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Posts posted by Slickster

  1. You know what could have been cool?  If they would have held the show IN the city, surrounded by the buildings and cars and stuff.  Kind of those Japanese indy shows which look like they are being held behind an apartment building in the ghetto.

    It'd look cool, but would you rather wrestle:


    surrounded by 100s of arguably the best-trained, best-armed soldiers on Earth in the confines of their base




    In the middle of a broken-down, bombed-out city surrounded by 100s of soldiers and civilians (many of whom are hostile to US troops) in the shadows of tall buildings that could double as sniper posts



    I didn't say it would be safer, it would just be aesthetically different/cooler

    Well I unquestionably agree with you there.

  2. Don't mean to pick, but Luger fought Windham at GAB91.

    But hey, a hoss is a hoss, I guess.


    In my book, the ME is always


    a) the title match and/or


    b) the match given the most hype on the card.


    So Vince/Steph was a co-ME with Brock-Taker at No Mercy '03.

    Windham was light years better than Luger and I WOULDN'T consider him a hoss at all.But if you were being sarcastic, I guess I didn't pick it up.

    Yeah, that was sarcasm (or as I call it in this case, smarkasm).

  3. You know what could have been cool? If they would have held the show IN the city, surrounded by the buildings and cars and stuff. Kind of those Japanese indy shows which look like they are being held behind an apartment building in the ghetto.

    It'd look cool, but would you rather wrestle:


    surrounded by 100s of arguably the best-trained, best-armed soldiers on Earth in the confines of their base




    In the middle of a broken-down, bombed-out city surrounded by 100s of soldiers and civilians (many of whom are hostile to US troops) in the shadows of tall buildings that could double as sniper posts



  4. I don't think the WWWF would have gone out of business without Bruno.


    They still owned the NorthEast territory with no competition with or without him.


    It's the equivelent of Flair carring the NWA on his back while Hogan's WWF grew into a huge company.

    But the 1980s NWA had lots more than just Flair: Magnum TA, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, etc. etc. Bruno was almost the ONLY attraction.

    You're saying Moolah in the 60s wasn't an attraction? ^^;;;;

    Yes, Bruno carried the (W)WW(F)E throughout the 60s-70s, but let's face it, aside from historians and historically-minded smarks,


    Who gives a shit?


    To everyone else he's some old wrestler who was 'really good,' and that's about it.

  5. Even though I probably won't be watching this week's edition of SmackDown! from IRAQ, I'll more than likely tape it. The scrappy results posted everywhere makes it seem like a pretty bland show, save for one match, but personally I think the show LOOKS awesome and has a 'special' feel to it. Unfortunately, it has to air on Christmas night. Too bad they didn't hold out for a few more weeks.


    Anyways, here's some pics from WWE.com...









    Wait, the Vince/Austin thing is on the show?!?


    That'll take some explaining to do....

  6. Notes:


    --Austin should have been DQ'd at NWO03 for lifiting Bischoff up at 2 so many times. C'mon ref, get in there! :D


    --Looks like Lawler's growing his Unified Champion goatee back. I hope he doesn't wear shirts like that in public though.


    --Did they edit the amount of time Shane and Kane were making out in the ambulance, or was it just me?

  7. Of course he should be there!


    This is, after all, WrestleMania 20, a show being built up as the ultimate showcase of the immortals.


    I can almost guarantee that almost every WWE legend will be there that night to celebrate.


    As the torchbearer of the WWE from 1992-97, Bret would be conspicuous by his abscence.


    Besides, who says he has to give a speech? Just being there will be enough for the fans at MSG and for the millions around the world to mark out.

  8. I may sound stupid here, but what about the British that have died in Iraq, are their lives not worth being part of this Time thing of the year? Or only american lives are worth anything in Iraq?

    Well, the award is from a magazine with an American-only readership that is distributed only in the US, so....


    the answer to your first question is apparently no.

  9. This is a subject that usually bothers me when talking about a shows main event.


    Some people will say the last match on the card is the main event, which can be argued with a few points, such as a card having double (or more) main events.


    In some cases, a show, for example the God awful GAB 91's main event, Luger/Bradshaw, happened before a 3:00 WTF match with Paul E./Anderson and Hyatt/Steiner.


    Same can go for SSeries 92 where the Tag Match with Flair/Ramon v. Savage/Hennig was given the most build up and hype, while HBK/Bret was non-existant until Bret and HBK both ended up with titles with less than a month before the shows.

    Don't mean to pick, but Luger fought Windham at GAB91.

    But hey, a hoss is a hoss, I guess.


    In my book, the ME is always


    a) the title match and/or


    b) the match given the most hype on the card.


    So Vince/Steph was a co-ME with Brock-Taker at No Mercy '03.

  10. jimross_270.jpg



    Very insulting picture. BOO!!! Where would anyone with a life find time to do all this?

    You mean a very insulting action figure....he just takes pics of the figures themselves, that's how JR's figure looks.


    And to answer your question, quite a few people do this. In fact, there's a whole forum devoted to making stop-motion animated GIFs of wrestling....some have even done whole matches as animations.
