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Posts posted by dpac

  1. Was just reading through USA Today, and it announced the cast for the 4th season of VH1's Surreal Life. The cast includes Chyna, Christopher Knight, Verne Troyer (mini me), the Go Go's guitarist, Americas top model and some other person. I am always a sucker for watching this shit. Nothing beats C-level celebs and washed up perfomers talk shit and try relive the glory days.

  2. I saw Saw last night, like others I agree that the poor acting brings it down a notch. The plot was however clever, but it was just hard to get into the tense moments when the theatre is laughing at the cheezy acting the actors are trying to sell.


    Cabbageboy, the movie ends when it ended for you

  3. Last House on the Left is pretty disturbing. Has some sick scenes, not gore or anything liek that just inhumane.

    I would have to agree. I have not watched the movie for over ten years because of the way it left me feeling. It is a classic however, Wes Cravens debut, and oddly enough one of Eberts all time favorite movies.

  4. Everytime I go to Wal Mart I always have to check out the $5.50 dvd bin. Most of the time it is the same shit, but different day. I however have been able to grab some hidden treasures (atleast to me) including The Truman Show, Airheads, Wall Street and Suicide Kings. Just wondering if anyone else has scored any luck with the bin?
