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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    WWF Royal Rumble 1992

    No, we don't. 2004 is a lot better I think. Fuck! You're RIGHT, Bob! How silly of me to forget!
  2. It's not even the best John Hughes flick...that would be Planes, Trains & Automobiles.
  3. Black Lushus

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    What a buncha BS, he's obviously next in line for a title run...he needs to shut the fuck up.
  4. Any word on any new female cast members? Surely Casey "Yummy" Wilson moves up?
  5. I was surprised...but not surprised...to see Darrell Hammond STILL there.
  6. Black Lushus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Hey, if Tackleberry's In-Laws can do it...
  7. Black Lushus

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    Is this a level based game or is it open? I'd like a sand-box styled Star Wars game, many missions to choose from at any time type game (GTA-like). Is that how this is?
  8. Hey thanks for answering the question, jerkface!
  9. How does this make you feel, Bob?
  10. Black Lushus

    WWF Royal Rumble 1992

    I agree with that assessment. Tale of two halves, both halves were good. I like the first half in particular because it helped eastablish both Bulldog and Shawn Michaels as future big time players. Who woulda though Shawn would have stayed in for as long as he did at that point? It also features the best Rumble elimination yet: Sid slinging Slaughter so hard in to the turnbuckles that he popped up and went over. I get a kick out of Macho Man just nonchalantly being dumped out...after the deal with him, Jake and UT, he was pretty much out on his feet the rest of the way, no real threat at all.
  11. I haven't seen a single Harry Potter flick, nor do I have the desire to....not even underaged Emma Watson can get me to see them.
  12. Black Lushus

    WWE Raw - September 15, 2008

    It doesn't matter, Stephanie isn't the one that's going to be replaced or anything, they'll just go back to the old stand-bys: McMahon-amania, Triple H everywhere, etc. etc.
  13. Black Lushus

    WWF Royal Rumble 1992

    Best Rumble Ever...but we already knew that.
  14. Black Lushus

    I'm using a campus computer at the moment

    Was wondering where you were last night...missed ya at chat! Hawk was also having some issues.
  15. Black Lushus

    WWE Raw - September 15, 2008

    That kick off the rope thing she did was craptacular...she's certainly regressed in her time off.
  16. Black Lushus

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    No more Triple H also helps. You know, it's weird, I really don't hate or dis-like Triple H at all. I actually do like him, but I just think he's run his course with me. He could retire tomorrow and I would be alright with that. He doesn't belong on SD because he's too big a fish in too small a pond, yet I don't want him on Raw anymore...but I don't dis-like him. Does that seem weird to you?
  17. If we're talking gangster flicks, you can probably live without seeing The Godfather...but you MUST see Goodfellas, if you haven't already.
  18. Black Lushus

    Help Me Expand My Wrestling Repertoire

    We should pick matches and vote or poll or something. Is this match a 5 star match? Yes or No...we'll call it TSM's 5 Star HOF or something.
  19. Black Lushus

    Help Me Expand My Wrestling Repertoire

    Hmmm pretty good ratings for HBK/Shelton from Raw in 05 and HBK/Cena from Raw in 07...I agree, loved the hell out of both.
  20. Black Lushus

    Discussion: The Undertaker

    haha I thought i had the wrong thread for a second, but it was really Docv moving everything as I was typing it out!
  21. Black Lushus

    Discussion: The Undertaker

    I don't like the way his fued with Randy Orton ended...but that's okay, Orton has made it up on his own. UT just kinda bores me really...honestly, he's always bored me. I can only watch fsix of his matches repeatedly without getting bored: vs. Hardy ladder match, vs. Edge at WM24, vs. HBK at Ground Zero (and really it's because of HBK's goofiness, man was hilarious) HIAC vs. HBK, HIAC vs. Foley and vs. Triple H at WM17. When I went to Judgement Day this year, I took the time during his match with Edge to go grab a beer and take a piss (in that order). Missed the first 10 minutes...screw it, I saw the match already two months earlier. People praised the NWO match with Angle, I didn't see the greatness. I mean it was a fine match, but I wasn't totally blown away like others were at the time
  22. Black Lushus

    WWE Raw - September 15, 2008

    Kane put the mask on? Did I miss something?
  23. Black Lushus

    Help Me Expand My Wrestling Repertoire

    The matches you guys mentioned did spring to mind...sorry, my brain is slow today, I'm sure if I thought about it I could figure on at least two or three more post 97. Curious, what did he give Warrior/Savage at WM7? Did he rate the 92 Rumble at all?
  24. Black Lushus

    Help Me Expand My Wrestling Repertoire

    I don't know bob, just asking the question. You don't think there have been ANY? At ALL?
  25. Black Lushus

    Help Me Expand My Wrestling Repertoire

    That is the primary reason why I don't take Meltzer's opinion very seriously. I just read it again...nothing before 94 either. Wow, usually guys like him cream over Savage/Steamboat and Hart/Bulldog. Interesting.