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Everything posted by Jingus

  1. Jingus

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She might've meant that they were fooling around behind the scenes, not on-camera. Any such fooling around would most likely be in Season 2, in which both Spike and Harmony are around all the time, which would put McNab's age right at her stated 17. Oh, that's very easily answered. You see... ::While Jingus distracts him, robed and hooded figures suddenly grab ParkaMarka and force him into a chair, whereupon he's promptly given ye olde Clockwork Orange treatment.:: LPM afterward: "Joss is God... don't doubt Joss... Joss is God... don't doubt Joss..."
  2. Jingus

    1/4 full card

    When did New Japan and All Japan start working together again, anyway? Chono vs. Muto again isn't as implausible a match as, say, another Misawa vs. Kawada these days, but it's still one I wasn't expecting to ever see again anytime soon.
  3. Jingus

    Weird Things you collect

    I keep little pieces of wood from table spots at wrestling shows, oddly enough. One from New Jack in TNA, one from Abyss in Wildside, and one that I can't remember for the life of me who went through it. I also keep ticket stubs, but not from movies, only from plays. Don't know why.
  4. Jingus


    Well, most of my choices that I've seen have been independent shows featuring guys you've never heard of, so it'd be hard to pick one. Oh no, wait, Hogan vs. Warrior 2 from Halloween Havoc '98. Nevermind, that was easy.
  5. Jingus

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Scratch off two of those names (you KNOW which two) to make it a regular tag and give it more than ten minutes, and you could have one hell of a match. Of course, I'll be shocked if it goes more than, oh, 6 minutes 37 seconds. But considering it's 'Berg and 'Tista, that might be a blessing in disguise. Ah, WWE, I love how predictable you are these days. In fact, now that I think about it, I will watch Raw tonight. I might not make it through the whole show; hell, I might not make it through the whole first segment. But by God, I'm gonna try. Also, my post in which I somehow mentioned "Mick Foley masturbating" gets completely ignored, but my post about Raw sucking gets a response? You people are even sicker than I am.
  6. Jingus

    ID checks for video games

    Can we have a similar rating system forbidding anyone over the age of 12 from buying a copy of Final Fantasy X-2?
  7. Jingus

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    I've done exactly that, when I've been in a MST3K type mood and wanted to watch a really shitty TV show in order to laugh at it and have some fun, especially with a group of friends.
  8. Jingus

    fucked up video i found

    Ditto, I have a rule against downloading anything, but what's the fuss about?
  9. Jingus

    Saddam possibly captured

    Saddam isn't a prisoner of war, he's most likely going to be tried as a simple private citizen who committed a whole lot of sickening crimes. And since the US never declared way on Iraq, the Geneva convention rules kinda don't apply anyway.
  10. Jingus

    ID checks for video games

    I think it's funny how parents and pussies have been bitching for years about how violent video games could effect youngsters, even back when it was completely fake crap like Mortal Kombat or Doom. But now, we get the GTA series, which is legitimately as amoral and brutal as anyone could claim, and it took the whiners FOREVER to catch onto its existence, so that only over the past few months have people actually been complaining about it.
  11. Jingus

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    If it were 2001 Austin coming back, fine and dandy, but how much of 2003 Austin do we really need to see? Same thing with Foley. I mean, I idolize him and love the guy to death, but he's retired for chrissake. He won't do anything more physical or daring than referee a match. And without the possibility of some sort of feud or conflict with another wrestler, he's basically out there jacking his metaphorical dick the entire time. And really, who wants to watch Mick Foley masturbate for two hours?
  12. Jingus

    The Darkness

    Yeah, I've only ever seen the one video on two or three occasions, and I'm a fairly regular MTV and VH1 viewer. They're far from overexposed, at least on the shows I watch. As for the group themselves, I'm still undecided as to whether they're a Spinal Tapish parody, or just an actual retro throwback to old-fashioned hair metal. The lead singer has some pipes on him, though, a few of those notes he hits are way above anything I can attempt to reach (and I can sing the Phantom's part of the Opera, for comparison).
  13. Jingus

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    And the Britney thing wasn't a rumor, she really was supposed to play the robot girl in season 5, but scheduling difficulties or something kept her from doing it. Too bad, I bet the episode would've been a riot with Spears doing that part. (And yes, she could've acted the part just fine, playing a one-note android type character is the easiest kind of brainless acting there is.)
  14. Jingus

    Gay marriage

    I meant problems along the lines of: a couple gets together, buys a house and a car, has kids, then years later splits up; who gets the house and/or car?
  15. Jingus

    Answer this honestly...

    I'm seriously considering moving right now, in order to go back to college. But if there was a "significant other" involved, that would probably keep me in place.
  16. Jingus

    Gay marriage

    Uh... that was unexpected. On your plan: if marriages were eradicated, how would you go about solving divorce-related disputes over shared property, child custody, etc?
  17. Jingus

    ID checks for video games

    Hell, I'm 24 years old, with a mustache, goattee, and male pattern baldness, and I still get carded half the time going into R-rated movies. I don't know if it's just a Nashville thing, but they're really strict about that around here.
  18. Jingus

    Camera Phone Bans Seen as Aiding Privacy

    The quality on cell cam pics tends to be so shitty that it usually renders this discussion into a moot point, anyway. Most nudity tends to take place in darkness, and these cameras are useless in low-light situations.
  19. Jingus

    Gay marriage

    All right, fess up, who are the 7 people who so far have voted against any gay unions?
  20. Jingus

    The Brandon Truitt Appreciation Thread

    Oh yeah, T(eke)ruitt rules, and always has. After reading one of his reviews, I feel like I don't even have to watch the tape myself.
  21. Jingus

    Time Tick

    I've never once gotten the board clock to read the right time for me. Just one of those things, I guess. Even weirder: the clock on my computer is wrong too, and the alarm clock sitting on the desk is blinking inaccurately at me. I feel like one of those guys wandering around Zozo. (First person to recognize that obscure reference gets a no-prize.)
  22. Hey, since when was changing people's names Dames' gimmick? I was doing that shit back when I first became a mod, in the days of The Brain. ::looks around, is quickly filled with a sense of relief over not being a mod anymore::
  23. Jingus

    Face Paint

    Well, the one I know uses a baby coffin as a coffee table, and is a pro wrestler and has black belts in at least two different martial arts, so yeah, he's pretty bad.
  24. Jingus

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That's... pointless. If someone cares enough about the show to buy DVDs, they've probably already bought the season collections. Why release these new teeny-tiny theme discs? [Olaf]PUNY COLLECTIONS![/Olaf]
  25. Jingus

    An a question I don't have an answer to..

    Orton's definitely a hoss. I've stood next to the guy a couple of times, and he's pretty damn big. Sure, not like Big Show big, but hossy enough in my book. I'd count early Sting as a hoss, he's like 6'3" and was really jakked up at the time.