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The Niggardly King

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Everything posted by The Niggardly King

  1. The Niggardly King

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    There is a reason why Jim Cornette puts Cena over as this generation's Ric Flair...
  2. The Niggardly King

    Who's the best poster on Leena's ignore list?

    We're all half black
  3. The Niggardly King

    Will the KOTR ever return?

    It will be back before 2010. Carlito will win it.
  4. The Niggardly King

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    The thing that started all this backlash would have to be that shitty video they had Cena do, and then seemed to play it over and over. Not the "Bad Man" one, but that other one. It had Cena like having a barbecue with his family and friends, followed by him playing touch football, and then he says something like, "Let's put down the gats..." I didn't really notice the fans turning on him until that video came out. Then he became the guy who did middle school humor, and a "hero" who always overcomes the odds.
  5. The Niggardly King

    Guys, didn't you learn?

  6. The Niggardly King

    Guys, didn't you learn?

    Speak for yourself... I'm quality.
  7. The Niggardly King

    School Fights...

    The best was when are school had a "riot". This happened when high schools, and some colleges across Southern California were protesting the War in Iraq. So... one of the political clubs decided to hold one the next day after every other school held theirs. It happened during lunchtime, and one of the security guards opened up the gate. There were only about 15 people that were orignally going out, but dozens of people swarmed the gate trying to ditch. Next thing I know, a trashcan gets set on fire. People start fighting for no reason. Staff and security try to break it up. Sodas get thrown, cups full of ice, anything people can get their hands on. Then one of the staff members has a seizure. The staff panic and drag him into the cafeteria. This continues for maybe 15 minutes... and then the sheriffs arrive and the real fun begins. Highlights for it would have to be... Watching my friend Eric trying to break into a teachers car, but ending up getting tackled by a cop. Some big black guy hitting running big boot on some mexican dude he hated. He followed up with a few stomps before getting jumped by some of the guys friends. Seeing all the black and hispanic kids that got arrested cry about racism. The rich kids who got arrested cry about being discriminated against since they had more money than the cops. Hearing about my history teacher freak out about a trashcan on fire, he has a fire extinguisher in his class, yet he doesn't do anything. No one is around in his area, and it's not even a big fire. It would have only taken maybe a second to put out. Eventually... things are back in order and everything is okay. We had helicopters circle the school a few times each day over the next two weeks. Security has been beefed and nothing like that has happened again. There still is the occasional fight, but nothing serious.
  8. The Niggardly King

    Box Office Report 2/24-26

    Tyler Perry... I like him. So far it seems his movies go all over the place, but he can be pretty good sometimes. I know a lot of people expected to hate Diary of a Mad Black Woman, but they were surprised that it was actually a decent movie. razazteca is right about him. Dude might just end being this generations Cosby.
  9. The Niggardly King

    Guys, didn't you learn?

    Carnival is a dirty rat bastard.
  10. The Niggardly King

    Guys, didn't you learn?

    You got to keep the hands up WP! AVOID THE JABS!!!
  11. The Niggardly King

    Guys, didn't you learn?

    stfu? Isn't that Cena's new finisher? I'm guessing it means "shut the f***up you"? If so, that has got to be the geekiest, dorkiest and most stupid thing I have ever, ever heard someone say or do. If you want to say somthing, talk like a normal person does Alright, you got em against the ropes... WORK THE BODY WP!!!!
  12. The Niggardly King

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    X XX XXX Allright, let's go to the other side of the board now...
  13. The Niggardly King

    PRIDE 31 Spoilers/Results

    Overeem is a beast when he doesn't have to cut weight. Always liked that guy. Feel pretty bad for Kharitonov... guy just recovered from a shoulder injury just to have another one. It was great watching the Coleman interview after the incident. I've never seen him talk so much.
  14. The Niggardly King

    the official who is on your ignore list thread

    I ignnore noones
  15. The Niggardly King

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    Jannetty's going to throw Michaels through a window. Payback time.
  16. The Niggardly King


  17. The Niggardly King


    You're nearly 30 and still live at home? Amazing
  18. The Niggardly King

    Crucifixio Jones?

    . . . . .
  19. The Niggardly King


    Sway has the "look" going for him. Not like Ace, but I still expect Sway to go far. I love watching Taylor trying to do his best impression of Jamie Foxx doing Ray Charles.
  20. The Niggardly King

    BIG announcement expected backstage on Monday

    "You all have to look at the big picture..."
  21. The Niggardly King

    Should WWE do another Draft this year?

    The funny thing is Smackdown will always end up looking worse off after the draft... But it will still be the better show.
  22. The Niggardly King

    Should WWE do another Draft this year?

    But you can't, it just won't work out. The way it's set up is fine for now. All they needs is better booking.
  23. The Niggardly King


    Bobby, Gideon, and Jose are taking this damn thing tonight.
  24. The Niggardly King

    Are you an alcoholic?

    I don't drink.