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Posts posted by Slickster

  1. Notice how they cut the flames out of the Armageddon set...Also, I'm kinda disappointed how the RAW and SD logos are still, seeing as how this PPV is split-brand. Oh well.


    Also, they changed the SSeries arena because a shorter ramp/different pyro layout would SERIOUSLY fuck up all the entrances with a lot of pyro/lots of animation at the top of the ramp. Oh, and everyone else's entrance would be like 15 seconds long. :D

  2. His character would have been drastically different, as he would have been a Legit Bad Ass rather then the Cocky Arrgant Gold Medalist...


    So Angle likely, never would have broke out

    angle didnt enter the wwf as a cocky gold medalist, he was a baby face at first. i remember him having a feud with tiger ali singh when he had some india is better than america gimmick goin on, but i think angle got hurt before that went anywhere and then came back with the cocky olympic hero gimmick. i was watching the kurt angle its true its true video a few days ago and i just wish wwe would turn him heel again. some of the promos on that video were some of the funniest ive ever seen. his character seems kinda lame now

    Actually that wasn't really a feud at all. It was more just to get heat on Tiger Ali Singh and his anti-american gimmick. Of course they did originally plan to have him debut against Stasiak as a face, but the fans reaction to his pre-debut vignettes and to Angle himself made him a heel.


    I get the feeling that if Angle debuted in '97, then by now he'd probably be retired from the business because of his neck. We'd probably be talking about how good he was, and wondering what might have been.

    FUN FACT: Angle def. Stasiak in a dark match at KOTR '99.

  3. From what I've heard, CZW pulled a stunt at the end of their last show was the probably worse than anything Rob Black has ever tried to do in XPW.  I always hear everyone jumping on XPW when they do something bad, but where is all the criticism about CZW after hanging someone by hooks on their back?

    CZW dont have a scumbag owner who wated to feed a puppy to a snake for a publicity stunt

    That, and CZW only did that because they promised something extreme and they couldn't do their usual ultraviolent stuff due to local laws.


    (PS- Rob says that they were never going to feed the puppy to the snake; it was a publicity stunt.)

  4. What the fuck is with his Front Slam finisher? What the hell is that? At least give him something brutal looking, like a powerbomb or some kind of hard suplex... but no, they give him the Front Slam... the lamest finisher since Barry Horowitz's three-quarter nelson rollup. Lame.

    Well, at least he can't botch it..too badly.
