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Posts posted by Slickster

  1. This will be Kane's eleventh consecutive Rumble, breaking his own record. Glen Jacobs also holds the record for most overall Rumble appearances with 13 (including his 96 run as Isaac Yankem and his 97 run as Diesel).



    The only reason I included Carlito and Primo in my hypothetical Rumble list was because they would probably be the Rumble cannon fodder along with Jesse.

  2. I'd expect the card to look like this:


    John Cena vs. JBL

    Jeff Hardy vs. Edge

    Matt Hardy vs. Jack Swagger

    Beth Phoenix vs. Melina


    HBK, Kane, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, Santino Marella, William Regal, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Manu, Sim Snuka, R-Truth, Shelton Benjamin, Finlay, Vladimir Kozlov, Jesse, Festus, The Brian Kendrick, Carlito, Ezekiel Jackson, Primo, and MVP

  3. The way I remember the story is that the first time Palumbo & O'Haire were in the WWF locker room, they kind of looked at Droz funny and just walked off. They eventually came up to him once someone explained to them who he was. Droz also bitched them out for not immediately shaking Undertaker's hand, as if that was the first thing they were supposed to do.


    IIRC Palumbo and O'Haire didn't shake Droz's hand because neither of them were sure if Droz could move his arms. I'd imagine trying to shake a quadriplegic's hand only to discover he can't move it would be kind of mortifying.
