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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    New NaS album: Streets Disciple

    my only problem with the album is that it's in the good ol' double dong take up too much space casing!
  2. Black Lushus

    Flaws in WWE logic

    You can't honestly think RVD would have made a better champion than anyone else in the past couple years, can you? I mean not even JBL...
  3. Black Lushus

    What does your team need to do in the offseason?

    has any team won the Superbowl with a TE as one of their top, go-to, featured stars? I guess Denver with Shannon Sharp but anyone else? was he heavily featured in Baltimore when they won? I can't remember...
  4. Black Lushus

    Let's go to Hardee's

    does anyone know if Roy Rogers is still around on the east coast? They're also owned by the same company as Hardees...I lived in DC for about 6 years and they were scattered all over DC, Maryland and Virginia...I loved that place! They served fried chicken as well!
  5. Black Lushus

    Flaws in WWE logic

    Lita wasn't RAPED, she was COERCED...get it right...
  6. Once again, the WWE accidents themselves into a potential gold mine and isn't sure what to do with it. If Batista/HHH was the plan for WM21, and not HHH/Orton II, I'd say they were booking geniuses. Like it was said of the PLO... the WWE never misses an Opportunity to Miss an Opportunity EDIT: Nevermind. The random stabs at booking Orton/HHH instead of Batista/HHH are just too illogical to pick apart. Hasn't anyone else considered the possibility that could be building for HHH/Orton/Batista at WrestleMania? It worked well for them with HHH/HBK/Benoit last year - I could see them trying to go for it again. And this time, these three guys actually have an interweb of history between them. I'm not saying it would be GOOD, but it does seem to be logical. as long as it's HHH doing the job again, I can deal with that...
  7. Black Lushus

    Down to three in Tough Enough...

    well i don't know about the "Read" World, but he's one of the most popular REAL World characters and has been on every single installment of the Challenges and a top competitor every time (with the exception of the current season) so, there you go...plus he's been training for wrestling for several years now so it's not like he DOESN'T sorta know what to do in the ring as opposed to the others... Puder is the only one likely to put on a decent match but he lacks charisma...so that means they'll give him some lame gimmick requiring charisma rather than just making him a bad ass that beats the shit out of people... Justice has the look, that's all he has going for him, otherwise he's another worthless hoss...
  8. Black Lushus

    Hulk Hogan Is On Crack!!

    DON'T be that guy!
  9. Black Lushus

    Nirvana - Nevermind

    never could get into Nirvana...
  10. Black Lushus


    what are you guys talking about?
  11. yeah and people thought I was stupid for thinking they should put the strap on Batista....at least give it to him once, see if it works...it's GOTTA be better than Orton...I mean how anti-climatic is WM gonna be when Orton wins the title?
  12. Black Lushus

    Most Disturbing/Disgusting movie

    I agree... the gang rape scene in "The Accused" also, as I was a young lad when i first saw it...
  13. Black Lushus

    What's with All the New Divas?

    I wasn't thinking "manish" with her, I was thinking "man that is one chunky chick"...but I'm thinking that was just based on the horrid outfit she was wearing...
  14. Black Lushus

    Greatest openings to songs?

    didn't we do this once not too long ago? "Angry Chair"-Alice In Chains
  15. Black Lushus

    What does your team need to do in the offseason?

    eh, Troy Vincet and Lawyer Milloy's age is starting to scare me, I'd definently shoot to fill one of those spots in the draft...definetly, though, the OL needs to improve and shop Travis Henry around to see what turns up...
  16. Black Lushus

    Alexander - Well, it's apparently a pile of shit.

    not all epics are horrid....Glory was pretty fucking fantastic...you can call that an epic can't you? a war epic?
  17. Black Lushus

    WWE Raw Discussion

    Royal Rumble style would have been a great idea with Triple H getting number 1...
  18. Black Lushus

    Alexander - Well, it's apparently a pile of shit.

    I haven't payed much attention, but how many films has Jolie actually showed her titties off in? All I can think of is Gia but then again I don't watch too many of her flicks...
  19. Black Lushus

    Royal Rumble 2005 winner: Cena or Orton?

    I would actually enjoy that...
  20. Black Lushus

    Julia Roberts delivers her twins

    eh, Hazel isn't a fairly uncommon name, I've known at least two in my life...never knew an apple or a phinnaeus...
  21. Black Lushus

    Julia Roberts delivers her twins

    actors are fucking stoned...
  22. Black Lushus

    Who Would You Draft?

    what do you mean Cena will LIKELY get a world championship before the END of his career? the writing is on the wall, that dude will have a championship at some point in 2005...
  23. Black Lushus

    NFL Week 12

    Buffalo Bills for the 2006 Superbowl!!!!
  24. Black Lushus

    HHH or Jericho

    it depends on what you're looking for all in all...HHH blows away Jericho with ring psychology and he can put on good matches, good enough for me...
  25. Black Lushus

    Rob Van Dam: One Of A Kind DVD

    on this board, no...why do you think people are so upset because Benoit didn't "book the best Raw EVER!!!!!!!!!"