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Everything posted by cynicalprofit

  1. cynicalprofit

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    Man Vince reminds me more and more of Rob Black every day. WWE films so needs an adult division.
  2. cynicalprofit

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=66587 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=66651 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=66324 Read all my posts in those, fucktard. I like things that don't suck. GASP. I'm one negative fuck. Well shit, I like ya already.
  3. cynicalprofit


    The reason he was so good was because he had a photographic memory. He could see a move once, and do it. That skill in wrestling is phenominal(sp). It'll always make me sad he never really got anywhere....but that juvi match...WOW.
  4. cynicalprofit

    New Shopzone Items

    That looks like a funeral t-shirt....
  5. cynicalprofit

    What is Angle's hometown challenge building to?

    Its going the same place all wwe storlines tend to go....no where.
  6. cynicalprofit

    Hulk Hogan on Crack.....the song.

    http://www.realjuggalos.com/rj2/Media/mp3/...ggalodotcom.mp3 Hulk Hogan on crack....
  7. cynicalprofit

    Kings of Wrestling

    They should call their group the "OGs" cause, well, they are....in wrestling. As for the younger team, I'm all for Raven, Styles, and Daniels. Raven just because I'm a fan, and he can spew about how its guys like Nash that hold talent down, like himself.
  8. cynicalprofit

    Jarrett out as TNA Booker

    How can a guy that has never been succesful as a booker, keep getting work as a booker? If Dusty was good, finicially, I don't recall it.
  9. cynicalprofit

    Vines star diagnosed with ‘brain disorder’

    I hope to offened. Have you heard the guys music, something must have been wrong with his head to make that crappy of music.
  10. cynicalprofit

    Scott Peterson

    Of course we all know who really did it....Gene Snitsky.
  11. cynicalprofit

    My complaint to the FCC

    Because boobies....make you........forget......things.....distractions......fuck this interet shit, I'm going to get laid.
  12. cynicalprofit

    What Would YOU Do?

    First and foremost I'd survey the wrestlers. Who do you want to work with, and when that questions answered, work storylines around that. Happy workers are better workers. Fix the brand extension. I think its a good idea, but its been mismanaged. Treat it like a real competition. Have the McMahon show and the other one being Heymans, or someone not McMahon named. And let them do a different product. Hell give them something to do with Heat to make it interesting. Wrestlings lost its ability to suprise you. We need to bring that back. An unexpected, needs to win the Rumble for start. Other people besides the ME people need character development. Instead of having a 20 minute interview that doesn't do much, shave it to 10 minutes and use that additional time for someone else to develope. Less PPVs. I know it doesn't sound smart, but you can charge more for less ppvs in the long run. Where as in the long run, people will just find something else to do isntead of spending 34.95 a month on a ppv. It also gives more time to let fueds develope. Take Tough Enough off the show. While the Puder(sp) was cool, showing the show is that fake isn't a good thing. Invest more in OVW. If thats where you're stars are gonna start, take better care of it.
  13. cynicalprofit

    TNA won't pay for Jushin Liger's plane flight...

    You really are a fucking idiot. Ok that doesn't make him an idiot. That match in 97 woulda smoked probably. Maybe Liger could make Hardy not suck again for one match.
  14. cynicalprofit

    WWF files papers against WWF

    Didn't they sell it to a wrestling thing too? Anywho, I have to agree with Vince on this. Hell how many here even knew of the pandas before hand? Hell I didn't....and I doubt I'm alone. Sides do the panda people promote in the same manor? If not, how can there be confusion. Don't think I've ever encountered a flyer for the Wild Life Fund, let alone seen a TV commercial. I think to be a dick Vince should find the most redeck marks possible and use them to prove how no one could confuse the two compnies... Vince needs a heel tag tem of hippies now....you can steal that one WWE. Because its 3 letters. Alone, they're meaningless. Vince made them into something...the pandas didn't. I mean does the KKK have copyrights to "KKK". I mean its not like anyone else wants them, but its the same idea.
  15. cynicalprofit

    Are the Momons and Jehovah's Witness' a cult?

    The only difference between a cult and a religion is the number of people who follow it. So really, all religions are cults. Both of them annoy the shit outta me. Legally I think they both qualify as a religion though.
  16. cynicalprofit

    Make a bold prediction

    WWE talent will jump to TNA and talk smack against Vince. Triple HHH will TIE Flairs CHampionship record.
  17. cynicalprofit

    Best Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five songs....

    "Satan is My Master" No just kidding. Pretty much all the BFF stuff is good, but I warn ye, AVOID AT ALL COST, the unauthorized biblography of Rheinhold Mezner, or how the hell ever its all spelled. The album just tanks and doesn't hold a candle to anyhting else they did. And I can't in good faith tell you to buy Fear of Pop, just download the 1 song with William Shatner and live without the rest, your better off that way.
  18. cynicalprofit

    Looking for

    Anyone know if such a tape exist or who could make one?
  19. cynicalprofit

    A Perfect Circle covering John Lennon's Imagine

    This is awesome.
  20. cynicalprofit

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who was with Macho Man Randy Savage in WCW.
  21. cynicalprofit

    If you were going to start an indy promotion...

    Honestly, I'd invest it in drugs because it would be a smarter investment. No one but Vince really makes money in wrestling as far as I've ever been able to tell. I mean they call someone trying to start a wrestling fed a money mark for a reason. However here in fantasy land.....15 man roster, stay local till you can grow. Get local tv, and build up, build up, build up. Bring in bigger name guys every once and a while, and treat the wrestlers right.
  22. cynicalprofit

    South Park inspired me to post this question

    I figured out the Easter Buny, Santa, and Jesus were all fake in one day. Never let your kids watch TV alone and let them think about what they are watching.
  23. cynicalprofit

    A few new pictures of Tammy "Sunny" Sytch.

    I'd hit it after you.
  24. No, his claim to being the only guy I've ever seen screw up being irish-whipped remains intact. I could go on with my hatred of Mr.Henry, but I've already said it before.
  25. cynicalprofit

    Plug in LCD screens for ps2 or x-box

    But with a TV, you could....... you know, watch TV. And thats why I dont want it.