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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    Yes, Vickie was getting the loudest boos of the night, it was pretty crazy actually. I don't think she was purposely stalling for heat, she was getting booed SO MUCH that she couldn't speak. Probably overwhelmed her a little. I missed the first 10 minutes of the UT/Edge match taking a leak and getting another beer. We had fun, solid card all throughout, though there were too many out of nowhere finishes for my taste. I really wish the women's match got about 5 more minutes. Foley looked like he was sleeping half the time. We were oh so lucky to see Carlito and Santino job to Holly and Rhodes in the dark match. What happened to Big Show/Mark Henry? That's okay, we got MVP/Jeff Hardy instead. Hey TSM, what happened to Hardy having to work his way back to the top? He probably got the second biggest pop behind Triple H. Cena got the usual mixed reaction. Omaha's a non-smarky town though, so the people who were supposed to get cheered got cheered. Not sure what boos you heard with CM Punk, he got a pretty good reaction where I was sitting, anyway. Regal was sitting in the box high above our section so we got to see him in all his sneering goodness all throughout the night.
  2. Black Lushus

    Box Office Report...

    I gotta be honest here, I know nothing about Narnia beyond that cartoon that came out in the early 80s.
  3. Black Lushus

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    No. I think the sign fad has kind of died out, hasn't it? I don't remember there being a lot of signs when I went to Raw last October.
  4. Black Lushus

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    YES!!! Hey guys, watch for my "RE-MOD HTQ" sign
  5. Black Lushus


    Hell fuckin yes! My boy, Drew! I bought it at Gamestop...the kid working there almost wept with joy because I was getting it.
  6. Black Lushus

    Box Office Report...

    and then next week is Indy 4, right? Narnia is going to nose dive HARD.
  7. Black Lushus

    If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

    re: non-currupt cops:
  8. Black Lushus

    Uwe Boll will stop making bad movies if..

    yeesh, Double Dragon has been playing on the Starz/Encore channels this past month. I forgot how truely awful that movie is. How hard is it to make a faithful Double Dragon movie? Honestly?
  9. Black Lushus

    Uwe Boll will stop making bad movies if..

    well they're kinda SORTA doing that with Hulk.
  10. Black Lushus

    Judgment Day Roundtable

    I'll be there! I know it will probably suck, but we haven't had a PPV since April 1996, IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies, so I couldn't pass it up!
  11. Black Lushus

    Uwe Boll will stop making bad movies if..

    One of these days...just one of these days....Uwe Boll will make a movie that will blow us all away with how awesome it is. Just you watch!
  12. Black Lushus

    Virtual Console

    I have a PS2 looking pad for my PC and PC to TV cables
  13. Black Lushus

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    i don't have limewire or something like that. i would appreciate it forever if you could juat throw them all in a .rar and upload it wherever. sorry I didn't get a chance to do this, just get murdertrain's links, download and enjoy. btw, why do you not have Limewire? it's free, get after it already!
  14. Black Lushus

    Indiana Jones trilogy on DVD

    Holy hell, get on it, son! What did you think of Raiders? It's amazing that almost 30 years later, that film is still awesome.
  15. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    gee...is anyone else as shocked as I am?
  16. Black Lushus

    Virtual Console

    I know we've had the discussions before, but I can't see getting NES and SNES games on VC when I have them for free on my PC. Now N64 games I'll get because the emulations are usually shitty for those games. If they did get some actual arcade games on there like vivi mentioned, that would be heavenly. I don't see what's stopping them. If MAME is available, why can't Nintendo figure out a way to get some of these games to us? X-Men and Alien Vs. Predator would be instant DLs for me.
  17. Black Lushus

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    From SYL's Alien album: Skeksis Shitstorm (my favorite from them) Love? Possessions Zen From SYL's The New Black album: Decimator You Suck Wrong Side Far Beyond Metal You should be able to find mp3s of all of them on Limewire. If you haven't found them by the time I get home or someone else hasn't provided, I'll try to upload them for you later tonight.
  18. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    shoot, I forgot about Locke...good call.
  19. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    Syesha gets this season's "Elliot Yamin Award"...meaning the most improved by far and good enough to actually win but has no hope at all of dethroning the other two juggernuats. If you recall, Yamin came in 3rd to Taylor Hicks and Kat McPhee. As imporved as he was, there was no WAY he was toppling those two!
  20. Black Lushus

    American Gladiators

    apparently they did a 2.9 for the ratings...yowza, not good.
  21. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    she's gone she's so pretty where the fuck is everyone???
  22. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    gee Randy, don't be so upset Syesha is doing better than Puke-uletta, your boy. and there it is, Simon gives her the kiss of death.
  23. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    Puke-uletta's wound up so tight you'd need a tractor to pull a pin out of his ass.
  24. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    Simon and Randy sniping at each other tonight, I love it.
  25. Black Lushus


    I'm partial to the Wii Zapper myself, it feels right.