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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Marney: RIP

    whatever happened to Prodigy anyway?
  2. Black Lushus

    Marney: RIP

    I K Cool Jew? or whatever...
  3. Black Lushus

    The Mist

    I guess I would say wait until the last possible minute...like "shit here they come!" BAM!
  4. Black Lushus


    Don King's game is supposed to be out soon, it's not available now.
  5. Black Lushus

    The Mist

    Your wife probably shouldn't watch horror movies then, y'know. little kids, not teens...no one gives a fuck if a teen gets wacked, we all hate teens!
  6. Black Lushus

    Marney: RIP

    wait...who sold you and why were you in a position to be sold to someone for sex?
  7. Black Lushus

    Box Office Report 4/18-4/20

  8. Black Lushus

    Beware of Dog

    1. Diana Smith, good or bad? Not good as in good looking, but does she do a good enough acting job to make a piss-poor angle at least somewhat believable? Or do you just say...wow, get off my television. Horrible actress...totally wooden. Vickie Guerrero is better than her and that says a LOT. The angle would have been a lot better if she was the one that tried to get with Shawn and he was all hell no about it. Bulldog is defending his wife's honor, why is he the heel again?? 2. Double pin finishes, good or bad? Bad...cop out finish simply used to extend the feud. There are better ways to end a title match without a true conclusion, see WM24, Orton/HHH/Cena for a good example. 3. Yokozuna...why in the world is he employed at this point in time? Was there any possible benefit from having him around? If he hadn't gotten so sloppy fat, they still could have made use of him. 93 Yoko could have had a good series of big man matches with 96 Vader. They could have also used him against Mark Henry (well with a little more training, of course). 4. If not for Marc Mero's injury later in the year, how far up the card could he have risen? Also, is he related to Little Richard? Midcard for life for this guy. He had energy, but not main event energy. I don't think the crowd was buying his act. They were more concerned with Sable's tits. I never liked him....not as Wildman, not as Marvelous Marc, not as Johnny B. Badd. I'm pretty sure someone told him he sorta looked like Little Richard way back in the day and he just went with it. 5. Goldust vs. Undertaker...who in the hell thought up this one? Do you like the matchup? Hate it? You almost HAVE to do this feud. It makes sense for the bizarre to battle Undertaker. Look at Mankind. Dustin is a solid worker, not sure why nothing seemed to work right when these two hooked up. Probably because UT was still in zombie mode at the time and he only wrestled at a regular pace with Bret Hart. 6. Last one, would a strap match be a good gimmick to bring back into the current landscape of the WWE? Or is a bullrope match a perfectly acceptable alternative? Either or could work, but it'd have to be an all out bloodbath sort of match. I think a Cena/Umaga bullrope match last year could have been interesting.
  9. Black Lushus

    Ask Milky.

    Andre Braugher is a fucking stud
  10. Black Lushus

    In defense of Vitamin X

    The Pit doesn't obssess over this place, 2 or 3 people that happen to post there do...
  11. Black Lushus

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    I don't have time to respond to this now, but I want to get back to you on this one. I think there's more to it than what you might be thinking. Hopefully others can touch upon this as well. MORE TO COME LATER...
  12. Black Lushus

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    HBK has good to great matches everytime he goes out there. UT needs specific workers to have good matches. I'll go with HBK.
  13. Black Lushus


    I picked up a lot of shit on the cheap in the week that I've had my Wii, other than Wii Play, which I got pretty much for the other controller...figure I might as well get a cheapie shovelware title that the kid can play: -Metroid Prime 3 for 35 -Resident Evil 4 for 25 -Red Steel for 15 -Game Party for 10 -Trauma Center: Second Opinion for 20 All brand new...I get my tax stimulus check in two weeks, more games to come then. CANT WAIT TO STIMULATE THAT ECONOMY!
  14. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    I'm wrong about FIG, she left Ireland at 14, been here for 10 years now...but STILL!
  15. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    I mean seriously, she's been in the bottom like every week...it's getting a bit silly. She's clearly the best female there.
  16. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    I fail to see why Syesha continually makes the bottom 3 yet FIG was safe. The next 3 weeks should go Carly, Brooke, Syesha, because you know those boys aren't going anywhere.
  17. Black Lushus

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: The Thread

    Nice contribution. Zack isn't emo. He's the single best lead character in a Final Fantasy game since Vivi. that was more a crack on character design than anything else. and Cloud is one emo motherfucker, if Advent Children taught me anything.
  18. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    Carly's from Ireland, but I think she was raised here...I just find it funny that her accent always seems to come and go. She's technically not fake, but yeah, she's fake.
  19. Black Lushus

    American Idol (season 7)

    FIG? Fake Irish Girl? Star, I love how we're always on the same page with our petnames for these people....can't forget the Plastic Piggy!
  20. Black Lushus

    Stone Temple Pilots

    mediocre grunge band? YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
  21. Black Lushus

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: The Thread

    Emo Fantasy 7
  22. Black Lushus

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    Can you imagine how things could have been for UT way back in the day if he didn't have to move and sell like a zombie?
  23. Black Lushus

    Flair's 16 title reigns

    Definitely, let's get all the boys together and get it done...then we'll fly over to Japan, Mexico and England, swap the belts out a bunch of times with guys there and with each other and maybe WE can get on that list!
  24. Black Lushus

    Flair's 16 title reigns

    uh oh...not the "what is TRUELY a world title?" debate!
  25. Black Lushus

    King of the Ring tournament to return

    Ken Kennedy is not the only wrestler who could be affixed with that acronym. Kofi Kingston would also qualify. now THAT is something I can see Vince doing! "haha, he's a black guy, you see, and his initials are K.K.K. HAHA GET IT?"