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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    not to go off topic, but Event Horizon was such a clusterfuck movie, I couldn't help but like it.
  2. I see what you did there! Ugh indeed.
  3. That's no shock, I say that every year. Yeah, don't vote for me.
  4. Black Lushus

    The OAO Vs. Fighting Game Thread

    Haha I bet...I haven't been to an arcade in quite a few years.
  5. Black Lushus

    The OAO Vs. Fighting Game Thread

    I remember the old SF2 tournament days...never will you find a greater arrangement of BO in your whole life.
  6. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It is sold on it's own in Japan as well as weith the system....also, keep in mind, tons of people also got Super Mario Bros. along their very first NES. My NES was the Super Mario/Duck Hunt cartridge. EDIT: fff got the answer in a split second before mine!
  7. Venk has been boarding like a mutha lately...just crown his ass already, he is who we thought he is!
  8. Black Lushus

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    Chigurh...Omar has a little tiny tiny bit of a heart. Chigurh doesn't seem to have a heart at all. Chigurh wouldn't let a little kid smoke him like that.
  9. Black Lushus

    Happy Jingus Sucks Day!

    I like the hand shake at the end.
  10. Black Lushus

    Wolverine and the X-Men on Nicktoons Network

    Gotta be honest here, I don't recall another true series before the 90s Fox series...yeah I do recall one shot videos (Pryde of the X-Men, with Australian Wolverine), but not a full fledged series. In fact, the only Marvel series I can think of post 60s/pre 90s was Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. EDIT: after doing some Wiki research, there were other Marvel shows (not counting GI Joe and Transformers), but they disn't last like Spider and His Friends.
  11. Black Lushus

    Wolverine and the X-Men on Nicktoons Network

    Don't listen to Drew, the 90s one was the only one that mattered at that time.
  12. Black Lushus

    Wolverine and the X-Men on Nicktoons Network

    I'll check it out like I did the newer Transformers, hate it and never watch it again.
  13. Black Lushus


    I'm embarrassed by my role in that thread.
  14. Black Lushus

    Guys, I think Marney is dead.

    Wow, man, really? I mean, I can understand not liking someone from the internet, but damn, dude...
  15. Black Lushus


    Hell, I have fun just watching all the different ways you can die.
  16. Black Lushus


    I don't think it sold well, which is a shame...it really is a great game. Probably won't be a sequel...another shame.
  17. Black Lushus


    The accent thing bothers me, it really does. I also get bothered when a movie takes place in a foreign country, say Mexico...maybe even just a few scenes take place in that country...and everyone talks in accented, sometimes broken English to each other. I understand suspending disbelief, I watch wrestling for christ's sake, but if I'm watching two Mexicans in Juarez talking to each other, they should be speaking Spanish. Traffic, for example, is a movie that did it correctly, with Benicio Del Toro's entire story arc in Spanish. I know, it's petty...overall it doesn't stop me from watching a movie...but it's one of those things that rattles around in my head as I watch. As for Cruise, I've never lost faith in him...as weird and lame a human being as he is offscreen, he's been in tons of movies that I love, movies I've grown up on.
  18. Black Lushus


    ohhh I doubt I'd let my kids play it!
  19. Black Lushus


    Yeah I had a lot of fun with Bully...certainly a fun departure from the typical steal vehicles, blow up and kill everything in sight sandbox game. It's incredibly deep too, tons to do.
  20. Black Lushus


    I'd be more interested if he at least attempted to use a German accent.
  21. Black Lushus


    If you like old school arcade rail-gun shooters, get a Nyko Perfect Shot (gun casing for the Wii) and get Ghost Squad and House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return (2 games in 1). For just 10 bucks you should be able to find Target Terror, which is actually sorta horrible, but if you can find it cheap, it's not that bad for a shooter. Get the Wii Zapper because it comes with Link's Crossbow Training, which is actually sorta fun. Other games to get: Bully Geometry Wars Galaxies Trauma Center 1 & 2 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles (which is another rail shooter) Guilty Gear XX Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 No More Heroes Call of Duty World at War Paper Mario Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Metroid Prime 3 Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Batman Mario Kart (comes with one Wii Wheel) Smash Bros. Okami Red Steel (it's not tha bad and you can find it for dirt cheap these days) Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (not too many RPGs so take what you can get) Zack & Wiki (horribly underrated game, a lot of fun and quite challenging at a cheap price) Rock Band or Guitar Hero games oh and don't forget to grab a classic controller hook up as well.
  22. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    This is my first foray in to the Tales world...it's okay, but nothing impressive. However since I only own a Wii, currently and I was dying for some RPG action, I went ahead and grabbed it up. It's not bad, but it's not compelling enough to make me sink massive hours in to it like FF6 or something.
  23. Black Lushus


    Heh alright, I gotcha...you know I'm just giving you shit every time I say "eat it drew!", right?
  24. Black Lushus


    I...I don't know what that means.
  25. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I've just recently fired this game up, I know what you mean....wayyyy too much dialogue in this game. I know I know, it's a RPG, but STILL...