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Everything posted by Dogbert

  1. Dogbert

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    I'm hoping for: Calgary def. Detroit in 6 San Jose def. Colorado in 7 Tampa Bay def. Montreal in 5 (Note: I am a HUGE Habs fan, but there's just no way in this one. They sucked against Boston, and if they play that way against T-Bay, then it'll be a slaughter.) Philadelphia def. Toronto in 6
  2. Dogbert

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    What a pile of shit. Two blatant penalties go uncalled. I knew the refs were against Calgary before, but NOBODY need doubt it now. The Canuckleheads are cheaters, and we got screwed.
  3. Dogbert

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Is Theodore turning into Swiss cheese or what? Both goals were shit.
  4. Dogbert

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Nah. One game does not a series make. At least a few road teams will come back in the second game. Chief among those... <------------------
  5. Dogbert

    Other forums you go on

    Govteen and the Flames' message board.
  6. Dogbert

    Where does Martin Brodeur rank on the All-time

    In my opinion, Brodeur is well on his way to becoming THE man, as far as goaltending is concerned. This guy could be the one that all goalies are compared to.
  7. Dogbert

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Why would Montreal have to catch their opponents in a funk? They're 38-26-6-3, and have 85 points, which isn't far off of the top of the conference.
  8. Dogbert

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    I thought the news brief said he was taking a break.
  9. Dogbert

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Holy shit, did the Habs ever get lucky tonight. LA completely and totally outplayed them. Of course, there are several reasons for that, one being that the Habs just played last night, and the other being that the Kings got away with murder all night.
  10. Dogbert

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    There are rumours that Calgary is going to get a Ranger... just not Messier. One of the New York papers reported that Eric Lindros may be rented by the Flames for the playoffs, with Calgary only giving up a 5th-rounder.
  11. Dogbert

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Washington Captials: 21PTS - 1974-75 Washington Captials: 8W - 1974-75 I'd say it's safe to say, Pittsburgh isn't on track to being the worst ever. The Caps were an expansion team, so that should count for something. The Penguins are a 35-year-old team, and I think that makes them even more pathetic.
  12. Dogbert

    What is your most hated song ever?

    I always hated Merril Bainbridge's "Mouth" with a passion.
  13. Dogbert

    WWE News from the 2/23 Observer

    God write's prescriptions now??? Well, most doctors do think they're God...
  14. Dogbert

    updated rumored WrestleMania card

    I like the looks of that card, wrestling-wise.
  15. Dogbert

    ABC News website admits to liberal bias

    You could always pick up any of the Alberta newspapers (motto: "So Conservative, It's Sickening").
  16. Dogbert

    Exciting new WM match (possibly)

    Bad: The match. I would be going for popcorn during this. Good: The fact that they aren't abandoning the Keibler/Jackie storyline completely. I like continuity... even though the circumstances suck.
  17. Dogbert

    Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

    I realize that, but a clean win for Benoit over HHH at Backlash should clear that up. That's something Jericho never got.
  18. Dogbert

    Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

    The logical thing here would be to have Benoit win at Mania, and have HHH/Benoit at Backlash. Here's how I'd book things to set it up: Sign the 3-way for Mania, and give it half an hour. Five minutes in, have Michaels do the Crazy Elbowdrop Spot on HHH through the announcer's table, and do an injury angle where HHH can't continue the match afterwards. This gives us a 25-minute HBK/Benoit match that could end up a classic, if both have their working boots on. The next night on Raw, HHH can come out and claim that he deserves a shot at Benoit because that no-good Michaels took him out of the match, and he had no chance to win it. Bischoff comes out, Benoit comes out, they sign the match for Backlash and go from there. So of course, they won't do that.
  19. Dogbert

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    It was funny to watch the highlights of Leafs/Sens on TSN. The Sens had, like, nobody left by the end of the game. Flu shots, anyone?
  20. Dogbert

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    They can have Roman Turek! Anytime! Please?
  21. Dogbert

    WWE Notes from the Observer

    Yeah! Screw Foley for being willing to take a bullet for a company that's treated him like shit ever since the Commissioner angle ended! If this works, and Randy Orton gets over by going against Foley, we'll all be singing his praises once again for making another young wrestler's career. Am I the only one who thinks that Mick Foley could actually pull it off?
  22. Dogbert

    Cameras not allowed at WrestleMania?

    And what the hell did you just say? He said "I would shove a camera up my ass, and not because of the rules." He said it way wrong, but whatever.
  23. Dogbert

    Winnipeg To Get An NHL Team Back?!?

    I dunno where they got this, but on the Flames' Hot Stove Lounge program on The Fan here in Calgary, they were saying that the reason Pittsburgh rejected Winnipeg is that they've been having talks with a Houston buyer for around a month.
  24. I don't know if judging Orton's talent level from a match wherein he plowed face-first into the ringpost and was out on his feet for 85% of the match is a really good idea. It's like judging Jarome Iginla's talent from a game in which he took a stiff check halfway through the first period and played the rest of the game with a serious concussion. It's only really fair to judge how good someone is if they're close to 100%.
  25. Dogbert

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Thanks to the guy in charge of the Marlins, you'll get more T-Ball games than you will Expos games. This effectively kills the Montreal Expos, lest Ron Calloway can pull a .300 average and 50 homers out of his ass in his first year as a regular.