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Everything posted by vivalaultra
http://www.insultmonger.com/swearing/latin.htm Talk shit and sound smart at the same time. Some of my favorites: Mihi irruma et te pedicabo. (Give me head and I'll assfuck you.) Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem. (In the old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.) Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant. (May the conspirators assassinate you in the mall.) Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant. (May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy.)
Estne volumen an toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?
I really like "Quaemadmodum", "Quidquid" and "damnosum". And I would also like to mention that I own the following books in completely in Latin: The Vulgate Bible (In principio Deus creavit caelum et terrum; in principio Deus creavit hominum...) Green Eggs and Ham Winnie Ille Pu Harrius Potter et lapis philosophi I rock the party that rocks the body.
Great pick on the Garcia Marquez. It might be a little slow getting into it. It's got a really cool style to it, kinda Kafka-esque. You'll see what I mean. And also, you might find it hard to keep track of characters, because they all have very similar names (either Arcadio or Aureliano), but that's used for one of the main themes in the book. American audiences, however, were lost when they first read it, so the publishers included a family tree in the beginning of the book, which I think takes away from the point Garcia Marquez was trying to make. I honestly think it's the most wonderful book ever written. Kind of a mix in style of Kafka, Faulkner, and Garcia Marquez's grandmother, from whom he learned that the only way to make a story believable was to tell everything, no matter how fantastic or extraordinary as if you believed every word. Enjoy it.
Well, it was a good streak while it lasted, but Roy Oswalt is now 15-1 against the Reds. Now, Randy Johnson is the only active pitcher with the best undefeated record against a team, 12-0 against the Cubs. He's likely to not pitch against the Cubs anytime soon, barring a Yanks-Cubs World Series, so I'll stand by my original statement that Randy Johnson is not likely to pitch against the Cubs anytime soon.
Chuck D. is coming to speak at my school on Monday. I found that interesting. I plan to see him. That is all.
While we're talking Orwell, I'd like to give "propers" to Burmese Days, which is every bit as good as 1984 or Animal Farm, I think, but gets little to no recognition next to those two.
Where, exactly, would he have been aiming if not at the ump? I find it pretty hard to make that argument when the bat comes whipping at the ump's chest. I like how the ump just completely no-sold it. Good thing they wear more body armor than Barry Bonds.
Yes, they think its the greatest book next to Angels and Demons. That's poppycock! Invisible Fortress is clearly the best Dan Brown novel ever! I'm not so frustrated with The Da Vinci Cody by itself. It's nothing more than a mid-temp potboiler written in an extrenuatingly bad style, but there's bunches of those. It's just the media hype that's surrounded it that's so annoying. It seems like every single week that I go into the bookstore, half of the "New in Hardcover" rack is dominated by books that analyze the Da Vinci Code, both from a Christian and non-Christian perspective. Like...yeesh, it's not like Dan Brown or The Da Vinci Code warrants that much attention. And now there's people that are so obviously imitating the book, like that Spaniard...I forget his name, but he wrote this new book that's out that's supposedly very similar to Dan Brown's. And Dan Brown is such a smug bastard, too. There's a million starving novelists that are more worthy of America's attention.
Yeah...I like Reinhold Messner. I know alot of people that don't, however. The thing with Ben Folds is that I don't think he's comfortable writing a "straight" song...uh...."straight" meaning non-quirky...not non-homosexual. It seems like every song of his has to just have....some...really odd quirky character in it. I don't mind that in and of itself, but it seems like he's just uncomfortable with his lyrics and his writing sometime and he feels like he has to throw in some bizzarre curveball to tone down his sensitivity, and Stephn Merritt will always be better at writing quirky, yet touching love songs.
Today I finished reading the latest Gabriel Garcia Marquez novella. I can't recommend Garcia Marquez enough. The book is short and beautifully written and it has the greatest title of any book I have ever read-Memories of my Melancholy Whores. Everyone should it and become more interested in Latin American magical realism.
Who the hell is underrating Ben Folds these days? I am. I constantly find myself saying, "Ben Folds is nothing more than a mediocre songwriter", and then I listen one of his CDs, and I go "Gee, that's pretty good.", and then I go, "Nope! Medicore!" I can't tell if you're being sarcastic I think a lot of his stuff is brilliant but he's prone to going into lulls of generic quirkiness. 2nded on Lowery, btw. I was being halfway sarcastic. I pretty much agree with your assessment. I don't know if I would call anything that he's done "brilliant", but I do think that he's an extremely talented songwriter who ocassionally tries too hard to be quirky and clever and loses focus of his songs as a result. Out of all the Musical Bens (Gibbard, Kweller, et al.) I think he's top notch, but as far as basketball playing Bens, I'd have to rank him far below Ben Wallace.
Who the hell is underrating Ben Folds these days? I am. I constantly find myself saying, "Ben Folds is nothing more than a mediocre songwriter", and then I listen one of his CDs, and I go "Gee, that's pretty good.", and then I go, "Nope! Medicore!"
I think John Kruk and Peter Gammons are making the schedules now, and they don't ever seem to realize that Houston exists until the last minute, and then they just kinda have to throw shit together. That's my working theory. Seriously, though, I dunno. It is kind of a weird schedule. I can understand opening the season at home, because most Southern teams open at home due to the unpredictable Northern weather, but I guess it evens out with us having this long streak of road games and ending the season on the road. It kinda seems unfair, given how well the 'Stros play at home, though.
'Stros win again, and are now 15-6. Presuming the White Sox don't come back, which they certainly might, we'll have the best record in baseball, which is cool, considering how we started last year. Wandy freakin' Rodriguez is 4-0 with a 2.3 ERA. I mean, he's no Brandon Arroyo, but that's pretty damn good considering he had an ERA in the high 5's last season. Now, however, the real test begins as we have something like...17 of the next 19 games on the road, and 2 at home with the Cards. First up is Cincy. Roy O pitches Friday with his 15-0 lifetime record against the Reds on the line. And that is your Houston Astros baseball franchise club update.
Just got back from the 'Stros game. 14 Freakin' innings. Lidge blew his second consecutive save. Methinks he might get the next couple of days off. At least I hope so. He's been stressing and throwing too many pitches. Hopefully, after some rest he can regain his confidence. However, if he's not, DAVE~! Borkowski was lights out in 4 innings of relief, allowing just one hit. I haven't seen much of him, but from how he did in Spring Training and how he's done thus far in AAA and what he did tonite, maybe he can be a keeper. Ezequial Astacio did good in his one inning, getting the win. Preston "P-Dub" Wilson drove in the game winning run and went...2-3 with 2 RBI and 2 stolen bases...before the extra innings. I dunno. He looks like he's coming around. I predict the 'Stros will finish the week at 17-6. Go 'Stros~!
Well, he does have a new restuarant opening up...and he's been spending the last several months at Lexington with his son Koby pitching BP for the minor leaguers, so if he comes back, I honestly think it'll only be for us, and I do see him coming back, with the sweetheart deal he has with us (no road games when he's not pitching, free reign over pretty much everything), but it's definently a shitty situation, but then again...it is Roger Clemens. I doubt you could be like...Byung-Hung Kim and hold up the league or something. I hust hope he doesn't ask for like...$22 million or something.
Eziquiel Astacio, if he's not already there. Would it be possible to do a 6 man starting rotation, thereby allowing us to always have at least one starter on call for a couple innings of relief if someone's struggling? Astacio's in the pen right now. I'm assuming he'll be the first to go back. But then there's Nieve, as our long man with Springer. Trever Miller's been sucking lately, but he's not likely to go to AAA. As I see it, when Backe comes back, our rotation will be something like this.... Oswalt Pettitte Backe Wandy Buchholz Bullpen: Springer Nieve Gallo Miller Qualls Wheeler Lidge See, that wouldn't be a problem, just send Zeke back to Round Rock, but if we get Clemens (who today announced that he absolutely won't come back until at least June), that means we've got to demote someone else, probably Nieve. And then comes the question of who goes to the pen out of Backe, Wandy, or Buchholz.
...Not "Everyday" Eddie!
I don't think it's as much the Pujols homerun as it is that hitters are just figuring him out, and they're laying off his slider and pounding the shit out of his fastball. I mean, he's only given up homeruns to Daryle Ward (who's a strong muthafucka), Carlos Lee, and No-mah, but damned if he doesn't make me nervous everytime he comes in. I think he'll be alrite in the end, but he needs to adjust fast. And Buchholz and Wandy are doing great. That does create a problem, though. Assuming we sign Clemens next month, that gives us a rotation of Oswalt, Pettitte, Clemens, Wandy, and Buchholz, and if Backe comes back in a couple months, who goes to the bullpen or AAA? Even if we don't sign Clemens, we still have the Backe problem.
I hope Lidge is hurt by Sunday. Oh well, by next week Clemens will be back and he can be our new closer.
Apparently Andy Pettitte has taken Roger Clemens's spot in the rotation, as he throws a damn no-hitter through 6 1/3, gives up one run and can't get the team that scores 10 or so runs for Wandy Rodriguez to get him a win. And Lidge blew it. Damn him. Oh well, at least we're still not the Cubs.
Like a bunch of Nirvana songs, I don't think it really has a lyrical meaning. It's more just series of phrases and lyrics, some clever, that put out a certain mood, that mood being the ever-popular "angst". Kurt Cobain said that the lyrics didn't have any meaning, that he was just trying to "rip off the Pixies".
That's a rather...odd list. It's good to see The Smiths, The Kinks, Joy Division, and such, but...The Arctic Monkeys? Didn't that CD come out like...last week? And how the Hell did Coldplay get on the list? As far as arbitrary lists go, this one is...odd. And any song that has the lyric, "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." deserves to be in the top 5.
Hey, if he goes down, I bet Neifi can pitch a couple innings. He's a hand. Any word from Cubbie land when the Glass Armed Duo should be back? I'm hoping it's in time for the 'Stros series. I really wanna see that epic Wandy Rodriguez-Mark Prior pitching duel. They were talking about May, with Wood being a couple of weeks ahead of Prior. Of course, this was before it was reported Wood felt a tweak in the shoulder the other day to the surprise of probably no one. So, have you heard anything lately about Wade Miller? Is he scheduled to come back anytime soon? If the Cubs get back Wood, Prior, and Miller, that rotation with Zambrano and Maddog would be killer, at least for a couple weeks until Wood, Prior, and Miller get injured again.