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Everything posted by Jingus

  1. Jingus

    DECLASSIFIED: Changes made by Leelee and Xavier

    Heat? Yeah, hasn't that always happened every time there's a regime change? It just seems awfully early in the game for her to quit already. Nothing against Dubq, he's a fine fellow who shares my passion for zombie movies, but this just seems odd. So Venk, wanna stick around now?
  2. Jingus

    DECLASSIFIED: Changes made by Leelee and Xavier

    Apparently you're not alone: Fuck the heck is going on around here?
  3. Jingus

    Old School Videogame Quiz

  4. Jingus

    Shamwow guy beats prostitute

    I'd hit it! ...oh that was just awful.
  5. Jingus

    14 year old arrested for Child Porn

    Actually, depending on the jurisdiction, it is a crime for two minors of the same age to have sex. Even if they're both the same age, as long as they're underage it's still statutory rape. Naturally, the boy is the only one ever prosecuted for such.
  6. Thanks for the advice, but I think that something like Youku would still be easier. (As long as, like we've been saying, everyone loads it in advance. This thing can be "Roseanne Barr trying to walk up a steep hill during a hurricane" slow.) I've wondered what country it was from. I knew it probably wasn't Japan, since there would be a lot more English (or at least Engrish) on the site if that was the case.
  7. We mostly used the chat before, since it was quicker. But to preserve our suffering for posterity, I'm down for a thread instead. (Just don't be surprised if we spawn some 30-page monstrosity entirely made up of one-sentence posts.) If Wednesday won't work for some people, suggest another time. We'll use whichever one that fits the most people's schedules.
  8. Jingus

    DECLASSIFIED: Changes made by Leelee and Xavier

    I for one don't think I could do the questions thnig. Pretty sure I'd run out of ideas real fast.
  9. Jingus

    The YPOV Question of the Day

    It's called www.youku.com. The search feature is rather clumsy, since half the site's in Chinese. But still, just type in "WCW" and you bring up hundreds of hits, including like half the Nitros that ever were.
  10. Jingus

    The YPOV Question of the Day

    You better stay, King Cassandra Classic. If for no other reason, we are going to do our We Watch Shitty Old WCW Shows And Bitch About Them club, I've found a streaming video site with plenty of material for us.
  11. Jingus

    DECLASSIFIED: Changes made by Leelee and Xavier

    Upon checking, there's only one non-banned person with a negative post count, Sandman for whatever reason. He'd be the only one to fix, if he even starts topics at all anymore. Making this switch would also keep spambots from doing that shit where they sign up and instantly start threads hawking their nigerians princes and penis pills. Czech seems too invested in their new interim board, so I doubt he's coming. Tom might be interested, want me to talk to him? We still need at least a couple more people just to insure there's always a mod online in case shit goes down, which of course it inevitably will sometime.
  12. Jingus

    Old School Videogame Quiz

    26/30. Has anyone heard of ? I sure haven't, seems like some game which was never released in America. I'd also never heard of , couldn't remember the name of , and completely tarded out and forgot how to spell .
  13. To my understanding, they only changed a little bit of the voiceover narration at the end. Exact same thing still happens, with Godzilla and Kong falling into the ocean, and only Kong coming back up. The American narrator proudly proclaims how KK's won the day while the Japanese one says Kong's had enough and is retreating back home.
  14. Jingus

    DECLASSIFIED: Changes made by Leelee and Xavier

    I think that's partly because we're classified as moderators, not supermods. IIRC I could ban people 'n stuff back when I was one of those. Now, my powers seem limited to deleting or editing posts, and maybe moving them around too with the "moderate this thread" pulldown list. One good idea the previous administration had was the Larvae group. Seems like we frequently get brand-new noobs who come in and promptly start a dozen inane threads on their first day.
  15. Jingus

    The YPOV Question of the Day

    Considering my shiny new blue name font, yeah, I'll probably be around.
  16. Aha, but I was specifically brought on-board to mod this folder, and I want it to stay! Clearly a massive geography-destroying fight is our only solution.
  17. Jingus

    DECLASSIFIED: Changes made by Leelee and Xavier

    Hi, Everybody! Wow, I haven't been in this folder for almost six years. Points: 1. Edwin would probably be a good dude to have, if you could get him to agree. 2. I'm apparently in charge of the Movies/TV folder. Any specific issues anyone feels need to be addressed? 3. Czech? (grumble, grumble) ...if necessary, I s'pose. 4. It does irritate me to see the number of people who say "yeah, Gary Floyd's being a stalker... but, it's Jingus" in the Tard Fight thread. Which is double ironic since Floyd registered at the Pit today and is all nice to me now. 5. I've never seen the problem in the Comments That Don't Warrant megathreads, they help keep the folders from getting cluttered up with a bunch of pointless new topics which never go past a half-dozen posts. Never understood what discussion the CTDWAThreads are supposed to be preventing. 6. So who was responsible for all the gay pron in the Raw threads and elsewhere recently? 7. Am I the first guy to ever be a mod on two boards at once in the TSM Extended Universe? By which I mean WDI, Vanilla Midgets, Socialists Sanctuary, New Millenium Blues, whatever Mr Rant's poor unpopulated board was called, etcetera. Well no, I've already answered my own question, that spoony bard IllustriousOne worked here and at the Pit (temporarily) at the same time. And to everyone else: "We don't say goodbye... we say Good Journey!".
  18. Jingus

    14 year old arrested for Child Porn

    There have been cases recently of kids getting arrested for that too, and also getting charged with child pornography. The news over here has been saturated with paranoid doom-mongering stories about teenagers "sexting". American society and law have gotten more and more bizarrely obsessed with heavily punishing anything involving sex and a minor, regardless of how utterly harmless the act itself was. Like that 17-year-old kid a while back who was sentenced to 10 years in jail for getting a consensual blowjob from a girl two years younger than him. The weirdest thing is how some people act like these things are a sign that our culture is getting more depraved. If anything, children are kept more sheltered now than at almost any time in history. Even in the early 20th century, it wasn't uncommon for a middle-aged men to marry girls who were still in the middle of puberty.
  19. Jingus

    Joss Whedon's Dollhouse

    Which is, apparently, next week. Can't accuse them of wasting time. The overly spoilerrific teaser makes it look like a half-assed version of "Spin the Bottle". Which is totally appropriate, since tonight's was a quarter-assed version of "Band Candy". After last week, this was a disappointing drop back to the status quo for this terribly frustrating show. Had a couple of priceless moments, especially with DeWitt wigging out and Topher, uh, basically staying the same. But the overall storyline was awfully incoherent, and the flashbacks were those Lost style which somehow confused more than explained. If nothing else, at least they made Blonde Asshole Security Guy Whose Name I Never Remember seem a bit less sociopathic and a bit more human.
  20. Jingus

    The Vitamin X Question Of The Day

    Every time I get a hangover I end up vomiting, so it doesn't matter what I eat in the morning. Usually I try to chug some water, both to try and get the barfing over with early (a full stomach often tends to induce it) and also to thin out the vomit itself and make it less acidic. Usually with some kind of powdery aspirin or something similar to take the edge off the inevitable migraine. As others have mentioned, taking some preventative vitamins and drinking a shitload of water before going to sleep are both very good ideas.
  21. Jingus

    More Gay Marriage?

    Admittedly there's also a few New Testament condemnations of teh gay, mostly Paul ranting about heathens in 1st Romans. But nearly every fundamentalist out there will always quote or paraphrase the "man shall not lie with another man" line from Leviticus, and anyway there's plenty of laughable shit to be found in the NT as well if people insist on the "Old Testament doesn't count" argument.
  22. Jingus

    More Gay Marriage?

    Same here. So I wanna go back and address one thing: Bullshit. The anti-gay law in question is in chapter 20 of Leviticus. That very same chapter also orders to execute all of the following people: anyone who worships other gods, or any child who curses at their parents, or practices any kind of magic or witchcraft, or commits any sort of adultery, anyone who has sex while the woman is having her period, and even anyone who does incest or bestiality. Not kidding, look it up yourself, DEATH for these crimes. It also says some crap about how eating insects makes your soul an abomination. Smack dab right next to the bit about how men shouldn't suck cock. Which is also mandated to be punished by death. So, which of these laws are we supposed to take literally?
  23. Jingus

    Was Chris Kreski's run really that great?

    Kreski was a soap opera type of writer, but more in terms of storyline than in raunch. You can probably blame Vince for most of the lingering Attitude angles, as he supposedly finds that stuff hilarious. I wouldn't put the Chyna/Jericho thing under the negative column. Aside from the ugly and gratuitous finger-breaking angle, I thought the whole thing was a lot of fun. It didn't hurt Jericho's credibility at all, and dragged Chyna to some of the best matches she ever had. Safety? I've never understood that complaint about Taz. Who did he ever actually hurt? Considering the number of rough matches Taz worked with Sabu, it's ironic that Benoit was the one who broke Sabu's neck. His stuff just looks dangerous, and I imagine the Undertakers and HHHs of the world taking one look at his suplexes and going "fuck that, I ain't going up for that shit". Also, why has Taz always been singled out for the height jokes? He was only two inches shorter than Benoit, and was the exact same height as Eddie Guerrero. Short by WWF standards, sure, but you don't hear nearly as many midget jokes about other guys the same size.
  24. Did you perchance mean Helen F'ing Keller? And yeah, the Neo-Stooges sounds awful on paper.
  25. Jingus

    More Gay Marriage?

    So if the real problem is not the adults marrying but the kids being taught about it, let the adults get married and change the fight to what's being taught. Don't use one part of the issue as an excuse to deny the other.