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Everything posted by dpac

  1. dpac

    Best Pay Site for Songs

    Was wondering if anyone could break down what is the best pay site for music. I was told that with Napster you can not convert the mp3's on to cds. Not interested in Itunes because I dont have an IPod. What others one are out there. Heard of WINMX, but not too sure what they are all about. Any info or help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. dpac

    So when is RVD coming back?

    well they are in Detroit this Monday.
  3. dpac

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    Any word on what he is looking to get paid? Or is he just going to pick up his old contract?
  4. dpac

    WWE begin the releases

    I am sure it has been said on this thread already, but they have to find the money some where to pay the usless divas.
  5. If PWI is right than I am just kind of feeling slapped in the face by WWE. Seriously what would be the chances that only all of these big names would be getting drafted? Whatever, I just think it would be better if it were more random.
  6. dpac

    Road Warriors DVD

    Do they play "Iron Man" in the NWA matches?
  7. dpac

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    I really think that tonight will be a memorable event, but than WWE could get too involved and blow everything, anyways it seems like they are on the right path so far with Heat.
  8. dpac

    They're over...and we don't know why

    Gonna get flamed,,,,, Hulk Hogan, while growing up I never understood why he was so popular, same goes for Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
  9. dpac


    Worry not about Walt, he has Super Powers, or I think that Kim had made his way on the boat. As for the ending I was let down. Really nothing about the hatch was answered, still I will watch it next season, but they could of left us with more of a cliff hanger.
  10. dpac

    Building a Web Page

    I am looking to purchase a domain name, and I was wondering if anyone here could give me some good leads on how to go about building a site. I came across a few places that charge around 4 bucks a month for hosting. I also have Photoshop CS but not very good at using it. Basically I am kind of lost, and just looking for a little direction. Thanks.
  11. dpac

    Building a Web Page

    Thanks, I will surely look into those sites.
  12. dpac

    WWE and Bigger Bumps

    Just saw the sick bump Mysterio took on the stairs on SD, and with the shot Benjerman took from Michaels on Raw it looks like WWE is starting to move forward again with high spots. I am sure as soon as some one gets hurt it will all tame down again. Hope no one gets hurt.
  13. Thanks, but I only got the audio.
  14. Anyone know where to get the video that they aired at Backlash?
  15. dpac

    The more I watch Christian...

    I think Christian is ready for the next level. Just over the last month the IWC has really got behind him, as well as smart crowds and he is very well liked by his peers. People like to work with him because he bumps like a pin ball, and makes interviews interesting.
  16. dpac

    Spyware just won't go away

    How do you get your Hijack This report.
  17. That would be a good idea. Especially if they do not have the Dudleys return until then. Would get the show off to a hot start, 3D'n Steph.
  18. dpac

    Geek Squad

    Any one know more about Geek Squad, are they like a computer doctor that does housecalls?
  19. dpac

    Notes from the 4/25 Wrestling Observer

    what is a goozle???
  20. dpac

    ECW Hardcore Homecoming

    No, but the card does not look that terrible.
  21. dpac

    Road Warriors DVD

    I just hope we get Iron Man theme music instead of the generic wwe music that they add to these dvds.
  22. dpac

    Matt Hardy released

    I feel your pain.
  23. dpac

    What do I have?

    Ok recently i get this pop up (not an advertisment) on my comp that says "error something another", I close it and it keeps coming back instantly, I finally have to control alt delete the fucker a bunch of times before it is gone, but it than randomly comes back. I have ran some some anti adware programs which informs me that I have no adware on my pc. Any help on this problem?? What is it? How do I rid it?? thanks for any help
  24. dpac

    What do I have?

    Thanks for the advice, any idea on how to make sure what is from Microsoft and what isnt?
  25. dpac

    What do I have?

    ok, it says ERROR 016423F: The service cannot accept control messages at this time. :$