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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    I have to take the SAT tommorow.

    I like how all those teenage sex comedy movies make it look like it's REALLY, REALLY hard to get into college and do well. I remember when I was like 14 I thought that getting into college was some major accomplishment and I'd have to sit around for weeks waiting for acceptance letters and stuff...That never happened...not at Community College or at the real university I'm going to now. All I had to do was send in my transcripts and pay tuition. After getting in, I was left feeling empty. And I've never had a professor get up in front of the room on the first day and say something like, "Look to the left of you; now look too the right of you. At least one of those people will not pass this class." As I got older, I was disappointed to learn that most movies tell you nothing about actual life.
  2. vivalaultra

    the sexiest performer

    That's why Bill Callahan's the fuckin' man....well, that...and "Bathysphere"...and "Dress Sexy at My Funeral".
  3. vivalaultra


    Hmmm....are the oysters fried...or on the half-shell? It does make a difference.
  4. vivalaultra

    the sexiest performer

    I refuse to believe that anyone mentioned in this thread, save Neko Case...who I mentioned...is more attractive than Joanna Newsom.
  5. vivalaultra

    Secret Service Targeting 14-Year Old Girls on Myspace

    I think there's an inherent danger and silliness in 13 and 14 year olds doing things like making pictures that say "Kill Bush" or being overly anti-Bush. I don't have that much faith in the youth of America that they're doing these things out of some real knowlege of politics and government. When you get your world view from Green Day or Good Charlotte, you might be in trouble. Such a strong sentiment without concrete reasoning or knowledge isn't helpful. Suddenly politics have become fashionable, especially with the middle-school and junior-high circuit.
  6. I can say without remorse that looking at Mark Foley only slightly makes me horny, but not near horny enough that I'd vote for him, but I don't live in Florida.
  7. vivalaultra

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Oh, sure most ML players can hit fastballs, but there's a big difference between an 89 MPH fastball and a 99 MPH Wagner fastball. And, even then, I'm sure, at worst, Wagner thought he'd hit a double or something. And he had to challenge him. Pujols was on deck.
  8. vivalaultra

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Billy Wagner giving up a homerun to So Taguchi reminded me of last year when Lidge gave up the game-winner to Scott Podsednik. Wagner throws 99-mph fastballs. So Taguchi has hit 16 homeruns in the last 6 years. It's not like he threw a cookie down the middle to Pujols or something. It was So Taguchi. By all accounts, he should've, at worst, gotten a double, but, he hit a homerun. The Guch went up there and had a good at-bat. Wagner threw one down the middle. Taguchi hit it out. Sometimes that happens. The fact of the matter is that 9.5 times out of 10, Wagner doesn't give up any runs. He did last nite, and the Mets still had the last at-bat. Why not get pissed off that nobody in the bottom of the 9th could get anything going? Baseball's a team sport...pick up your teammates. So, anybody hear about Pujols talkin' shit about Tom Glavine, saying that the other nite Glavine didn't pitch that well and wasn't foolin' any of the Cardinals' hitters? He said that Glavine was just doing what he always does...throwing changeups and fastballs and the Cardinals were all over him but just couldn't get any breaks. Sorry, Albert, I don't agree...
  9. vivalaultra

    Book recommendations

    I read the first one. It was...ok. It was very child-oriented. Similar to the Harry Potter series, I'd guess where each book gets more and more advanced, as per the growth and development of the reader. Yeah, the first one took like...less than an hour to finish. Really easy.
  10. vivalaultra

    I have to take the SAT tommorow.

    I never took the SAT...or the ACT. Oh well, I'm sure you'll be fine. The force is strong in you gWil.
  11. vivalaultra

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    So Taguchi...He'll getcha every time.
  12. vivalaultra

    the sexiest performer

    I take back my mention of Julian Casablancas and make mention of both Neko Case and Joanna Newsom. I swoon for redheads and harp players.
  13. vivalaultra

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I liked it. It was the first Califone I'd ever heard, so I had nothing to judge it against. Maybe one of the Music Folder Elders can validate my opinion for me.
  14. vivalaultra

    the sexiest performer

    Did you hear about her and Chanel?
  15. vivalaultra

    the sexiest performer

    Well, Julian Casablancas does have piercing eyes and boyish charm...but, then again, he is a dude...so Cat Power wins by default. She's pretty sexy either way, sober and empowered or inebriated and fragile.
  16. vivalaultra

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Who? Me? In which regard? About the Califone CD being good or the Decemberists' CD being mediokra?
  17. vivalaultra

    the sexiest performer

    I was gonna say Julian Casablancas.
  18. vivalaultra

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    So, I was listening to the new Califone record today (on the recommendation of Pitchfork), and all I can say is..."Damn, Califone, where have you been all my life?" Seriously, that record is magnificent. First impressions put it right up there with the new TVOTR as the best thing I've heard all year. I also heard the new Decemberists' cd today. I'm kinda disappointed. It's good...but...I dunno...it left me feeling kinda empty.
  19. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Hmmm...any chance of Los Mets overpaying for Soriano and putting him back at 2nd for next year? Do they have any options at 2nd besides Valentin or a rookie? I could see them doing that. He'd fit in well in that lineup.
  20. vivalaultra

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    In addition to Dinosaur Jr. reuniting, the Lemonheads got back together, but they only had that one good CD...uh...Sebadoh's tuning it up again. Yeah...
  21. vivalaultra

    Cory Lidle dies in plane crash

    I find myself unable to say something funny about Cory Lidle's death...even though there's ample opportunities (that "Heaven Needed a #5 Starter" banner was hilarious...not so much with the "Flydle".). I think there might be something wrong with me. This is kinda like when Bobby Duncum Jr. died.
  22. vivalaultra

    Cory Lidle dies in plane crash

    Who gives a shit about baseball at a time like this? The fact is that a man's dead and his wife and young son are without him, and there's a chance that they don't even know he's dead yet, as they're supposedly flying commercially right now. I know that you weren't trying to be a dick by posting that A-Rod blaming himself thing, but...this is just...beyond baseball related.
  23. vivalaultra

    Farewell JustPassinBy

    I'm tired of Slawyer riding my ass, man.
  24. vivalaultra

    Cory Lidle dies in plane crash

    Hearing on ESPN now that there were 2 people in the plane, both dead, and at least 10 injured. Cory Lidle's wife is flying commercially back to California. Lidle radioed in fuel problems as soon as he took off from New Jersey. This is...a really terrible and out of nowehere situation. Really sad.
  25. vivalaultra

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Oh my God. That's...just...wow. Absolutely speechless. That's just terrible news.