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Posts posted by Slickster

  1. 1. Who will win the 2009 Royal Rumble? (5 Pts) Randy Orton

    2. Who will be the runner-up (3 pts) Triple H

    3. Who will be the iron-man? (5 pts) Triple H

    4. Who will have the shortest time? (5 pts) Carlito

    5. Who will have the most eliminated opponents? (3 pts) Vladimir Kozlov

    6. Who will draw #1 and #2 (3 pts each, 3 bonus for accurately naming both) Triple H and The Big Show

    7. Who will draw the most successful entry # of 27? (2 pts) John Cena

    8. Who will draw the #30 spot? (3 pts) Chris Jericho

    9. What will be the eventual winning #? (5 pts) #24

    10. Will there be any surprise/unannounced entrants as of 1/25? (no point value), If yes, who will they be? (3 pts each)

    Tommy Dreamer, Primo, Manu, Sim Snuka, DJ Gabriel, Charlie Haas, Jim Duggan

    11. Will the endurance record of 62:12 held by Mysterio be broken? (no point value) No

    12. Who will be the final six men in the ring? (3 pts each, 10 pts for accurately naming all) Randy Orton, Triple H, John Cena, CM Punk, John Morrison, Charlie Haas

    13. How many instances of interference by non-competitors will we see? (2 pts) Two

    14. Will anyone bleed? (no point value), if yes, who? (3 pts) CM Punk

    15. If Charlie Haas is a participant, who does he imitate? (3 pts) Batista

  2. WWE is the #1 wrestling promotion on the planet. Unlike 1997, they don't need to cross-promote with an indy fed to win a Monday night quarter-hour. There's WWE, then there's everything else. WWE doesn't need to dirty its hands with indy wrestling.


    The ECW revival was close enough (bringing in the non-glamorous likes of Sabu, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, etc.).

  3. Exactly. If WWE spends their money and time building up a character (creating a gimmick, selling merchandise, and giving you TV time), it would be downright stupid of them to let you leave the company and be able to use their work to make money for yourself. Or, even worse, you could jump to a rival promotion and work under a name and gimmick WWE created.


    I would personally expect the name to be spelled Kiwol so it's not too much of a stretch from his existing gimmick name. I could see Ki agreeing to that rather than getting a THIRD completely different gimmick name.

  4. Gotta love that not only was the Thunder battle royal overbooked crap, but twice the WCW cameras missed big moments at the end.


    And did someone walk out and through the gimmicked stage intended for DDP/Jarrett? Tell me that actually happened?


    "The show was to end with a stunt where DDP and Jarrett were fighting on a scaffold or ladder. The idea was Arquette would hit Jarrett with a guitar and he'd take a bump through a gimmicked part of the stage. The only problem was that Asya accidentally stepped into the gimmicked part after she was eliminated, so everyone could see it. Then Arquette also stepped into it and actually fell in. So DDP and Jarrett had to improvise. DDP took the bump. "


    c/o The Wrestling Observer, DDTDigest.com

  5. I think elevating Dreamer is a good idea simply because there are few faces in ECW.


    Matt Hardy, Finlay....Ricky Ortiz...DJ Gabriel...?


    Dreamer always gets the nostalgia pop and he knows how to work, so you might as well have him win a few matches.


    Personally, I think this title switch will set up a rematch at the Rumble PPV with Swagger winning cleanly.
