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Everything posted by Vigo

  1. Theories are fun. I can say I created the world and who could say I'm wrong.
  2. Vigo

    New Bret Hart interview

    Cena's movie probably won't do much business other than wrestling fans going to see it. Kane's, on the other hand, might be a minor hit like the majority of horror flicks that get released. Kane just has to look scary, which he can do. Cena has to act, which I guarantee you, he can't do so Kane's flick has a leg up on Cena. Now if WWE wants to keep making movies featuring wrestlers then they need to make sure the movie fits the wrestler.
  3. Vigo

    NHL Thread

    Yeah, but there are better players than Draper that could fill that role. The guy isn't even playing well this year yet he somehow makes it onto the team while more deserving guys don't.
  4. You can't have Gym class because it might make the fat kids feel bad when they can't do one push up.
  5. Vigo

    NHL Thread

    The thing with the defence is that the defencemen now can't go out and grab and hook a guy thus naturally you're going to get more scoring. For the past ten years that's been the style of hockey in the NHL. Guy gets a couple steps on you, hook him. This season you can't do that so things are a lot more wide open. The hitting will come back. You just have to give it time. I mean, some of these defencemen are used to the clutch and grab style of play from the past ten years that they're still trying to figure out how their supposed to stop guys in the new NHL. Personally, I like the new NHL. The game is exciting again. A couple years ago if a team got a two goal lead the game was pretty much over. Now a team has to play a full 60 mins for a win and can't hang back relying on the trap to save their ass.
  6. I'm not familair with the American school system but don't you guys have like Catholic or Christian schools? I mean a public school should have nothing to do with religion so why are these people trying to force their beliefs into a place where they don't belong.
  7. Vigo

    NHL Thread

    If the Oilers ever get a number one goalie look out. They could be a real dangerous team in the playoffs.
  8. Vigo

    Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

    #1 Looks too girly. #2 Breaks my rule of wearing clothes that feature half naked men. Although if they stuck the back portion onto the front than that could be a decent shirt. #3 I like this one. It's simple. I still don't like how the WWE feels the need to always add stuff to the back of the shirt. #4 It looks cheesy. The design looks like someone who just got Photoshop for the first time would make.
  9. Vigo

    Scott Stapp at Denny's

    For all you Scott Stapp fans out there, he's on Spike TV's Casino Cinema right now and looks to be drunk. It's amusing watching him make a total ass of himself on TV.
  10. Vigo

    Martial Arts that you've taken?

    Unless that roundhouse comes from Bas Rutten. Don't forget the car keys on your way out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've seen this and it's a pretty cool little instructional video on how to kick ass in bars and other situations. Some of the stuff in it may seem a little goofy but it's entertaining nonetheless. I didn't know who this Rutten guy was before watching this but he's pretty charismatic and has a sense of humor so you can watch it for shits and giggles over and over again.
  11. Snitsky could stop using steroids and he'd still be a scary looking fucker.
  12. If RVD's going to test positive for anything it's going to be marijuana.
  13. I'd have a hard time believing Benjamin is on the juice. Compared to some of the other guys in the WWE he looks really small physique wise. So, unless he's on pain killers or coke, he's probably safe.
  14. I'll throw in Chris Masters.
  15. The question isn't who will test positive for steroids but rather who won't?
  16. Why does AD cost so much to produce compared to your other network comedies?
  17. Vigo

    Crying over a wrestler's death is pathetic

    As long as you weren't thinking about him while you were doing it then it's cool.
  18. Vigo

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    He has his e-mail right there. If I knew how to send the jerk a virus...I would <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Goddamnit, I remember having an ad for that asshole on my sig. Granted, I'm not a fan of this dickweed, I only chose it because it had an amusing photoshop of a pissed off Matt Hardy holding a gun at Lita. Now I just feel dirty for doing that. If I had any idea Jason Rivera was such a useless fuck, I wouldn't have chosen that image. Granted, it was a while back, but still. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Rivera didn't write the article one of the other writers did.
  19. Vigo

    NHL Thread

    They've got no goaltending. Conklin and Markkanen are backup goalies not starters. Also, they need to find a goal scorer cause they seem to have trouble putting the puck in the net.
  20. Vigo

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    I prefered his line comparing eating pizza to doing a fat prostitute.
  21. Vigo

    What do you do when you get mad at a video game?

    No smashing things for me. Controllers cost money so I keep myself from getting to that level. I just swear and give the TV the finger as if it knows I'm doing it.
  22. Vigo

    The Greatest Cancelled TV Shows of this decade

    John Doe. I really liked that show and then Fox went and cancelled it.
  23. Vigo

    Your Ring-tone

    The A-Team theme. Greatest ring tone ever.
  24. Vigo

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    The Oilers' budget is in the $33-35 million range this season. Many of the other teams including Detroit, Colorado etc. will be in this range as well as no one's sure what the cap is going to be next offseason. The NHL is going to take a hit this season so many people expect the cap to drop down from the $39 million its currently sitting at. Rather then risk losing players next year due to a lower cap, a lot of teams are going to be operating a couple million under it this season. The past couple seasons I'd say the Oilers player budget was in the low $30 million range. The reason that they can now afford players like Pronger is the simple fact that there is a cap. Teams like the Red Wings or Rangers can no longer stock up on the big name players like in years past. The big name talent will now be spread out so every team should at least have one marquee name. As some of the previous posters mentioned many teams have been preparing for this and it's clear who was prepared (Oilers, Bruins, etc.) and who wasn't (Maple Leafs). This offseason many of the big spending clubs have their hands tied. I expect them to come back strong next offseason when they get their budgets under better control but this offseason clearly belongs to the small market teams.