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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    Your all-time favorite album.

  2. The Christmas boxed set of The Wonder Years is going for $200 on eBay? Holy shit. I own two of em. I'm rich...somewhat...and I'm probably not going to sell em, so...I'm still poor!
  3. Well, I didn't just realize it, I just tried to work it in casually without changing the subject with reckless abandon. As far as the ending, I thought it was really well done and realistic, especially considering that the last episode wasn't supposed to be the last episode of the series and the voice over was tacked on last minute. They got a bad deal with that, I think. Another season to wrap everything up would've been good, but they did a nice job with what they had. I swear, The Wonder Years is like...the greatest show ever. It was melodramatic and sentimental without being maudlin or overwrought. I can name, off the top of my head, the five most sentimental moments that made me cry on The Wonder Years: 1. Winnie breaking up with Kevin on the field trip to the museum and leaving his necklace on the seat. 2. Kevin hugging Winnie in the back of the moving truck when she moved across town. 3. Kevin and Winnie mouthing "I love you." over Bob Seger's "We've Got Tonight". 4. Kevin and Winnie sleeping in the barn in the last episode 5. The one where Winnie's in "Our Town" and Kevin's working the spotlight My favorite non-Winnie/Kevin episodes are the ones with Mr. Collins, the Math teacher and the one where Wayne's friend Wart comes back from Vietnam and goes crazy. And uh...maybe someone will find this useful/interesting. I don't know if it's legit. The Complete Run of the Wonder Years on DVD?
  4. vivalaultra

    1st day of College...

    By the time you get to be a junior and have to walk four miles and up six flights of stairs between every class, you won't think they're so goofy. And if you just use a regular backpack, wear it on one shoulder. I hear only nerds wear them on both shoulders.
  5. vivalaultra

    1st day of College...

    Get in good with the professors...especially the ones in your major. And get one of those backpacks that have the wheels. Those are sweet. I wanna get me one of them.
  6. She didn't sleep around on him. She just went with whats-his-name lifeguard (I think his name was Chip or Skip or something like that) to a lifeguard party in the woods and kissed him. Her and Kevin weren't supposed to be together. And he wasn't supposed to be at the country club. He impulsively showed up from out of nowhere. And it was Kevin's own fault that Winnie was pissed off at him. Kevin was the one that spread rumors about how he scored with Winnie after she fell asleep at his house, even though he didn't. Ya know, I just realized that "Boy Meets World" directly stole 72% of thier plotlines from "The Wonder Years".
  7. vivalaultra

    Advice on my Educational Future

    Hey...how ironic! In my "18th Century British Literature" class that I'm taking this semester and about to go to, we have to read Clarissa, Tristam Shandy, Tom Jones, Joseph Andrews, and a few more Daniel DeFoe novels. I think Clarissa might be the longest book I have ever attempted to read.
  8. vivalaultra

    Advice on my Educational Future

    So, here's the deal- I'm scheduled to graduate in December of this year with a BA in English Literature (minor in Psychoology). The plan up until now was that I was going to spend 2007 getting certified to teach High School Literature and then do that for the next 60 or so years, until they invent robot replacement teachers. Lately, however, I've been considering Grad School. It's not just that my girlfriend recently told me that she's going to stay in school until she gets her Masters in Economics, and I wanna be "more degreed" than her, I just figure that, obviously, there will be more opportunities available to me if I have my Masters as opposed to just my Bachelors. I also enjoy the Hell out of school-the ritual of getting up and going every day and, also, the classes and such. I figure it would probably take 2 to 3 years to get my Masters Degree. Whether I decide to get it or not, I was planning on graduating this year (with a 3.7 GPA. Yee-haw!) and getting certified to teach next year so if I lose interest or money somewhere in the course of getting my Masters, I'll have another option. There's also the money issue, as I'm currently not having to pay anything for school; my wealthy Texas Daddy's paying for all of it. However, I'm sure that if I were to choose to pursue an advanced degree, money would become a part of the discussion. So, anyway, I'm just looking for some opinions (especially from those with advanced degrees) on this subject. Have at it, yo.
  9. vivalaultra

    Advice on my Educational Future

    I'm leaning towards going for my M.A. I've heard that it's mostly a war of attrition and not significantly harder than my undergrad Lit. classes. The only thing that people say I should be advised of is the amount of essay writing that there is. However, I routinely turn in 20-25 page well-researched essays, so I'm not overly concerned about that. I'm really interested in doing the thesis work and getting my Masters not only for the potential job opportunities/prestige but because I really wanna get into researching Latin American literature on the large scale, and I figure the Masters Program would be my best chance to do it. I know that if/when I get my Masters, there's going to be the temptation to just go for my Doctorate and be a lifetime academic, but I really don't wanna do that. I've spent very little time in the English Dept. at my university, but I still know that's not a place I want to spend much more time. It's a good thing I wasn't trying to get serious advice from this thread, or else I'd be wearing a skeleton jumpsuit and whacking luchadores with chairs.
  10. vivalaultra

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    That's a very abstract metaphor, but I assume you mean the fact that the Astros are 12-1 in the last 13 games to the Phils. Hopefully 13-1 after tomorrow. They're usually always good games.
  11. vivalaultra

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    I was surprised in the 10th that Garner didn't walk Utley and Howard. I think Roberson was up after that. That's what I woulda done. Oh well, good game.
  12. vivalaultra

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    In Philly, Roger Clemens and Cole Hamels were dueling. Clemens had given up 1 hit (to Hamels) and 1 run on two walks and two hit batsmen. Clemens came out for a PH in the 6th, Charlton Jimerson...a Sept. callup. Jimerson promptly hit a HR in his first MLB at-bat to break up the perfect game. Ryan Howard just hit a homerun off Springer to give the Phils a 2-1 lead. Edit: Whale of a game in Philly. It was 2-1 Phils going into the 8th. Aubrey Huff went deep off of Cole Hamels to tie the game at 2-2, with each team having only 2 hits. Bruntlett just singled so the Astros have a runner at first no outs in the 8th.
  13. vivalaultra

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    Yeah. May...I think 14th? of 2004 against the Braves. I can't remember there being so many NEAR no-hitters/perfect games over a couple year span without there actually being one. It seems like every day there's someone taking a no-no into the 5th or 6th inning or longer.
  14. vivalaultra

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    There will never be another no-hitter in Major League Baseball. Ever. Nope. Not ever. Never ever.
  15. vivalaultra

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    I think the Pirates have the core of a good team. They have a pretty decent pitching staff-what with Ian Snell and Mike Gonzales. Their young rotation arms look to be pretty good-especially Maholm, although he walks way too many. They also have some pretty good hitters-Jason Bay, Freddy Sanchez, Ronny Paulino. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that next season, the Pirates don't finish last in the division and win at least 70 games. I'm not good at predictions. Hey, lookin' forward to gaining some ground on the Wildcard this week. Go 'Stros!
  16. I had a thing for Becky Slater. Then I found out later that she was actually Danica McKellar's sister. I know that Winnie Cooper's still hot, but I haven't seen her sister since she was 12, but I imagine she's still pretty hot as well.
  17. vivalaultra

    Book recommendations

    I abhorred House of Leaves. So pretentious...so utterly, utterly pretentious.
  18. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    The Astros win 2-1 despite being 1 hit. A squeeze and a sac fly scored the runs. Roy pitched 6 perfect innings. Lidge, of course, couldn't go an inning without giving up a run but still got his 29th save. Here comes the (hopefully) tired Phils!
  19. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    O.k....who told ESPN? 6 perfect innings and a bad-hop grounder to Everett that probably should've been an error. Oh well, the 'Stros are still up 1 to 0 on a bases loaded squeeze, but Reyes is on 2nd with one out. Edit: Outta the inning. Going into the bottom of the 7th. 1-0 'Stros. Only one hit each, but the Astros have received 6 walks, so we should be up by more. Here's hoping Roy can get a complete game 1-hitter. He's thrown less than 90 pitches.
  20. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    Ryan Howard might get to 60 HRs today. Yeesh...
  21. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    Me, too. Is Myers pitching the Houston series? And certainly, with all the doubleheaders over this weekend, the Phillies will want to give Ryan Howard a few days off to rest, right? Edit: Roy O's on his fuckin' game today. Through five innings...8 K..no walks...and the Mets have left 0 on base. Nobody tell ESPN.
  22. I don't understand why the show isn't on TV. I remember when it was on Nick-at-Nite every morning at 3:30 AM, and then when it was on TNN before it was Spike TV every morning from 10 AM to noon. That's where I got most of the episodes from. Undoubtedly there's a pretty good sized audience that would watch the show, especially since it's so hard to find either on VHS or DVD, and if "Mad About You" and "A Different World" can be on Nick-At-Nite, "The Wonder Years" should also be. I'm surprised that Noggin...or the N...or whatever the network that shows the new Degrassi hasn't jumped on showing "The Wonder Years".
  23. vivalaultra

    Advice on my Educational Future

    Thanks to the one guy that voted yes...and the 4 who voted "La Parka". I'm feeling kinda overwhelmed. It just occured to me recently that...in a couple months, I'll be completely done with school forever if I so choose. It's a weird transition.
  24. I don't think so. I believe that episode was one of the early episodes. The one I was referencing was in the middle episodes. The title of it was "New York to Paris", I believe. It was a couple of episodes after Winnie moved across town and she got new friends and was blowing off Kevin and then she got into a car accident and broke her leg. Outside of the kids on the show, I really, really liked Dan Lauria's character. He was great. Another one of my all-time favorite moments on the show was one of the times Winnie dumped Kevin and she went to a party with another guy and Kevin saw em or something like that, so he came home and Kevin's dad was working on the car in the garage, and they bonded and then Kevin started crying and they hugged. There's just so many great moments on that show-both sentimental and funny. I remember this one episode in the later years when Kevin was trying to win Winnie back and he went over to her house with a gigantic stuffed teddy bear and it was awkward...and then when Kevin was in French class with Madeline and she kept speaking French and all he could say back was "Would you like some butter?". Oh, and the episode where Kevin and Paul and the guy from Suburbia and the rest of the guys are playing poker...That was a good one, too.
  25. vivalaultra

    Book recommendations

    His best book (and the best book ever written, in my humblest of opinions) is One Hundred Years of Solitude, but Love in the Time of Cholera is also excellent. But, then again, it might be kinda offesetting to jump into Garcia Marquez if you're not used to his style, so he has a bunch of short stories that would be good introductions. But I have full confidence in your ability to enjoy Garcia Marquez, so I'd go for One Hundred Years of Solitude. And, if those Chicago bookstores are anything like the bookstores down here, there's a good chance that Garcia Marquez books will be in the Ms...and not the Gs like they're supposed to be. I've had to correct a few bookstores on that matter.