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St. Gabe

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Everything posted by St. Gabe

  1. Well, I understand that a draft would be political suicide, but if this war continues at the rate it has, where will the troops come from? I hear people shouting that there will be no draft, but no one will give an alternative for a draft if we need more manpower. We have The Reserves, the national guard too, and they are already being sent, so how do we divert a draft, who goes next? I honestly don't know. Please let's discuss this issue.
  2. St. Gabe

    ron simmons on the ebay

    Ron Simmons isn't the guy selling this stuff....it's a "friend" of Ron Simmons, check the sellers other items, and info, and tyou'll figure this out. Simmons gave this guy some stuff and this guy is selling it for profit. Ron is probably just doing him a favor w/ the phone call
  3. I think the Kerry comment and the Edwards Comment are on 2 way different levels. When Edwards said what he said the way he said it, directly to the VP and in an extremely condescending tone, I lost all respect I had for the man. I voted for Howard Dean in my primary, but John Edwards was my 2nd choice. He was charismatic, could speak well, and to be honest, reminded me of Clinton. Obviously I misjudged. The comment from Edwards felt slimy, and was a scumbag thing to say. It was just Creepy The Kerry comment, on the other hand, was not directly addressed to President Bush or V.P. Cheney, and did a better Job of pointing out the hypocrisy of the administration. Not a good job, but it was more subdued so he didnt look like such a scum sucker. As far as the question of if Homosexuality is a choice, maybe someone should have asked President Bush when he chose to be heterosexual. (anyone who watched Chris Matthews post-debate knows what I mean) That would have been an interesting thing to see, methinks.
  4. St. Gabe

    Make a bold prediction

    I feel like some one should be chanting eerily in between each post: "IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAANNNDDD, IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAAAAND" Anyways, Within the next year Brock Lesnar will have returned, Eric Bischoff will leave the company, and there will be a World Title Tournament on one of the Brands, which John Cena will win(don't confuse this with me being a Cena Mark).
  5. St. Gabe

    A question for you gents

    Dude....I'm 6'5'' 315 pounds. Djibouti Always wins, and by the way...it's ST. Gabriel, thanks. Ah, Dijibouti. Is that a commonwealth in the Afrikan front? We are actually located between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and we border the Red Sea. Heres a bit of Political information on Our Fine Country. The French Territory of the Afars and the Issas became Djibouti in 1977. Hassan Gouled APTIDON installed an authoritarian one-party state and proceeded to serve three consecutive six-year terms as president. Unrest among the Afars minority during the 1990s led to multi-party elections resulting in President Ismail Omar GUELLEH attaining office in May 1999. A peace accord in 2001 ended the final phases of a ten-year uprising by Afar rebels. Djibouti occupies a very strategic geographic location at the mouth of the Red Sea and serves as an important transshipment location for goods entering and leaving the east African highlands. GUELLEH favors close ties to France, which maintains a significant military presence in the country. We have a water shortage too Send Aid and relief to me.
  6. St. Gabe

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    one last bump...4 days and all Thanks alot guys
  7. St. Gabe

    Post in this thread

    me next me next me next...ooh oooh ooohh
  8. St. Gabe

    A question for you gents

    Dude....I'm 6'5'' 315 pounds. Djibouti Always wins, and by the way...it's ST. Gabriel, thanks.
  9. St. Gabe

    Michael Badnarik arrested

    I sense sarcasm there KKK, but I'm not positive, so here goes: It's a catch twenty two. 3rd parties don't get into the debates because they don't get enough votes to warrant it, but If they were in the debates they would get those votes. Every time major changes have occured in this country politically, barring 9/11, it has been because a third party's platform gained enough recognition and one of the 2 major parties absorbed said 3rd parties platform.
  10. St. Gabe

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    1 week till raw, just a l'il bump. Help=Appreciation
  11. I have a question to raise, why is it that the Bush Campaign seems to believe that there is no gray area. What I mean by this is, when John Kerry talked about mitigating circumstances in certain votes he's made, specifically his vote against the Partial-birth abortion ban, and the need to be diligent about the health of the mother, George Bush said again, that Kerry Voted against it, and that is that. Why is it a bad thing that a little bit of thought goes into Kerry's voting record. What makes it a bad thing to see the potential positives and negatives of a bill and voting, not according to personal belief,or because the bill "sounds good" but according to what is best for those you represent. Not trying to spur anger or discord, just another topic o' discussion.
  12. St. Gabe

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    All Polls are meaningless I've Eaten Dinner in Ohio, Florida and PA
  13. St. Gabe

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    Thread:"Please don't let me die" Me: "No Problem" In all seriousness, your ideas are appreciated, and some may be used, please keep the ideas rolling. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  14. St. Gabe

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    I really didn't threaten his life, I was just stating in a round about way that Blind faith almost always leads to peril
  15. St. Gabe

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    That whole "President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" monicker should have tipped them off long before Dole uttered a word. That's life for you. When we let the world do what it wants, genocides tend to go on unchecked (see Rwanda and Sudan). We give the world ample chances to do something --- when they refuse, then it's up to us, much to our annoyance, to do ALL of the damned work. Bitch, please. I don't see candidates running to gain our support --- why should our candidates run to gain THEIR support? Less so than, oh, the heyday of the British Empire. Just mentioning it. Perhaps they'd want a Wahhabist in the White House who will unleash a jihad against, oh, England. You never know. Sucks to be you. We feel the world's propping up of Saddam long after he proved himself to be a guy who'd use WMD against his own people was a HUGE problem. When we mentioned it to, oh, the French --- care to guess how well they responded to that? I feel that the lack of action in Sudan is offensive on every level. The UN won't even refer to it, officially, as genocide. Sudan is on the Human Rights Commission IN SPITE of a genocide. When the "world" gets its shit together, then bug us. The int'l body the world controls, the UN (God knows the US doesn't, despite being the financial and military arm of it), is the most ass-backwards, fucking useless body on Earth. BTW, I suppose this author proposes to give the US a vote in who runs the EU, too, right? I thought left-wing blogs had fucking moronic opinions put on it. News Flash for the World: The US would be all-too-happy to leave the lot of you to your own devices. However, when we do that, you FUCK EVERYTHING UP. The "world" can't be trusted to manage a bowel movement. No way I want MY country beholden to any shit-kicker in another land. Just checking --- we aren't having to drag the UN kicking and screaming to even threaten possible sanctions against Sudan at some point in the future for the minor crime of GENOCIDE, right? Yeah, I'll listen to the "world" lecture me on respect for mankind, especially considering Europe's bang-up job of doing just that when they had a drop of power historically. I didn't see Britain refusing our aid during WW II. Fine. Pay our taxes, follow our laws, abolish your own governments, vow allegiance to the US and we can talk. As long as you want your sovreignty, there is no way in hell we'll give up ours. Out of curiosity, can the author name a single country on Earth who follows the Kyoto Protocols? I can't. And the test ban treaty? Seeing as how nuclear proliferation hasn't really slowed down as of late, apparently, we were hardly the first to ignore it. The int'l criminal court? With that, the "world" can happily go off and fuck itself silly. You know what? You're right. We DO NOT CARE WHAT THE "WORLD" THINKS. We haven't in many, many years and, thanks to the ineptitude of groups like the UN, we likely never will again. There is NOTHING anybody can do to make us give a shit because we fully recognize what a shithole the world is WITHOUT our Herculean efforts to try and stop genocides. When was the last massive genocide "the world" stopped? Hell, the "world" couldn't even get off its ass and stop the Holocaust. Hell, the French couldn't ship their Jews off fast enough. And we're supposed to take these fucktards seriously? We do more good for the world than anybody else. Period. Not "Hardly likely". If a candidate suggested that, he'd be lucky to get three votes nationally. If a President decided to do it, he'd be impeached instantaneously. We do not trust the "world", and with good reason. Try reading Washington's farewell address for a real solid basis for American foreign policy. No AMERICAN would do that, you fucking moron. I'd give 10 year olds here the vote before I'd do anything less than punch a Frenchman for offering me an opinion on the American system. Cry me a fucking river. The "world" can have its UN, where the US --- you know, the biggest money and military contributor --- cannot possibly get an American to run things there. The UN, much as people hate to say it, is under very little US influence. So, tell me --- how has the UN been doing as of late? Respect for humanity been a major part of its initiatives? And it's refreshing to see all of the money WE'VE sacrificed so the "world" can live the lives of perpetual teenagers has been so appreciated. In hindsight, we'd have been better off letting the Soviet Union conquer Europe. -=Mike Mikey, Wrap your head in that flag just a little bit tighter, hopefully it will eventually cut off your air supply, that way you will be blind, deaf, ignorant, intolerant, and oh, yeah...Dead.
  16. St. Gabe

    What is torrent?

    and, how do I, you know, get it.
  17. St. Gabe

    I am sick and fucking tired of everyone using 9/11

    What Happened on 9/11 again? hmmmmmmmmmmmm......... It takes a really good speaker these days to evoke emotion in people without using that 3 digit number. Never Forget my Ass. They forgot what happened, they just remember how people react to it.
  18. St. Gabe

    CBS tipped off DNC about Bush Guard story

    blah blah blah blah blah, this is all such repetitive shit. "THEY KNEW!!!, THEY TALKED TO THEM!" Big fucking hairy deal. its politics, The RNC talks to the Swift Vets, the DNC talks to moveon, if any of you try and deny that, you live in, to steal a line from John Kerry, "a fantasy world" There might be pieces of paper that say that 527's cant have ties, but come on, why argue about this garbage? Can't we keep this stuff contained to Foreign and Domestic ISSUES and how each candidate would handle them? OMG, but CBS sux!@!!@! meh.
  19. St. Gabe

    Kerry talks about the possibility of a draft

    MEMORANDUM 9/23/2004 To: Conservative Posters on TSM CE Folder CC: AMikeSC From: Sean Hannity If backed into corner by a liberal Change the Subject to Michael Moore
  20. St. Gabe

    Kerry talks about the possibility of a draft

    Of course, the irony is that the liberals ARE e-mailing lots of kids in college, telling them a vote for Bush is a vote for the draft. Then again, the press seems to have no problem with Kerry exploiting 9/11, either. -=Mike Who exactly are you talking about when you say "the liberals" and why do you say it with such disdain? Don't you like liberals? and if not, why not?
  21. St. Gabe

    Bossman passes away

    He was always one of my favorites, and this has hit me extra hard tonight. I believe that Bossman was one of the most underutilized guys ever. He always ALWAYS had heat, baby or heel and was never truly rewarded. Well, my thoughts go to his family and hopefully we will see a tribute Thursday or Monday night. RIP Ray
  22. St. Gabe

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    no they didnt
  23. St. Gabe

    What the f*ck?!? Terror watchlist passenger...

    At this risk of sounding mean, your feeling of offense is irrelevant. They did what they were SUPPOSED to do --- question you because your documents were not in order. As for Cat --- NO chance of a suspect using an alias similar to Yousf Islam ever exists, right? No chance at all. -=Mike are you afraid of the terrorists, Mike? (This is a serious question)
  24. St. Gabe

    Macaulay Culkin preparing to play Wesley

    *Slaps Face and Screams* I'm here all week, try the veal.