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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    I'm a complicated man. No, seriously, I'm from Texas and country radio makes great driving music. I love old country...Patsy Cline, Farron Young, Willie, Waylon, the boys, all of that ilk. I really like most singer/songwriter types from the 80s-90s...Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, Garth, Vince Gill, et cetera. I like the new wave of outlaw country artists-Hank 3, Shooter Jennings, et al. I only like a few of the new country artists. I like Dierks Bentley. My third list of the day-Involving another random artist I had the desire to listen to today: My five favorite Alice in Chains songs: 1. "Don't Follow" 2. "No Excuses" 3. "Over Now" 4. "I Stay Away" 5. "Rain When I Die" I guess that makes it semi-obvious what my favorite AiC CD is...
  2. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Good Lord, I hope that's bull plop. I'd go for Lidge for Jennings, but...not Chris Burke! Lidge and Burke is WAAAAAY too much to give up for Jason Jennings...and if we lose Burke, Craig Biggios' gonna be playing 2nd base three weeks after he falls down dead. Unless they signed Soriano...
  3. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Oh, I got caught up in the Fake Peavy rumor, and I forget to mention that according to the Houston Chronicle, the 'Stros have offered multi-year deals to both Carlos Lee and Alfonze Soriano...and they're talking to Woody Williams. Seems kinda early for the two top name hitter FAs to sign...and it's not likely that they'll both sign with Houston, but...if they do...boy howdy!
  4. vivalaultra

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    You're a brave man, Triple F. Top 5 CDs from 2006 that I've been listening to the last month or so alot: 1. Califone-"Roots and Crowns" 2. TV on the Radio-"Return to Cookie Mountain" 3. Josh Ritter-"The Animal Years" 4. Will Oldham-"The Letting Go" 5. Either the Girl Talk CD or the Grizzly Bear one...or the new Micah P. Hinson CD.
  5. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Yeah, but....Jake Peavy...JAKE PEAVY. It would be shitty if they traded him today anyway, he's gone for the week with Roy Oswalt hunting in Illinois. They're BFF.
  6. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Well that's how they vote, how do you think Bartalo Colon and Chris Carpenter won Cy Young Awards last year? Exactly. It's also how Clemens won his seventh two years ago (in addition to how he was jobbed out of his eighth by Carpenter last year). Hey now...if the voters only looked at wins, Roy O woulda won in 2004. Only 20 game winner in the NL. Quibbling between Randy Johnson and Roger Clemens winning the Cy Young is like uh...something. Is the lefty that Marvin's referencing Jaime Walker? I heard he got signed. The 'Stros were looking at him to compliment Trever Miller (who did an OUTSTANDING job last year).
  7. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Alrite, looks like ESPN radio is denying the truth in the forementioned Peavy/other guys deal. I read it on the Braves board, but now there's a link denying the validity of it. I still wouldn't rule out Kevin Towers making that deal, though...
  8. vivalaultra

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Five Favorite Randy Travis (yeah...Randy Travis) songs: 1. "Forever and Ever, Amen" 2. "On the Other Hand" 3. "Reasons I Cheat" 4. "Hard Rock Bottom of Your Heart" 5. "I Won't Need You Anymore"
  9. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I thought the whole reason that they were pushing so hard for Marcus Giles was, in part, because of Brian Giles, but I also heard recently that they're thinking about moving him. In any event, nobody should EVER trade Jake Peavy...Hell, sign Todd Walker and stick him at second, but why on Earth would they trade Peavy? Marcus Giles is a decent 2nd baseman, coming off of an off year, but...for Jake Peavy? Seriously...
  10. vivalaultra

    Nickelodeon is starting a wrestling promotion

    ...Did I just see a reference to Nick Arcade? Phil Moore was a goofy bastard. I'd like to see him vs. the host from Legends of the Hidden Temple. That sexy British chick from GUTS could be the special guest ref.
  11. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I hear ESPN radio is reporting that the Braves and Padres are "close" to a trade that would send Jake F'n Peavy to Atlanta in exchange for Marcus Giles, Horacio Ramirez and Jarrod Stalalalkadlkaslkjmacchia. Also I hear ESPN radio is reporting that Matsuzaka is close to a deal for 3 yr/45 million. Jeepers!
  12. vivalaultra

    Spears and K-Fed: It's over

    I had no idea which folder to put this in, as it could have conceivably gone into TV, Music, Current Events, LSD, WWE, NHB, PCP, OTC, BYOB, or CVS. Damn you K-Fed for being a Renassiance Man! Isn't there some other exciting world news going on today? Elections or some such nonsense? I, for one, am crushed.
  13. vivalaultra

    Nickelodeon is starting a wrestling promotion

    I lost interest in the WWE and pro wrestling in general a few years ago, but, yes...I have, for a very long time, wanted to see a giant wedge of cheese wrestle an oversized cow. And Scary-Kate and Bashlee Wholesome? Fuckin' genius, man.
  14. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Los Mets trade relievers Royce Ring and Heath Bell to the Padres OF Ben Johnson and reliever Jon Adkins. With my limited knowledge of both teams, I'm not sure if this is a good trade or bad trade. Edit: The Astros have finally won an MLB award. Screw the Cy Young or the Gold Gloves, Craig Biggio won the 2nd annual 'Heart and Hustle' award. Needless to say, Biggio has alot of heart, but how much hustle is left in his 40 year old legs, I'm not sure...
  15. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    According to the Boston Herald, Theo Epstein has called Houston to inquire about Brad Lidge, "Brad Qualls", and Dan Wheeler. Wily Mo Pena's thought to be part of the deal. I don't see Wheeler going anywhere, and it's going to take more than Wily Mo Pena to get Lidge...at least I hope it would...and I have no idea who this "Brad Qualls" fellow the article mentions is. They should trade Josh Beckett for Lidge straight up.
  16. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Yeah, I didn't consider that in my initial posting. I'm not good at math...so...let's see, he made 28 starts and threw 15 complete games, so how many innings does he average a start?
  17. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I could see paying Ztio that much more than I can see paying $50 million just to NEGOTIATE with someone that'll end up making more than $100 million/6 yrs, most likely...especially when the guy's never pitched in the American major leagues. It's probably petty, but Matsuzaka's only pitched over 200 innings once, this year, and he threw 9 wild pitches. Other than that, though, his stats are, admittedly great, but still there's the unknown factor. Anybody got any projections on how a 14-3 record with a 2.30 ERA translates from Japan to the US? And was it ever conclusively figured out if Matsuzaka throws the gyroball or not? I'd only pay that much money for him if he threw the gyro.
  18. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Well, I guess it'll be either the Astros or Yankees for Roger Clemens, as there's no way they'd be able to afford him with that ludicrous $50 million bid for a pitcher who has never pitched a game in the majors. I understand that Matsuzake projects to be good...great, even, but he's gonna have to win 25 games and have an ERA less than 1 to justify that kind of yen.
  19. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    With the Mark DeRosa signing it seems that the Cubs are liking FA Texas Rangers who had an inexplicable career year in 2007...paging Gary Matthews, Jr... Actually, I think GMJ would be a great deal better than Juan "Hop Throw to the Cutoff Man Even If He's Standing Three Feet Away" Pierre.
  20. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Congrats to Brandon Webb for winning the Cy Young. Even though Roy Oswalt placed 4th, I am making a semi-bold prediction and saying that the 2007 Cy Young in the NL will be Roy Oswalt...or Aaron Harang. In other news, the Astros named their new pitching coach. Much to the surprise of me and about 7 other people, it's not Larry Dierker. It's Dave Wallace, he of Red Sox and Mets championship season pitching coaching. Good for him.
  21. vivalaultra

    Stranger Than Fiction

    I just saw the movie like...an hour ago, and I must say that Dustin Hoffman asking Will Ferrel "Are you pleased to know that you're not a golem?" is the funniest thing I've seen in a movie all year, and I'm really excited to see the new Will Smith movie they showed the preview for. Will Smith is a damn fine dramatic actor.
  22. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Oh yeah, I like Wood. I like Prior, too. It's really a shame that they're hurt so much. I didn't enjoy it at the time, but looking back on it, when Kerry Wood struck out 20 Astros, that was a hell of a performance. And I didn't do the "hehe rotation" thing 5 times. I've done it maybe 2...3 at the most. I just started the joke the other day so I had to finish it.
  23. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Geez..."fucking tool" is kinda harsh. I know he's working middle relief. I heard he has an incentive in his clause for games finished, so maybe he'll take the closing job away from Dempster, perhaps. I was just making funny.
  24. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Hey...Jaret Wright won 15 games in 2004. Has Randy Johnson ever won 15 games? Hmmmm? In other news, the Cubs not only signed Aramis Ramirez...for cheap, yo, but they also signed Kerry Wood. The rotation is complete!
  25. vivalaultra

    Spears and K-Fed: It's over

    I wanna change my name to V-La, but I fear that might infringe on the copyright posted by home repair guru Bob Villa.