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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Now that I think about it, though, there seems to be tons of chicks working at our local Gamestops/Gamers...they tend to be of the "skater chick"/"punk chick" variety, so if that's what ya like, there ya go!
  2. Black Lushus

    Velvet Goldmine

    I see...well it didn't help that I came into this movie about 45 minutes in, but even still I don't think I would have been able to follow it...hopefully it comes on again soon...
  3. Black Lushus

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Rendclaw, that's EXACTLY what we have going on here in Omaha at the Family Fun Center, our biggest, most popular arcade...Bemani, fighting games and car games...THAT'S IT...there's the occassional classic spattered here and there...
  4. Black Lushus

    CAW Help

    Andrew...it's Scotty 2 Hotty's entrance...it's not quite "The Guns", but it's as close as you'll get!
  5. Black Lushus

    Movies you like

    Ohhhhh no, I know a ton of people, including myself, that love this little shitty flick! i got some old school ones for you I can never get people into: The Warriors and The Wraith...
  6. Black Lushus

    Where will you be in September?

    you want him to STAY with you???
  7. Black Lushus

    A simple question

    Yeah, you'll need a specific cable box...the one I have has the channels in the HIGH end, the 800s...and of course there's only like 10 channels...
  8. Black Lushus

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    To be honest with you, here in Nebraska Arcades, the only games girls really play are DDR and ParaPara Paradise...very few play anything else...there's the occassional female phenom on the fighting games, but she's usually not one that would get asked out a lot... If gals really do play a lot, it must be happening at home only... As far as most male gamer thinking goes around here anyway, Morgan Webb and those chicks from G4TV and that SMOKIN HOT gal on Cheat are anomalies and rarities...
  9. Black Lushus

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    to follow up on Rendclaw's post, It's just like with cars, the general assumption is that girls don't know shit about shit...
  10. Black Lushus

    CAW Help

    Which one? I don't feel like scrolling through a couple hundred poses for it, and I assume you already have it set, so you just could look it up. My N64 library is pretty kick ass now, BTW. I got Mario 64 at last, DK Racing, and Majora's Mask . Alright, I'll get back to you on that one... As I said before, N64 was a truely underrated system that came out a little too late to make an impact...
  11. Black Lushus

    I'm not posting here anymore.

    I'm in THE midwest, but I don't want to be a mod and I should NOT be a mod...that's usually reserved for GOOD posters...
  12. Black Lushus

    CAW Help

    I want to point out that there is an almost PERFECT entrance taunt for your Batista CAW that is almost exactly like the shooting guns dance he does...and I think by now we've all decided how awesome that is...
  13. Black Lushus

    American Idol Season 4

    yeah, because God knows we'll continue to see that lame Federov kid...phone companies need to do ID checks on phone calls when it comes to contests like this...
  14. Black Lushus

    The End of an Era

    Suncoast and Best Buy still do, though it's dwindling down...
  15. Black Lushus

    Kansas City is representing in the News this week

    uhhhh of course you can...my wife is a nurse and she just recently told me about a 12 year coming in with burns because his mom accidentally spilled coffee on him...now maybe adults are thicker skinned, but in some caes, sure it can burn bad enough...especially if it's in your face... the fact that the Rabbi apparently instigated the fight cracks me up...I bet that Nazi didn't even know the dude was Jewish (unless he was wearing his Jew duds) and even at that rate he probably wouldn't have started anything THERE...most Nazis/KKK guys don't do shit unless they have backup...
  16. Black Lushus

    Should all PPV matches have build up videos?

    Hell, I thought Vince was doing us a favor by giving us an 11 minute JBL/Cena match...
  17. Black Lushus

    American Idol Season 4

    I can't believe Anwar got cut before Federov...fuck, that kid even blew his part of the group song...amazing...
  18. Black Lushus

    Christian is OVER

    I do kinda think Christian could have played the cowardly heel champion that needs help (Tomko) to win a lot better than JBL...it woulda made more sense anyway, given his size...I find it hard to believe that a big Texan needs help beating guys like Cena, Guerrero and Angle...a little Canadian dude? I can actually buy that...
  19. I think that covers almost everyone here... I'd go bowling with KKK, have a few beers, laugh at the 13 to 16 y/os that think bowling alleys are the hot spots on Fridays...
  20. Black Lushus

    Soooo...who has their...

    Kids are funny...my daughter completely marks out when I quote the "I Am Your Father" scene...
  21. Black Lushus

    Soooo...who has their...

    See, you can prevent all that unpleasantness by seeing the midnight show, because then everyone else is at the same position of not knowing lines or any of that. They're more apt to just sit back and watch and have genuine first reactions. Okay, you got me on that one...two things are preventing me from doing that: A. can't take my kid that late B. I gotta work at 6 AM and I'm a puss when it comes to that sorta stuff...
  22. Black Lushus

    Soooo...who has their...

    No dude, I saw Episode 2 the night it came out (not the midnight showing but later on in the evening)...worst theater experience of my life: long line, goofy fanboys, unsupervised children running around screaming everywhere...not to mention the fact I was sitting next to 4 Jedi that had seen the movie twice already that day and quoted the whole goddamn thing...the EXCESSIVE marking out for the Yoda fight, ugh! I saw Episode 1 about two weeks after it came out, that was nice and quiet and pleasant...
  23. Black Lushus

    Albums coming out later this year

    ICP question...did they ever do anything with their 6 Cards of Doom gimmick or whatever it was? I had all of them up to the Jekel Brothers when I decided I no longer liked ICP and sold them all off...
  24. Black Lushus

    Were the Transformers Homosexuals?

    I agree, the little tiny robot with the back half that opened up as gun turrents or something like that....horrid!