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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Oldie but goodie.....

    isn't that how his offense is setup though? to capitalize on his speed and agility?
  2. Black Lushus

    Oldie but goodie.....

    the real question is...was that a TD against Carolina or not?
  3. Black Lushus

    Favorite TD celebrations

    didn't he kinda sorta re-hash that this past season, only he stood on one of the endzone stars?
  4. Black Lushus

    Predator 2

    yeah, the new range of weaponary and skills were the best part about this movie...but his skills are better used for jungle hunts than city hunts...
  5. Black Lushus

    What to do with tag titles?

    but Looney, isn't that what is happening now?
  6. Black Lushus

    Best Album Closers

    was that the last song from the Obsolete album? if so I agree...
  7. Black Lushus

    Best Album Closers

    Haha, noticed I left that out didja? man was that a horrid experiment gone bad by Axl or what?
  8. Black Lushus

    What to do with tag titles?

    my whole point is that even just 2 or 3 years ago, they had the same amount of people in the upper/midcard and are still having the same issues now with a brand extension: the same people on top, the same people stuck under the "glass ceiling" and no one new arising (according to you guys, Cena and Orton are NOT the rising stars although WWE wants them to be)...your top guys will always be on top, no matter what...with ending the extension, your mid tier guys would cycle in and out the top spots while the up and comers catch on through Heat and Velocity until they are ready to replace a fading Raw/Smackdown star...keep both programs, drawing maybe your two biggest fueds out between them while every other superstar only does one show a week...maybe this week we see Edge on Smackdown only and next week we see him on Raw only, then the following week, perhaps he's on BOTH shows, for example...for god's sake, when Raw first began it was only ONE hour and they were still able to produce 10 match cards, most of which had some sort of fued and weren't just thrown together matches...
  9. Black Lushus

    GTA: San Andreas

    kind of a funny bit...oh yeah uhmmm spoilers and all that good shit: during the final leg of the game, as the riots rage throughout Los Santos, your girlfriend is still available to take out on dates...even while the city is in flames, folks are killing each other, cops are killing everyone, gangs are running amuck, etc. What was really funny was that after the date she let me come in and tap that ass, meanwhile craziness was happening right outside her house...damn if only they could have made GTA this great before the whole concept got old and tiresome!
  10. Black Lushus

    2005 NFL Hall of Fame Finalists

    yeah but how often has someone so important to the game died a year before he's eligible for induction?
  11. Black Lushus

    HBK vs. Edge

    *sigh* I just miss the days where I could actually watch a wrestling program and enjoy it rather than gauge crowd reactions, actual selling ability, figure out who's going over and then why that person went over, etc. know what I mean? It's kinda hard to get back to that mindframe after so long...
  12. Black Lushus

    HBK vs. Edge

    yeah I feel like I'm above people on TSM considering I myself am closing in on 2000 posts and am on here non-stop throughout the day...I say that because the disecting of the WWE product gets old...but I will stop because it is clearly annoying!
  13. Black Lushus

    2005 NFL Hall of Fame Finalists

    how long has Reggie White been out of the NFL, 4 years? they should bypass that last year...he's gettin in first ballot anyway...
  14. Black Lushus

    The Royal Rumble Thread

    i think all those drugs he was hyped up on were really hittin him that day...course he was never good on the mic so maybe he just couldn't think of anythingn to say when a hundred fans were cheering his arrival.
  15. Black Lushus

    The Royal Rumble Thread

    best promo: Bulldog from 97...I'm gonna win because I'm BIZAAAAAARE!!!!!!!!!
  16. I don't see Bubba Ray beating up New Jack ever....ever...legitimately anyway...
  17. Black Lushus

    GTA: San Andreas

    that's just the tip of the iceburg Edwin, have you even tried Toreno's first airfield mission yet? that took another hour and about 80 tries to complete! I knew right away after Flight School the first mission there would be a fuckin flying mission so i skipped it and cleared out all of the available LV missions before going back...
  18. Black Lushus

    This week in the NBA

    see that's the shittiness of the NBA, because NY leads the division they will seed better than the 8th seed who probably will have a better record...I'm a NY fan, but I am not happy at all with basically backing into the playoffs...being there just because the division is shitty is wack...
  19. Black Lushus

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    he addressed that stuff though, Bob...he's looking for something OTHER than phsycology that sets this match apart from others...there are tons of shitty matches that are so covered by physcology and how the crowd reacts etc. that we don't notice the matches with actual workrate...
  20. Black Lushus

    Watch out, 3! Here comes Tilt!

    well ESPN won't show hardcore porn like FX does, would they?
  21. Black Lushus

    Best Album Closers

    what Jaxl, you didn't like My World on UYI 2?
  22. Black Lushus

    GTA: San Andreas

    the thing that took me forever on Flight School was the goddamn circling through the coronas and then landing...those two tests took me almost 3 hours to beat...i HATE flying missions on these games, hate hate HATE em! so anyway, I beat the game finally last night...the ending was as anti-climatic as I thought it would be back when I read the spoilers but the final mission was still pretty cool...now I have to go back and do the Rock Quarry missions, the Trucker missions, find a few more hidden items/tags and then work on Zero's missions (guess which one I'm stuck on!)...
  23. Black Lushus

    HBK vs. Edge

    if Edge were to beat HBK at the biggest show of the year, it would catapult him right into that top spot...he would use the leverage of such a win to his advantage and will tell Bischoff he finally deserves that title shot because of his victory at the BIG DANCE...that's why it makes sense for them to fight at WM...I understand you smarks are creamin your shorts for HBK/Angle. Yes it would be a good match, but in terms of current storylines it doesn't point in that direction...besides, a match of that magnitude needs more time to gel and other than their staredown that only us internet geeks know about, they've have't really had any interaction...if I'm not mistaken, they began the Goldberg/Borck program a month or two prior to the run-in at the Rumble last year, which set up plenty of time for a, well a SHOULD HAVE BEEN, hot match at WM...
  24. Black Lushus

    What to do with tag titles?

    Loss, I totally see where you're comin from, bro...but that was THEN...if he was so concerned about such things, why are the SAME people main eventing...he tried, it didn't work...back to the old drawing board which is get rid of the extension and merge the rosters back together...if not that then he needs to toally reshake the rosters, not just have a draft lottery where only 6 people switched from each show...
  25. Black Lushus

    What to do with tag titles?

    again, Loss, I can't see the difference if they were to do it now then before the extension...they had TONS of talent on the roster prior to 2001 and only showcased 25% of it and quite frankly I enjoyed the product the WWE put out then 10 fold over what I have seen the past couple of years...