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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    True....was Shelton even on Raw this past monday...I know last week all he did was participate in a lumberjack match, and didn't he get RKOed at some point in that?
  2. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    yeah but at the same time all we hear constantly is Benoit hasn't helped business, Orton hasn't helped business, Jericho hasn't helped business, HBK hasn't helped business...so if that's the case, what does it matter is HHH is on top or not?
  3. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    Triple H's neverending push is the one constant over these past few years of constant decline. Seems like he'd be the main reason for it to me. It's a good thing you're an expert on business, too, then. to follow up on that...to all the experts of the wrestling business, this post 2000 decline that you speak of, is it similar to the state of wrestling PRIOR to the Steve Austin boom or is it worse?
  4. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    I will say that HHH wishes he could be half the heel Savage was...Jericho is close when he's a heel, but he was no Savage either...
  5. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    that sucks too, Cena's Writer because I always loved heel Savage over any of these other fuckers...
  6. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    I suppose...personally, i stopped watching the WWE as close after the WCW buyout and the brand extension...had nothing to do with HHH being on top, I don't have a huge problem with him personally...I don't remember anything from 2001 to around WM time 2004...but I suppose I'm just one guy...
  7. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    <-------pwned Can we honestly attribute that all to HHH though...I meanif there are facts and figures out there, okay, but perhaps today's world doesn't care as much about wrestling as it did pre-2000...like all of us, you eventually grow up and realize you don't like wrestling as much as you used to...
  8. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    honestly, i don't really care how much he's on Raw hoggin up all the airtime, I think he's a good worker, good talker and I really don't see anyone currently on there that can draw as well as he does...he is one of the best heels we've seen in years...i mean Hogan ran the WWE as the top face, why not have HHH run Raw as the top heel...I enjoyed the WWE back then, I still somewhat enjoy it now...so yes, I would put him up there in the upper echelons...at this point anyway, let's see what the future has to bring...
  9. Black Lushus

    How will HHH be remembered?

    from a mark perspective, he's one of the most hated bad guys ever and will go down in history as that as well as a great champion... to us, we can't wait for him to tear another quad already...
  10. Black Lushus

    No Ash/Freddy/Jason battle.

    I admit, he's a big man to try to do that, because if it flops, there will be hell for him to pay...
  11. Black Lushus

    No Ash/Freddy/Jason battle.

    I don't know if I can trust what directors say...just for example how much he loves Spider-Man blah blah blah I want to keep it going blah blah blah...didn't Bryan Singer say that same shit before bolting from X3?
  12. Black Lushus

    The Canadian Chick Thread

    Slayer, you have yahoo as well and you have yet to look a brotha up...
  13. Black Lushus

    The Canadian Chick Thread

    Slayer you bad ass!
  14. Black Lushus

    Zack Malibu is no fun :(

    Honestly, Kido, I have yet to see any evidence showing that this clown actually does get ass... bragging about getting ass on TSM RAWKS!
  15. Black Lushus

    So I'm listening to this new record here.

    it's not the best album, but I got it for 7.99 so at that price you really cannot go wrong...
  16. Black Lushus

    Cena in the nightclub

    EDIT: nevermind
  17. Black Lushus

    SNL last night..

    Dude goes to these things live...if I was in NYC i'd love to go to this every Saturday night so I'm not gonna knock the guy for that... Id be down to check out a live SNL while in NYC...but not every weekend. well, ya gotta think about it though...it's not live EVERY weekend...next weekend for example is the Jimmy Fallon tribute show (he was good enough to warrant one of these?)...so technically you're not going EVERY weekend...
  18. Black Lushus

    What do you look like...

    true, he DOES have green hair...
  19. Black Lushus

    Cena in the nightclub

    Didn't I cover all this already?
  20. Black Lushus

    Are you afraid that black people don't love you?

    Do they kill her husband before or after that? No No No he watches while he bangs the black slut in the corner...come on you haven't seen that one?
  21. Black Lushus

    What do you look like...

    actually, if you look closer it looks like Bob's jacking him off (check the white thing around Diddy's privates)...
  22. Black Lushus

    Are you afraid that black people don't love you?

    Looks like the opening stages to a white chick/multiple black dude orgy...
  23. Black Lushus

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    What Lushus is saying, is that it always appears that Goldberg's spear was actually enough to knock someone down, and hard.When Goldberg hits his, the recipient always got "knocked back" when they got hit. When Edge hits his spear, the recipient just falls down, nothing more. It's like comparing the towing power of the Ford Ranger with the Ford F-350. There's no competition, because the F-350 would out-tow the Ranger every time. Thank you, I was hoping I would not need to go into that detailed a wording to get my point across, i keep forgetting this IS TSM...HBK should not sell a spear from Edge the same way he would a spear from Goldberg, especially considering he wasn't half loopy when he was hit with it...much like how Shawn Michaels superkick is a weak ass finisher, see what I'm saying?
  24. Black Lushus

    Cena in the nightclub

    If they're grooming him for the world title, why have some mid-tier guy send him away for a few months...THAT is what makes him look weak....Kidman took out Cena, yet Cena is tough enough to be the world champ, I'd never buy that...I mean the whole marine beatdown for Shawn Michaels helped catipult (sp?) him into the big time and they milked that incident for what it's worth....perhaps they hope lightening strikes twice, so they fabricate some BS story hoping we'd be dumb enough to buy it...
  25. Black Lushus

    Patterson gives notice?

    if this is true, we saw it coming after first hearing about his statements...chances are this isn;t entirely of his own will...