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Everything posted by vivalaultra

  1. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    I know, man. What's next? Are they going to tell us that Idaho doesn't meet the requirements of statehood...or that the Velveteen Rabbit wasn't real?
  2. vivalaultra

    Book recommendations

    Yeah, I've already seen the movie. I didn't like it, nor do I care much for the book. It's too...coincidental. I do like Robinson Crusoe. I've read both before. Since this is my last semester in college, I decided that I'd take the classes with the majority of books that I'd already read being taught. I likes taking it easy.
  3. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Wow. Impressive. Look out Dodgers. Here come Russel Branyan and the Padres.
  4. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Hell, who woulda picked Detroit or Cincy at the beginning of the year? And who woulda thought Brandon Webb would be the Cy Young frontrunner in the NL? Nothing against Brandon Webb, who is a great pitcher, but I think that's more a testament to the weakness of the league than the greatness of the Webb. Awww, Mark Simon picked the Astros to win the Central...you and me both, buddy...you and me both.
  5. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    I'm with ya on the Rockets, but I'm not buyin' that the Texans are gonna do anything. I'm a Saints' fan anyway. My girlfriend's lucky that the 'Stros are blowing it. She's been buggin' me to go to that Hot Air Balloon thing this weekend like...all week. She knows not to make silly requests when my teams are in contention.
  6. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Back in 2001 the Astros and the Cards tied for the NL Central lead. Since the Astros had the better record in head to head games, they got the division. The Cards, with a 93-69 record got the WC. However, the Cardinals were dicks about it and proclaimed themselves "Co-NL Central Champs", which raised the ire of Astros' fans, which kinda kicked off this friendly rivalry between the two teams. Yeah, and the Astros totally lost to the Pirates. I guess my girlfriend will be happy that I'll soon be available to do things with her again.
  7. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    So, what I've learned from this thread is: Snap sings "Rhythym is a Dancer" and "I've Got the Power" Technotronic sings "Pump Up the Jams" Quad City DJs sing "Come on Ride the Train" Rob Base sings "It Takes Two" La Bouche sings "Be My Lover" The Real McCoy sings ...something about an arthimetic lover Pluto is not a planet.
  8. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    I watched and enjoyed that movie. So, what the Hell did Snap sing? I hate music.
  9. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Willy Taveras is having a very, very quiet 27 game hit streak. He's also stealing bases and talking more walks. Looks like he might yet turn into a very good lead-off man.
  10. vivalaultra

    Book recommendations

    So, since school started, does anybody have any interesting Literature classes? I'm taking two in, this, my senior year. I'm taking The 18th Century British Novel where I get to read Robinson Crusoe, Pride and Prejudice and the like and a class called Latin American History Through the Novel where I get to read a bunch of Garcia Marquez books that I've already read and some other Latin American authors. I've decided that my favorite genre of literature is Latin American literature. Yeah. Salud!
  11. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    Did Sanp sing that "It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right" which I hear constantly at baseball games?
  12. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    Did Real McCoy sing that "Be My Lover" song? I know Technotronic did "Pump Up the Jams" and La Bouche did that "Come on Ride Tha Train" song. This has nothing to do with Pluto.
  13. vivalaultra

    Bob Dylan arena tour

    It's not like I haven't listened to new Bob Dylan like...out of principle or something. It's not a snobbish thing. I just haven't had the urge to listen to anything he's put out in the last 25 or so years recently. And I totally dig new Tom Waits. Is it wrong to like new Tom Waits almost more than old Bob Dylan?
  14. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    I thought it was Ace of Base, but my knowledge of early to mid 90s synthy dance pop probably isn't as good as Czech's.
  15. vivalaultra

    Bob Dylan arena tour

    I haven't listened to any "new" Dylan in years. I'm probably just being a dick, but if I wanna hear Dylan, I'll just listen to Highway 61 or Freewheelin' or Blonde on Blonde etc. I'll probably check out his new CD sooner or later, even if, in the article I mentioned, he said that his new record sounds like crap.
  16. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Yeah, I got duped into the John Maine thing, too. After he shutout the 'Stros and I had to put Liriano on the DL, I decided he'd be a good pickup. My fantasy team has gone to shit since the ASB.
  17. vivalaultra

    Bob Dylan arena tour

    Bob Dylan has weird taste in opening acts, especially considering I just read an article where he said that there haven't been any good CDs to come out in the last 20 years, and that all new music is just a bunch of overlapping noise. Nothing against The Ranconteurs or the Foo Fighters or even Kings of Leon...as much as I dislike them. I just...couldn't see Bobby Zim rocking out to em. Either way, I'd like to see Dylan live, but I don't have a burning desire to. And all of those arena shows are far away from me.
  18. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    Uh...Neptune has seniority? Yeah, I think Neptune was discovered first. If that's not the reason, I have no idea and am curious to know.
  19. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    ...Well, now you're just being a dick about it...jerkface.
  20. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Hey, presuming the Cubs don't blow a 9 run lead in 2 innings (which they might), Carlos Zambrano will lead the NL in wins with 14. I loathe and despise the Cubs, but I love me some Zambrano, and I think he's at the top of the list for Cy Young candidates (unless Roy Oswalt makes about 12 more starts and wins all of them, which won't happen.)
  21. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    O.k. I recant. I mistyped. Damn you for pointing out my earlier foible. Alas, "artihmetic" is not a real word just as Pluto is not a real planet. Do you think that they'll rename Uranus Pluto so we don't have a planet that sounds like "your anus" anymore?
  22. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    Aha, you, Czechster, have just fallen into my trap! Active reading=active people!
  23. vivalaultra

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    Well, now elementary school children will no longer be able to remember the distance of the planets with the old "My Very Eager Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas." However, the spelling of artihmetic can still be taught using the equally clever "A Rat In Tom's Hous Might Eat Tom's Ice Cream."
  24. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Roger Clemens, actually. I have no idea what you're referring to, unless you're referring to 2004, and, yeah, that pissed alot of people off...but not people in Houston. I thought he deserved...either him or Randy Johnson..or maybe Jake Peavy...possibly Roy Oswalt, but yeah...mostly Clemens. But, then again, I thought last year Andy Pettitte shoulda gotten it.
  25. vivalaultra

    TWiB 8/21 - 8/27

    Wow. The win total in the NL is really 13? And Steve Trachsel has a share of the win lead? That's just...terrible. I guess the writers will have to pay attention to ERA and WHIP and K/BB rate and Innings pitched this year. Or they'll just give it to Chris Carpenter...just cuz.