minutes down the road, where my sister works as a reporter for the newspaper, they had a whole citizens' brigade up in arms about smoking in public places. The city council didn't wanna write up a bill to be voted on because nobody had enough money to bribe them to do so, so a group of doctors got together to draft a bill. It was voted on and passed, and then, it turned out that the way that the bill was worded, it made it illegal to smoke in any public building (besides mental institutions) and it also made it law that all public buildings must have 'No Smoking' signs on each entrance and exit. The only thing, is that they didn't differentiate between office buildings and taxi cabs, delivery vans, etc. Now, in Baytown, anybody that uses their vehicle in the course of their job-plumbers, maintenance men, whatever else-can't smoke in their vehicles, and they have to put 'No Smoking' signs on each of their car doors. I think they're trying to revise that part of the bill, though.
  11. vivalaultra

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Trace was really good. Their new album is pretty good. I haven't heard much in between. I caught about 15 minutes of them at Austin City Limits last year and they were good-sounding. They outdrew the New Pornographers. Austin loves alt. country.
  12. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    If it's any consolation, the Cardinals aren't doing much better than the Cubs. I'm not a fan of either, but meh. It seems like the Cardinals' problems lie deeper than Chris Carpenter, too. They just don't seem to be playing good at all.
  13. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    Because of his soft hands and the way that he always plants his feet before he makes a throw.
  14. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    So, if Luke Scott would've picked up a half-eaten hot dog off of the ground that a drunken fan threw at him, he'd be cool? I assume that fan didn't see the piece on 'Outside the Lines' about how Luke Scott carries a 9mm handgun with him when he rides through the rough neighborhoods. Yeah, that show was hilarious. Luke's hardcore.
  15. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    Hey, AA, is there some ritual in Philly where asshole fans in RF throw hotdogs at opposing outfielders or were the fans just especially rowdy tonite, do you think? That reminds me of the time at Wrigley when one of the bleacher bums threw a Twinkie at Lance Berkman and started heckling him, so Berkman reached down, picked up the Twinkie and ate it and got a standing ovation. And J-Rol better be hitting homeruns. After he said the Phillies were the 'team to beat and all'.
  16. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    The Cubs' plan for 2008: 1. Sign A-Rod 2. WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    So, they're going with Pie in CF, Soriano in LF, and some combo of Murton/Jones/Floyd in RF (what's the platoon on that, anyway? Just 'Lou's discretion'?)? They should stick Soriano back at 2nd and bat him 5th, put Pie in CF and bat him 1st, stick Murton in LF and bat him 2nd. I don't know. It's odd, because as much shit as I gave the Cubs before the season started, they really did look like they had a stacked lineup. Is it Lou's fault?
  18. vivalaultra

    GA high school has its first racially integrated prom

    I like the term 'colored people'. It's so quaint. That stuff like this is still going on is just weird to me. I mean, I grew up in small-town America where there was a good degree of racism, but seperate proms? In 2007? That just seems so anachronistic. How people in the 21st century can support things like that and think that it's the right way to do things just boggles the mind.
  19. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    Yeah, and it was another Zambrano start, too, although he pitched pretty good. Does he have any wins this season? What do you think needs to be done? Cut Jones and Izturis, play The Riot and Murton? Kick Wade Miller out of the rotation, shoot Will Ohman and call up Rocky Cherry?
  20. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    Of course they can come back. It's the NL Central. None of the teams are really 'breaking away' from the pack. I mean, the Brewers are playing well right now, but, still. The Cubs do have problems, mainly the fac that they have like...15 outfielders and the only true CFer they have is a rookie who's best suited to bat leadoff where Soriano's batting. (It's kind of odd how last season, the Cubs had 12 or something 2nd basemen; they got rid of all their second basemen and got some utility guys and a buncha outfielders). And the bullpen looks in pretty bad shakes, especially Ohman and his 40 foot curveballs. But, yeah, 5 games back in the NL Central is like 2 games back in the NL East. Seriously, any team in the division could lose 8 straight or get hot and win 8 straight at any time.
  21. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    So, the Phillies tore up the Astros, banged out 20 some odd hits, knocked my second favorite Astros' pitcher Chris Sampson (from beautiful Channelview, TX) around pretty bad, and now they're throwing hot dogs at Luke Scott...literally throwing hot dogs at him. Yes, there are fans in right field that are actually THROWING hot dogs at Luke Scott. Congratulations, Philly, you have the worst fans in baseball (excluding present company, of course).
  22. vivalaultra


    The one time I did get drink, it was on a fifth of Southern Comfort, if that helps the case.
  23. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    I haven't even heard them talking much about the Mets this season so far, which is odd.
  24. vivalaultra

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    Barry Bonds used to be a Pirate.
  25. vivalaultra


    I started smoking at the age of 13. I've never drank or done any recreational drugs and, by my figurin', everybody has to have a vice. I started out smoking Camels, all varities of Camels-Wides, Regulars, Filtered, Unfiltered, Reds...Reds are the best. Then I used to smoke Marlboro Reds because that's what my Mom smoked and I could swipe a pack from her discretionaly. So, I smoked those for a while. Then, I went back to Camel because they'd send me the best coupons every month ($5 or $10 off a carton). My girlfriend's been hounding me to quit, so I met her halfway and switched to lights, which I find doesn't really work because I just smoke twice as much. But, yeah, if ya wanna quit, just start doing something else with your mouth. Try chewing gum or eating mints. It'll make your breath smell good and it won't give you cancer.