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Posts posted by Slickster

  1. The opening segment was just AWESOME. What a shocking return done perfectly...right down to the camera being focused on the tron so you could see Christian's video start before his music hit.


    It looks like they have posed video of him in HD in his tron...I wonder when they shot that and why no one mentioned it when he came to the video shoot?


    His new music sounds like Hawthorne Heights did it.


    Matt Striker had one of the best announcer lines I have heard in ages later that night: "This is one of those moments where you call your friends up because you KNOW they're watching...and you enjoy it together!" In that one line, Striker showed me how is still a fan of this business who understands what it feels like to mark the fuck out. That's something I really admire about him; unlike all other announcers on the WWE roster, he can still connect with the feeling of being a wrestling fan and can speak their language instead of talking down to them.


    And poor Jack Swagger. First the belt unsnapped and fell off his waist, then Christian mocks his lisp, then he nearly trips on his way up the ring steps before his match. (Watch again and it looks like he's looking at a fan to his left and he stubs his toe on a step, so he catches himself by leaning on the ringpost to regain his balance.)



  2. The WWE won't have to settle out of court. It was securitys job to keep control of the crowd and keep the performers safe, they obviously failed. All WWE has to say is that Jericho was defended himself due to the arena's security losing control and not their doing job.


    Bingo. I'd expect Victoria, BC won't see a WWE show for another five years or so.

  3. The plan was always going to be to restart WCW a month or two after Mania.


    It appears as if the first Vince McMahon-owned WCW TV taping will take place on May 9th in Trenton, New Jersey. Although the taping will occur on May 9th, the show will not air until May 12th, a Saturday, from 11 PM to 1 AM on TNN.


    There is no further info on what the name of the show will be, or who will be on the show. There are several wrestlers who the WWF may be interested in bringing back to the new WCW.


    Several wrestlers are currently pondering if Vince McMahon will give them the call to return, or if they will have to go look for work elsewhere. The WWF has currently locked up 20 of the 140 WCW office employees, leaving the other 120 in the wind.


    The show in Trenton is rumored to possibly feature some WWF superstars as well. One particular name that has been popping up to show up in Trenton was former WWF champion Triple H.
