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About Slickster

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    More Songs About HGTV and the Food Network
  • Birthday 11/27/1984

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  1. Slickster

    The future of WWE.

  2. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    That would be the best way to slowly turn Rhodes face. Have Orton trying to do a Legacy locker room meeting only Cody is more interested in playing Guitar Hero. Then, have Orton and DiBiase mock Rhodes's Legends of WrestleMania T-shirt. Later, Legacy plots to attack a face who is on Cody's Halo team, so Cody tips off his friend to save him from the beatdown. It ends with Cody choosing to have fun rather than be a dick heel.
  3. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    Results: Undertaker def. Matt Hardy Christian def. Finlay Cody Rhodes def. Shane McMahon via DQ McMahon goes coast-to-coast on Rhodes to close out the show.
  4. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    Fun fact: Shane McMahon has main-evented the revival episodes of both Saturday Night's Main Event and Superstars.
  5. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    Rhodes doing a good job of making Shane not look like a blown-up non-wrestler.
  6. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    2:00 in and Shane is blown the fuck up.
  7. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    Does Cody Rhodes ever wear knee pads? Also, he is indeed rocking the Triforce boots tonight.
  8. Slickster

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    Nice touch: Shane is wearing a Triple H shirt under his baseball jersey.
  9. Christian and Finlay having an awesome bout this far.
  10. Slickster

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Knox to SD
  11. Slickster

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Also, no picks for ECW yet in this draft either.
  12. Slickster

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Well Primo is the un-over member of the team so it makes no difference. They better not split up the Colons team because as unified champs shouldn't they be competing on all 3 brands anyway?
  13. Slickster

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Primo returns to Raw
  14. Slickster

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Alicia Fox to SmackDown
  15. Slickster

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Probably just a case of Punk not knowing he would be drafted until 90 seconds beforehand so he left his case in the locker room. Then they grabbed one of the agents' briefcases from the Gorilla position and had him walk out with it.