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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    the saddest song

    "Colours and the Kids" by Cat Power or "Pictures of You" by The Cure. Also, "Tecumseh Valley" by Townes Van Zandt.
  2. Oh, I get emails like that all the time. I think it's a virus...and reading them gives me a headache. Here's the latest one I received: As of right now, I have like...50 of these types of email in my spam folder, and I get about 4 or 5 more each day.
  3. vivalaultra

    Worst Song(s) of 2006

    On the way from my house to my Mom's house about 2 hours southwest of Houston, mostly through country roads and lots of trees and cows and stuff, I am quite sure that I did, in fact, see a subdivision called "Timber Lake". It could, however, have been "Timber Oak" or something, but I'd like to think that it was Timber Lake. And I got Futuresex/Lovesounds today and it makes me boogie. I like Justin Timberlake as a horny 12-year old.
  4. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I think if a team in the NL traded for Randy Johnson, they'd be making a good move. Even with his back problems the last few years, he's pitched over 200 innings 9 of the last 10 years and he still strikes out a ton of people. However, that New York's not willing to kick in any help with his salary is a turn-off. Still, the (potentially) crowded New York rotation might make the deal reasonable. I doubt Randy'll ever be the unhittable pitcher he was a few years ago, but he's still the Big Freakin' Unit.
  5. vivalaultra

    James Brown Dead

    "Try Me" is one of the greatest songs of all time. And whenever I hear "Sex Machine", even I think that I can dance. Very sad news.
  6. vivalaultra

    Post the number of profile views you have.

    42. Some dude named "BeefMan5000" was the last person to view me. Who are you, o man of beef?!!?
  7. vivalaultra

    Worst Song(s) of 2006

    I wish My Chemical Toilet just kept doing stuff like that "I'm Not OK" song. Back then, they were easy to dislike. Now, they're somewhat not horrible and at least have some interesting and enjoyable music parts in between the suck.
  8. vivalaultra

    Worst Song(s) of 2006

    Well, the suck of "You're Beautiful" carried over into 2006.
  9. vivalaultra

    Best Games of 2006

    Rose Bowl The 4-game sweep of the Cards by MY Houston Astros (including 3 walk-offs) The Saints vs. the Cowboys a couple weeks ago. Hell yeah~!
  10. vivalaultra

    Worst Song(s) of 2006

    "Beautiful"-James Blount "Dance, Dance"-Fall Out Boy "Sexyback"-Justin Timberlake (only because it won't leave my head, dammit!!!!!!)
  11. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Just for anyone who hasn't seen it, here's the D-Train mugshot. I only wish he had on a crooky hat... In other news, the Yanks/Braves/Bucs deal involving LaRoche going to Pittsburgh, Melky going to Atlanta, and Mike Gonzales going to New York is being finalized as we speak.
  12. vivalaultra

    If You Live in Houston, look out

    My sincerest apologies to anyone who found any of my comments or replies in this thread to be in bad taste. Word life, yo.
  13. vivalaultra

    If You Live in Houston, look out

    I was gonna make a crack about how people in Chicago are dumb, but Tommie Harris was born and raised in Texas, so I can't say that. Uh...I guess playing for Chicago teams lowers your...thinkin' power. Yeah...thinkin' power...
  14. vivalaultra

    If You Live in Houston, look out

    Shit, My Clam's got this whole thing on lockdown. He ain't skurred about some scrawny black dude trying to jump his bones. He'll uh...what do clams do for a defense mechanism? Do they shoot out ink or something?
  15. vivalaultra

    If You Live in Houston, look out

    Wow. Black folk are sneakier than I thought....
  16. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    What's the point of that move for the Reds? They have like...15 outfielders. Then again, at the end of this past season, they had like...15 guys in the bullpen.
  17. vivalaultra

    If You Live in Houston, look out

    Yeah, my sister Jessica is a reporter for the Baytown Sun, the newspaper for Baytown, TX where a couple of the attacks took place. From what I had heard, the attacks aren't happening in Houston proper, but more or less south of Houston, closer to Baytown, which is just off of I-10, about an hour and a half southeast of Houston, going towards Louisiana. Still, this is one of the myriad of reasons that I never open my door for black men. Gotsta be safe, yo.
  18. vivalaultra

    Top 10 Albums of 2006

    I haven't heard all of the new John Mayer (my sister says it's really good), but from what I have heard, it's definitely not bad, better quality than alot of persons of that ilk. I really enjoyed the last John Mayer album, with the John Mayer trio, which was essentially him doing a Stevie Ray Vaughn impression.
  19. vivalaultra

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    I just got back from the theatre with my Dad. He's been to see exactly 3 movies at the theatre in the last 20 years or so...Star Wars, Forrest Gump, and now Rocky VI. I was thrilled to see that the new Rocky was more in the vein of the first two, not that there was anything wrong with the third, fourth, or fifth, but I always preferred the emotional, character dramas of I and II to the action-driven III, IV, and V. I thought the movie was extremely well written, very believable, and I liked how the new one acknowledged the history of the characters. It was a great way to finish out the series and the ending was wonderful. There was not a dry eye in the theatre at the end. It's good to see the movie's getting good reviews. It was good enough for me to forgive Stallone for Judge Dredd.
  20. vivalaultra

    Top 10 Albums of 2006

    I should probably add Johnny Cash and Lil' Wayne as 10b and 10c. I don't consider myself a rap afficionado, but I really like Lil' Wayne. And I haven't been able to bring myself to get the Justin Timberlake CD, but I really enjoy the singles, so I should probably get it.
  21. vivalaultra

    Top 10 Albums of 2006

    Meh, I didn't really like "The Crane Wife" that much. Then again, I haven't thought a Decemberist's album was anything better than good bordering on quite good since "Her Majesty...", but they put on a really good live show.
  22. vivalaultra

    The Cure.

    I agree with the above post. "Cut Here" is like...my 3rd or 4th favorite Cure song behind "Pictures of You" and a few others. Really good song, there.
  23. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Throw a closer in there. Do Billy Wagner or Trevor Hoffman.
  24. vivalaultra

    Orange juice.

    I'm a pulp man, but, my friends, of all the juices, grapefruit juice reigns supreme.
  25. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Since Al is currently reading the thread...here's a trivia question. Does anybody know, off the top of the head, all of the pitchers in MLB history who have struck out the side on 9 pitches? I know Brandon Backe did it once and Pedro Martinez did it twice. And, also, does anybody have a list of the pitchers who have struck out 4 batters in one inning?