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Everything posted by vivalaultra
Farrah Fawcett-Best Bet Pete Doherty Felipe Calderon Fidel Castro Nicole Richie K-Fed Jonathon Taylor Thomas Mel Gibson Anna Nicole Smith Criss "Mindfreak" Angel Queen Elizabeth Stephen King Gabriel Garcia Marquez Betty White Kim Jong Il Tommy Lee Wandy Rodriguez Barbara Bush Pauly Shore Albert Hoffman (creator of LSD)
I'm so lazy, I often find myself verbally agreeing with people even if I don't agree with their points of view ideologically or philosophically...and I haven't changed my underwear in like...a week. It's winter, so I don't sweat that much.
Congrats, Al and Tiki. I graduated today with a BA in English Lit., magna cum laude. When the dean shook my hand and gave me my diploma, he said, "Congratulations." For some reason, I said, "Thanks. You, too..."
"Pictures of You" always makes me sad. It's my favorite Cure song and one of my favorite songs period. That one or "Letter to Elise". It's hard to fathom that Robert Smith is pushing 50.
Hey now, I wasn't suggesting that Josh Beckett would be or should be a closer. It was just a passing thought, especially if the Red Sox acquire Clemens, that out of the current guys in the rotation, Beckett seems like he would be the best fit to be a closer, should they choose to go that route. Clemens ain't closing. I wouldn't trust a guy that throws a knuckleball to be a consistently good closer. Schilling already didn't do too hot in that role. I still think that Beckett's one of the top young starters in baseball and, all told, I think he did quite well for his first year in the hard-thumpin' AL East. And I wonder how long it took John Rocker to decide he wanted to come out to "I Wanna Rock". He's a genius.
There was a blog on the Houston Chronicle website talking about how now that Boston has signed Matsuzaka, their rotation is pretty much set, but they're still looking for a closer. The writer suggested a good fit for trading would be a Lidge for Josh Beckett deal. While reading it, I was thinking that if the Sox are financially and logistically able to sign Roger Clemens and put him in the rotation, they could, conceivably, move Josh Beckett into the closer's role. Personally, I think Beckett would make a great closer, and I would fully support a Brad Lidge for Josh Beckett trade if that were to happen. Also, Luke Scott's strong second half of 06 has made a few teams interested in him. There was a proposed three-team deal a few weeks back that involved the Astros, Tigers, and Baltimore that would've sent Luke to Detroit and Rodrigo Lopez to Houston. I'm pleased that didn't happen. However, the Tigers are still supposedly very interested in trading for Luke Scott, and the Astros might be interested in trading him, as golden prospect Hunter Pence would probably be better defensively and possibly offensively. I'd support any deal that involved Luke as long as it also involved Nate Robertosn or Jeremy Bonderman, although I doubt that would happen.
That's probably what'll happen if Biggio retires after 07 after he gets 3000 hits and Bagwell gets in in his 2nd year of eligibility.
The Greatest Hits album that came out a few years ago is actually quite a fair representation of the group's more popular and best known songs. If you just wanna get a feel for some of their singles or album highlights, you could go with that.
Does the Pope shit in the woods? Does a bear wear a funny hat?
Top Seven Springsteen Albums: 7. Greetings from Ashbury Park/The Ghost of Tom Joad 6. Darkness on the Edge of Town 5. The River 4. Born in the USA 3. The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle 2. Nebraska 1. Born to Run
Chris Reitsma and Marcus Giles have been non-tendered by the Bravos. Reitsma's not surprising at all, but Giles? Yeesh...they could've traded him to the Padres and at least got SOMETHING back in return.
It wasn't that great. I took a British Lit. final at 8 AM and my little sister's in the hospital (blood clots in the veins on the surface of her brain, taking blood thinners, she should be fine, keep her in your prayers, you religious types).
Does anybody know anything about that Asencio cat? I checked his stats on 'Tha Cube and baseballreference, and they looked pretty shitty... And I'm pretty sure the only reason Hirsh was traded was because, supposedly, when he got called up last year, he went around the clubhouse acting like a rock star.
Sonofabitch! I don't know how I feel about this... I'm not sure Jennings is a certifiable #2, especially considering the 3 players the Astros are giving up. Oh well, something had to be done. See ya, Willy.
Burt Blyleven's not in the HOF because most of the voters are dumb. Fred McGriff should be in the Hall in my opinion as well. Bagwell passes every single test in regards to being Hall of Fame worthy. Was he the best player at his position during the era in which he played? Yes. Was the "franchise player" for the team he played for? Yes. Then look at his numbers. 449 HRs in the cavernous Astrodome (as mentioned). Over 200 career stolen bases. 1401 career walks. 2314 career hits. A career .993 Fielding %. 4 time All-Star. 41st place all-time career RBI. 28th all-time place in Power/Speed Number. The statmonkeys (Al and cheech) argree that Baggy's a Hall of Famer. I doubt he'll make it in in the first year of eligibility (if only because he played on a mid-market team and he doesn't have the greatest postseason stats), but he'll be in the Hall by 2014. Oh, and did anybody mention that Miguel Batista signed with the Mariners? He got Jason Marquis money!
Bags is a Hall of Famer...no doubt. As soon as his retirement is announced, they're going to announce a personal service contract similar to the one that Nolan Ryan and Clemens have with the 'Stros. They're expanding the annual spring "Nolan Ryan Elite Pitcher's Camp" at Minute Maid this year to include a "Jeff Bagwell Elite Hitter's Camp" as well. I just hope that all future Astros' prospects learn to do the "Bagwell Crouch" at the plate. I wish they would just make Bagwell the third base coach, but his arm isn't able to wave runners in. I'd move Jose Cruz to third and make Bagwell first base coach. He was one of the best baserunners of all time. Put Baggy on the coaching staff and that would give em Nolan Ryan, Roger Clemens, Jose Cruz, Phil Garner, Jeff Bagwell, etc. as coaches. That's a coaching staff that could win 85 games right there. Also, the 'Stros have made an offer to Jeff Suppan, who will probably be another in a long list of player's that make buckets of money this offseason based on one good year. Also, it's becoming quite clear that Jason Lane is going to be the starting CFer for the Astros next season. Supposedly he's lost 20 pounds and is working with a flexibility coach. That's why he hit .200 last year...he wasn't flexible enough...
Yeah, I'm not sure how Oprah stumbled onto Faulkner or Garcia Marquez for her book club. Middle-aged women shouldn't be reading that stuff. It'll just confuse them. However, Oprah does endorse Toni Morrison, and I love Toni Morrison.
Well, of course Phil "Scrap Iron" Garner is a good manager. Best manager in 'Stros history! He led the team to its first postseason series win over Hotlanta and led them to their first World Series defeat, coaching a whole team of no-names like...Orlando Palmeiro and Chad Qualls...and Wandy Rodriguez...and Eric Bruntlett...and My Clam.
Yeah, I saw the episode of Oprah where her and 7 other soccer moms were discussing Garcia Marquez over margaritas. There were lots of "umms" and "uhhs" and "I had no idea what was going on...". Oprah should stick to Steinbeck.
Would it increase my ranking if I said that I think Lance Berkman's gonna hit 73 homeruns next season and drive in 150, Roy Oswalt's gonna win the Cy Young and go 33-1 (losing a game 1-0 on an error on Craig Biggio), Adam Everett's going to make 0 errors and have a fielding percentage of 1.001, and Willy Taveras is going to steal 300 bases, pitch two perfect games and walk on water?
True. I mean, Viva loves his Astros, but he doesn't fawn over them like a gay man. "EVERYTHING ABOUT HANLEY RAMIREZ IS OUTSTANDING! SIGH!!" I might not be gay for the 'Stros, but I'd probably cuddle with Brandon Backe. He has piercing blue eyes.
Jesus Christ, Marvin must be doing some mega-super-ballistic-homering in the football threads to tear down all that I have worked so hard to acheive.
For Garcia Marquez, I'm on the fence as to whether his best work is One Hundred Years of Solitude or Love in the Time of Cholera. I'd go One Hundred Years of Solitude first just because it's his most well-known and the one that won him the Nobel Prize. As for me, after finishing and very much enjoying the new Stephen King book, I started reading Tomcat In Love by the second best author of this last half-decade/century, Tim O'Brien. So far, it's widely hilarious and extremely well-written. I love Tim O'Brien.
You'll be the most well-read fry chef around Well, I'm happy to know that if my degree amounts to nothing more than dipping frozen potato strings into hot grease, I'll at least have a job title that sounds SOMEWHAT classy..."Fry chef..." Yeah, I can dig it.
Hmmm...Marvin's beating me in the football threads, eh? Well, I just can't bring myself to be a Texans homer. The Texans just...flat out blow. I mean, the 'Stros don't look great all the time, but...the Texans...man, they just blow. I could go in there and root for my actual favorite team, the Saints, but meh... Maybe me and Marvin can settle it in some like...weird cyber duel inside an electrfied steel cage with like...cyborgs carrying tazers patrolling the ring or something. And I think Woody's gonna be 41 on opening day, but dude's been solid throughout his career...it's not like he's Jason Marquis or something.