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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. ugh, another predictable Rumble, those are the WORST...at least Benoit's win came outta left field, the predictable ones stink...
  2. Black Lushus

    I'm back.

    is she a slut, though? it would make my fapping to her that much better if i knew she was a slut...
  3. Black Lushus

    Around the Horn

    I don't like how he hates on Michael Smith ALL the time either...he's not my favorite on the show, but it seems like Tony boots him all the time just to be funny...Mariotti on the show everyday is really grating as well and Plaschke just plain sucks...yes this show truely has sunk to the lowest level...
  4. Yikes! Robert Patrick is going to be in that movie? Man he's like the Ted McGinley of movies anymore...he did make a better Terminator than Kristanna what'sher-name, though...
  5. Black Lushus

    I'm back.

    She never answered my questions...
  6. Black Lushus

    I'm back.

    I think Banders is a mod fucking with us...prolly AoO...
  7. Black Lushus

    I'm back.

    the 20 or so repeat posts actually angered me for the first time ever on this forum, i mean even back to the rantslyvania days...now I'm ashamed...
  8. blonde hair, almost to her shoulders...still has those weird moles though....spike has short, straight, black hair, she is really tiny and has big boobs...
  9. i'd love to put it to Caitlin THESE days, that much I am sure of...Spike, though I'm not so sure of...
  10. Black Lushus

    James Bond casting rumour

    I know true fans would shit on this, but what if James Bond wasn't really his name but was the name of any guy in that position? Then it would work to have a black James Bond...it sounds silly, but it's a different kind of twist...
  11. Thaaaaaat's right...but Caitlin....i swear she was in the same calss as the others...plus she went to the 10 year reunion on Degrassi TNG...which featured the return of STEPHANIE KAYE~!, by the way...
  12. am I not reading you correctly Starvenger, I coulda sworn Joey and Caitlin were always in the same class with Wheels/Snake/Spike etc...
  13. Black Lushus

    James Bond casting rumour

    After seeing Ewan McGregor in Down With Love, he was immediately my choice to replace Bond...
  14. Black Lushus

    Farrell Up for Miami Vice Movie

    true dat... besides they already did two Miami Vice movies, Bad Boys 1 and 2, just with two black guys...I'm afraid the buddy cop formula is sadly starting to wear thin...
  15. Black Lushus

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    to quote Yoda: "the dark side clouds eeeeeeverything" "hard to see, the darkside is"
  16. Black Lushus

    I'm back.

    Leena, are you really a chick? If so, do you put out?
  17. Black Lushus

    Snitsky punts doll baby, smarks cheer!!

    I mean, the shit is funny to me, but surely someone out there is outraged over an aborted baby being booted into the crowd?
  18. he was on one episode of Degrassi TNG, I want to say the second season...he showed up to cheer up Snake who was going through chemo (sp?)...they bowled together with Joey and we got to once again hear their Zit Remedy song "Everybody Wants Something"
  19. Black Lushus

    Snitsky punts doll baby, smarks cheer!!

    So how does the WWE NOT get into trouble over this whole baby shit?
  20. Black Lushus

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    I think the familiarity just had something to do with the presence of the force...
  21. Black Lushus

    Week 1 ESPN NBA Power Rankings

    Blah... Black Lushus-writing the Knicks off already...
  22. Black Lushus

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    ummmm drunk Road Rules guy that got hit by the golf cart and the black chick from Real World Miami which was HEAVILY contested by the other girls...sorry that's the best I can do...
  23. Black Lushus

    Snitsky punts doll baby, smarks cheer!!

    I was more worried about him when he tried to get in the ring while still holding the microphone and the babydoll, I thought he was gonna fall or something...did you hear the fan scream "DON'T DROP THE BABY!!!!"? Simon Dean is gold...reminds me of the Million Dollar Man days...