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Posts posted by Slickster

  1. Reports that Triple H would defend his title against the Rumble winner at Mania and the winner would come from the Smackdown roster, with the Smackdown title bout being Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg, are true based on what we’ve been hearing for sometime. Of course anything can change. It is said that the winner of the Rumble has been decided already because almost the entire top of the Mania card was done more than a month back with the idea of booking to build everything to get there right. The current plan for the RAW Title match is HHH vs. Chris Benoit, with Benoit playing iron man and winning the Rumble, despite his placement at #1.


    I can't believe they're taking tradition and turning it ass backwards. This is so retarded.



    The World Heavyweight Championship is now on equal footing with the WWE Championship from both the marks' perspective and from the company's perspective. It's no longer treated as a fake title or secondary to the 'original' WWE title. Having it be defended in the ME at the biggest event in wrestling history certainly solidifies its place as better than or equal the older WWE Title.

  2. I'm thinking that if they're booking Benoit to win the match, they'll make his Rumble run start against a challenging hoss opponent. With that in mind, I'm guessing either Batista or Mark Henry will draw #2 in the Rumble match.


    If he's not going to win, however, I wouldn't be surprised to see Flair enter at #2 (just so announcers can reference his legendary run in 1992 as #3).

  3. The only belts that are NWA belts (I think) are the NWA title (held by Jarrett), the NWA Tag Titles (held by Killings and his leaches), the NWA North American Title (formerly held by Jorge Estrada, Chris Harris...and if you remember back to the WWE...Jeff Jarrett), and the NWA light heavyweight (or whatever it's called) title held by I don't know who.


    The rest (including the X title) are company specific.


    TNA chose to create the X title instead of the cruiser title that existed...and didn't want a midcard title for a show that ran 2 hours a week.


    You're right about the X title; I made a mistake. I apologize for fucking up.


    HERE's the list of titles EXPRESSLY controlled by the NWA (according to the Wrestling Information Archive):


    NWA World Heavyweight Title

    NWA World Tag Team Titles

    NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title

    NWA World Women's Title

    NWA North American Heavyweight Title

    NWA North American Tag Team Titles

    NWA National Heavyweight Title

    NWA Pacific Women's Title


    All other belts with the NWA name are controlled by their respective promoters and are (in theory and in practice) secondary to the belts listed above.

  4. 1. Why doesn't TNA bring in champions from other NWA promotions and have them defend their titles on the show?


    I've always thought that showing other companies' titles would make TNA's look less prestigious.


    2. Why doesn't TNA hold shows at the sites of its member promotions?


    It would make sense as it would help expand their audience. However, I'm sure than the other member promotions would start making demands of TNA and start causing problems.

    The thing is, the 3 belts that are defended on TNA (World, X, Tag) are the top 3 belts in the whole NWA. All of the other NWA belts (numering around 60) are secondary to them. I don't see how they can hurt the main title's prestige, but maybe you could explain it to me.

  5. As my TV system prevents me from watching of TNA (save the occasional episode of Xplosion), correct me if I'm wrong here...


    But from what I understand from Dames' reports, TNA is THE flagship affiliate of the NWA. However, it generally acts as a separate promotion unto itself, utilizing only selected talent from some affiliates. Much of this talent apparently doesn't advance much farther than doing Xplosion duty.


    I have 2 questions that I think need to be answered:


    1. Why doesn't TNA bring in champions from other NWA promotions and have them defend their titles on the show?


    The benefits of such matches are obvious for individual promoters, as having your champs on PPV (not to mention having TNA commentators put over the promotion and its titles) makes for more credibility as a 'big time' local fed and can therefore lead to better business. [This can also be used to highlight NWA's tradition, as belts like the Florida State, Missouri State, Southern, and Central States titles have been around for decades.]


    At least twice a month, a title from one of the member promotions should be defended on TNA. Have the champ cut a promo then defend the belt against the #1 contender from their organization.

    How could doing this every so often be anything but positive?


    2. Why doesn't TNA hold shows at the sites of its member promotions?


    Think about it. TNA is a part of the NWA. TNA needs places where they will get a good crowd response. Groups like NWA Wildside, NWA East, and NWA Battlezone are successful. Why NOT hold a show in their arena? In my book, it's virtually a license to print money!


    What do you guys think?

  6. In theroy, heels make better champs - because then the face has a natural chase, plus, people pay to see the heel get beaten (see Man, Honky Tonk)

    Off-Topic: Sorry to be a douche but (see Man, Honky Tonk) bothers me because not even people who watch PBS write like that and it's one of those things that makes you look like you're trying to be smart. You could have saved time and said "like Honky Tonk Man" or even shorter as "i.e. Honky Tonk Man."

    I think he did it to be funny, not to be an asshole.

  7. its okay, not the best comp ever.


    Some of Megadeth's best songs are off of albums after Youthanasia.


    No Addicted to Chaos on there either

    Good point, but I didn't mention too much after Youth because then it'd become a 2-disc set. :D


    I am a HUGE mark for Kill the King though; that's seriously in my top 5 favorite Deth songs.

  8. Intercontinental Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett pinned Razor Ramon (18:06) to win the Intercontinental title....


    The Undertaker pinned Irwin R. Schyster (12:21) ....World Heavyweight Title Match: Diesel and Bret Hart fought to a No Contest. Diesel retains the title (27:19) ....


    World Tag Team Title Match: The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka (15:32) when Kid pinned Bigelow to win the vacant tag team titles....


    Royal Rumble Match: Shawn Michaels won a "royal rumble" (38:41).



    So, they cut the Rumble down so they'd have time for a longer undercard.

  9. Goldust- a funny, interesting, non-WWE-created gimmick


    Goldberg doesn't get anything; he's Jewish, remember?


    Rock- a cure for the Samoan Tattoo Disease that's eating away at the left side of his body


    Bischoff- 2 passes to the world-famous Gold Club in Atlanta (bring the wife!)


    Kane- The Best of the Destroyer on VHS, so he can actually learn to DO SOMETHING with his Malicious Black Glove


    Cena- a gift certificate to Mitchell and Ness' superstore
