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Everything posted by Jingus
About as many derby-wearing, stiff-upper-lipping Englishmen as you see on American shows that travel to London for an episode.
You run into problems with it being too predictable if the MITB winner goes on to win his title shot every time. They need someone to lose that match sometime. Then, it doesn't matter if anyone ever loses again, as long as the crowd knows it's not a guaranteed thing so there's some suspense to the proceedings. Maybe he was theoretically a heel, but the fans sure as hell weren't treating him like such. They popped like crazy whenever he beat up Stephanie, and were booing Hunter when he was winning the match at Wrestlemania.
No. But go to certain areas (mostly outside the big cities and suburbs), and guys do. Giant doughy white men with pregnant-like bellies, wearing cowboy hats, clothing entirely made out of denim, bola string ties, boots, and belt buckles almost the size of license plates. That sort of thing you assume can't exist outside of movies, until you actually see it for yourself.
Being that I am a white guy living in a big house in Texas, I can see how you'd make that mistake.
Nothing but rumors, though, zero confirmation. Which I always found annoying when smarks talked about Lita being a whore like it was an accepted fact.
My dear, don't be prejudiced. We're not all this guy:
I was talking more about the modern "Hulkamania and later" era, but you're right about Morales and Sheiky. Still, Morales was an unusual situation where his championship was pandering to New York's large Puerto Rican population at the time. And Sheik was nothing more than a way to get the belt from Backlund to Hogan, I don't think he even had it for a month. Sammartino and Koloff, despite being (or pretending) to be from non-Anglo parts of the world, still count as white guys. Don't ask me why, racism is a weird thing; someone might hate Italians for being Italian, but they wouldn't identify them as being something other than caucasian. (Aside from Dennis Hopper's monologue in True Romance, of course.)
For what it's worth, I tried to use some of the info you've shared about the pirates. None of it did any good, since it was in a debate with my stubborn stepfather and if CNN doesn't instantly back up whatever I just said he automatically thinks I'm misinformed. But the effort was there, so, yeah. But still, calling them "privateers" is silly. Firstly, it's factually inaccurate, since the very specific definition of a privateer is that of a civilian boat which has been given official license by a government to make war upon its declared enemies. Nothing remotely close to that is happening in Somalia. Secondly, it comes off as a kind of weak rebellious contrarianism. Like, back when I was a naive young indy wrestling commentator, I refused to call some moves by their most common names. I bah-gawd refused to say "rock bottom" or "diamond cutter", since I was all anti-authority and shit, and didn't want to call the moves by their slave names. So instead tortured phrases like "uranage" and "ace crusher" came out of my mouth and terribly confused all 27 rednecks who happened to be watching our cheap TV show. You insisting on Privateer > Pirate feels somewhat similar.
Ugh. As part of my modatorial duties, I had to read all that shit. Thanks for murdering thirty minutes of my life, guys. I could've been doing something far more productive, like jerking off to lesbian bondage porn. 1. Nutsy, cool it with the personal insults 2. Karc, there is no giant Gay Agenda which is out to fuck the common man in the ass (metaphorically speaking) 3. Perez Hilton is a gossip writer, and therefore only slightly more reputable than pedophiles, Nazis, and telemarketers 4. Two whole pages of argument over a question asked at a god-damned beauty pageant? (And not even Miss America, but Miss USA?) Beauty pageants are some of the most inane bullshit to ever grace a television set. There are episodes of Viva La Bam! with more intellectual content than your average pageant. It's stupid consumerist conformist hypocracy, none of these anorexic young women should be "role models" for anyone, and you both look like fools for producing so much fucking text over one of these things.
Oh, I would, honey, I would. The obstacles to that would be twofold: 1.getting either me to Ireland or you to Texas, and 2.getting you to want to fuck me. Shamefully, I predict that #2 would probably be more difficult than #1.
The WWE has, historically, rarely been a good place for anyone who wasn't white. Their first minority champion was a gimmicked Hawaiian pretending to be a stereotyped Japanese grappler, and we had to wait until freaking 1993 for them to be that progressive. Being a smaller guy who worked an unorthodox style and couldn't speak English well, Hakushi was fucked from the start, they were never gonna do jack shit with that guy.
Guys, yeah, Cornette works for a shittier company for WWE. So? He's not a writer/booker/anything other than on-screen performer there. It's a just a job and a paycheck and he knows it. If he felt that TNA was better, don't you think he would've mentioned TNA even one measely time at some point during that long-ass rant? He buried modern wrestling in general, and only took specific examples from the WWE because they're not currently providing his salary. I somehow doubt the veracity of your chosen user name.
If you're not either terribly drunk or someone from a country where English is not commonly spoken, there's no excuse for this bush-league posting. Board harder, and learn how to structure a sentence so that someone might reasonably be able to tell what the fuck you're talking about.
Right-O. So there was this thing that was called King Kamala's Tape of the Month Club. And it was cool. Except it was never really one tape per month, and it never actually involved a physical tape. But it was cool, dammit! We mostly watched nauseatingly terrible WCW shows via online streaming video and bitched and moaned about it in the chat room in real time. I think we watched a grand total of three shows, but its legendary legacy will live on forever. Well, SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS, it's back. How often it's gonna happen or on what day of the week or how long it'll last this time and other pertinent questions like that? NO CLUE! That's part of the point of this here introductory thread. Who wants in, and what's the best time to do it? Previous experimentation found that Wednesday evenings tended to be the most commonly free time, but it could turn out different next time. Here our valiant founder King Kamala Classic describes, in his own words, our next video: We'll be watching this courtesy of Youku, which is kinda like Youtube except that it's loaded with full-length copywrighted material and is apparently hosted by the Asian mafia. (And I'm warning you right now, plan ahead, because sometimes these streams take god-damned forever to load.) We'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll vow to piss on Kevin Sullivan's grave.
It's over. While there hasn't been an official cancellation notice yet, semi-official sources are already leaking that the network will not be airing the 13th and last shot episode of Dollhouse. Way to go, Fox, you fucked the show and you fucked the fans exactly like we were all saying you would.
PM'd him.
Okay, everyone post the streams you're using here, whether it's ustreams or justintv or whatever. All questions and comments about streams should go in here too, since there's inevitable a lot of stream chatter and it really shouldn't be cluttering up the main show thread. Plus, who really wants to search through all 29379 pages of the Mania topic just to find the one link to a stream that works? Keep it all in here.
Nobody knows. Hey, Dr Kats, which previously banned poster are you? Apparently we're not re-banning those nowadays, just tell us.
This. If I had any idea why they hate Kanye West so much, I might've laughed, but I don't, so I didn't. And aren't we long past the born-on date for "Carlos Mencia steals jokes and isn't funny"? now?
Yes, I know, that's hardly a surprise. But I want the entire story. From what I pieced together: 1. Someone was beefin' with EHME, and they changed their member name to that of EHME's young daughter's name. TRTSM's mod staff claims that this happened at another board, not there. 2. There are only so many boards where EHME and the other regulars post, and I'm a mod at two of them, so such a thing is within my jurisdiction as it were. 3. For some reason, EHME apparently PM'ed them with the aforementioned threatening message at TRTSM. So what I want to know is: who is this mystery person, what board did this transpire on, why did EHME reply at a different board, and what exactly did they say?
Shut up, Battlenuts.
I DON'T REMEMBER ASKING YOU A GOD-DAMNED THING. Someone answer my question. Any further posts prior to the answering of my question which are not answers to my question will be erased.
As in, "why EHME got banned at the new board".
Shut up, Battlenuts.