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Everything posted by megaadvice

  1. megaadvice

    Campaign 2008

    Mitt Romney is a disgrace. He will do absolutly anything, say anything to get votes. He is a slimeball who is desperate for power. I reckon Obama will just pull it out tonight, with Clinton a close second.
  2. megaadvice

    Vladimir Putin. Man of the Year.

    Decent pick But this award lost all meaning when they picked Guiliani in 2001 and not Osama Bin Laden
  3. megaadvice

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    Fair play to the boyfriend. He has done well.
  4. megaadvice


    Lost returns 31st Jan, Thursday at 9. Confirmed by ABC.
  5. megaadvice

    The Mitchell Report

    Roger Clemens is a disgrace to baseball. At least have the guts to admit it you pussy.
  6. megaadvice

    Campaign 2008

    Thanks for that summary. I really think if Obama wins Iowa and New Hampshire he will have a great shot. Also as you said the Edwards support is more likely to go to him rather than Hillary.
  7. megaadvice

    Campaign 2008

    Right, as an intrested observer from across the pond, what would you put the chances of Clinton getting the Dem nomination now? Obama seems to be gaining support in the polls. Am I right in thinking Guiliani is getting the Republican nomination. I know he is going to loose all the early states but will his support hold? From the way I see it the only chance that Romney has if is he wins Iwoa and NH and gains momentum. Surley Huckabee has no chance?
  8. megaadvice

    RAW XV

    This crowd sucks.
  9. megaadvice


    I dont see how the hell the Ravens chocked. Yep they have melted down now and lost the plot. But what more can you do that stop them 3 FUCKING TIMES on 4th down in the last 3 mins.
  10. megaadvice


    That holding call on 4th down was the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen. If that was holding they might as well make football a non contact sport.
  11. megaadvice

    English Football

    Yep I've tried to deny it but we are awful. Our technique is so bad its untrue.
  12. megaadvice

    NFL WEEK ELEVEN- Proving grounds.

    I love that in America, which prides itself on self responsibilty and not helping people when they are down, in your sport its "ooooooooooo they are running up the score". Yea like there is something wrong with playing to score, lol.
  13. megaadvice

    NFL WEEK NINE!! All my exes live in Texas.

    Running back = the most overated position in the history of sport. One year OMGZZZZ LT is amazing blah blah then his O-line becomes worse or teams learn how to play it and he does much less, James does really well for Indy goes to Arizona and is rubbish Having a good game/season at running back is about 60% offensive line, 30% defence of the team you are playing against and how much they see you as threat., and 10% skill.
  14. megaadvice

    South Park: Season 11

    Lol. What have you been watching.
  15. megaadvice

    The Office: Season 4

    Having a read of The Office forums this episode seems mostly loved but a few really hated it. I have to say if you didnt like last nights episdoe then you are watching The Office for the wrong reasons or you dont fully understand what the show is about. If Gervais and Merchant had to write another episode after the christmas specially with Tim and Dawn together this would be it. The episode had heart and most importantly the jokes were sutble and character based, in keeping with the British version. On the face of it the episode seemed a downer BUT that is the complete opposite of what the episdoe was trying to convay (see the Micheal/Jan chat, the first time in the whole of the US version he has been cared for, also the fact that the people in his other job acually LIKED HIM is a HUGE moment in Micheal Scott's arc that people just seem to have passed over without a second thought. The smile between Jim and Pam after seeing Dwight back to his old self was another great moment, JAM really care about Dwight, yes they prank him but they know he is not a bad person, just like Tim/Dawn and Garath at the end of the Christmas British version. Easily in the top 5 episodes of The Office ever.
  16. megaadvice

    The Office: Season 4

    Cold opening was BRILLIANT. Thats coz I always am looking for it to go in the corner aswell Rest of the episode, mixed bag. But I really hate hate the OTT storylines like Micheal driviong into the lake, kidnapping ect. Its so not what The Office is about.
  17. megaadvice

    WWE/USA network update

    Why did Raw get a lesst than 3.0 rating??? Probably the most obvoius answer in the history of wrestling... Cena (the companies biggest and only draw is injured)
  18. megaadvice

    Cena's title reign

    I can't believe some are claiming Cena is not over. Or that Jeff or Rey even comes close to Cena in overness??? Cena is THE ONLY thing wrestling as going at the moment. Without him this company would be in an even deeper crisis than it already is.
  19. megaadvice

    2007: Most disastrous year in WWE history?

    Ever since I have been watching the REALLY BAD years have been 1995 1999 (looking back on it, just put in a tape of a random Raw, no matches lasts more than 3 mins and even Austin loses his 96-98 awsomness. From a ****+ match oint of view the worst year since I have watched) 2002 (Smackdown was brilliant, Raw was absolutly terrible) 2007 (I have not watched much but it does not take a genius to work out that John Cena is THE ONLY GOOD THING that WWE and the whole of wrestling has to offer right now) IMO, Cena has saved WWE from year that should have put then in financial difulculties to a profitable year.
  20. megaadvice

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    Why did Ravens not run on 2nd, 3rd and 4th down???????????
  21. megaadvice

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    LET EM PLAY FOOTBALL FOR GODS SAKE. Most bullshit call I have ever seen. Offencive interferance my arse. Fire that official.
  22. megaadvice

    The Office, Season 3

    From Jenna myspace.
  23. megaadvice

    What If...?

    What if football (soccer) had established itself in America in the early part of the 20th century, like it did in almost every other part of the world. I would imagine if that had happened then many of the worlds best players would be playing in America right now at their prime and the whole structure of football would no doubt have and would be completely different to how we know it today.
  24. megaadvice


    Its Emily deRavin, been in the tabloids over here in the UK.
  25. megaadvice


    The more I think about the episode the more I love it. So many good things in it, didnt see the twist until half way through the kate/Jack convo. Not really that much more to add but random bits I loved, Charlie predending he was singing when the two lesbos saw him speaking to Desmond. Also Hurley in the van and the Sayid's neakbreaker. Its guna be great to see who and who doesnt get rescued, I am sure Locke has made a run for it and I have a feeling that the Hurley/Saywer crew on the beach might not be rescued. We know Jack and Kate are, Desmond saw Claire and Arron get in a helicopter and seeing as Charlie has died this must happen otherwise what would be the point of Charlies death? I think next season will be set on the island (I am sure that there will be quite a few left behind). I dont have a clue what format they will use for the people who get rescued? Will they show them in real Lost time (eg Dec 2004) will their points of view after leaving the island get shown in 2007 flashbacks? Who was dead in the coffin? ect ect. Loads of things to think about. I cant believe we have to wait 8 1/2 months.