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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Your pubic region:

    Not sure if I can agree with that...i've heard gals bring up several times about how they wish more guys would trim and shave their shit...it's like it's some new wave deal that the bitches love or something, I dunno...plus my wife loves it...so i trim and shave, pretty much look like a porn star down there...
  2. Black Lushus

    Red Dead Revolver Question

    can't beat mister black? wait til you get to some of the later levels!!! and the last showdonw in the game??? you're fucked dude...this is one hard ass fucking game...
  3. Black Lushus

    Bill Clinton set to join SNL?

    i was shocked when they got Janet Reno to do a skit with Will Ferrell posing as Janet Reno...she doesn't strike me as the type to go for that...
  4. Black Lushus

    Operation:Mindcrime 2

    I say they need to give it up and move on...
  5. Black Lushus

    The Perfect Pop Song

    Dirty Pop-NSync, i actually liked this song...eat a dick, haters...
  6. Black Lushus

    What a Day

    This happened to my wife, she got her plates stolen (not her car) and the car that her plates were put on was used in a bank robbery...sure enough the cops questioned her immediately, but right before they came to our house she had called in to report her plates stolen, so it all worked out...
  7. Black Lushus

    How underrated is Too Cold Scorpio?

    perhaps a spot on Smackdown wrestling other cruisers? Surely he's wrestled Mysterio and Ultimo in the past at some point an dhad decent matches with them? Provided he's motivated enough those could be good matches...perhaps bring him in as a heel...
  8. Black Lushus

    Jeff Garcia Dating Carmella

    Mia Hamm is average at best...Nomar looks like a tool...
  9. Black Lushus

    Athletes who you wouldn't mind if they had a...

    Kellen Winslow II-fucking take the money and quit being a bitch p.s. i haven't checked any sports info since last night, so he may have signed since then...
  10. Black Lushus

    I'm 21 now.

    Right on bro, happy hangovers, have fun but be careful...
  11. Black Lushus

    Sorry But...

    I looked all up and down this forum for it and it looks like they did a cleanup here and got rid of old threads so I couldn't find the last time this was posted, but Im looking for some Smackdown: HCTP CAWs, can you fellas help me out? oh and if you're mad about me starting this thread again, unless you're a mod look at what I first typed and eat a dick...thank you to those of you who just help me and don't bitch...
  12. Black Lushus

    I've been posting here for 2 years?

    I can't recall the name of the board, but I was around when the format looked this >subject Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply you get the idea....LONG time ago, in other words, at least 4 or 5 years perhaps?
  13. Black Lushus

    Smackdown: HCTP CAW thread

    are there any good current sights, all the ones in this thread have been shut down? as usual im behind the video game curb as I only just aquired this game for a cool 20 bones...I did some searches for sites and the ones I found were mediocre at best...any help would be appreciated thanks!
  14. Black Lushus

    Sorry But...

    appreciate it...mod go ahead and close this thread...thanks!
  15. Black Lushus

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    that is fucking awesome, man i need to play more, my copy is beginning to collect dust already!
  16. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    I will say that Ruination (Transformers: RID) is a cooler name than Bruticus, though...
  17. Black Lushus

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    yeah but the hard drive clears that up right? I may purchase one just for the hell of it, even though I have no interest to play FF 11...seems that more games will start to utilize the HDD functions at this point in the PS2 run...
  18. Black Lushus

    2004 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees

    i will tell you this, NoCal, not sure how often you hit the dance club scene, but nothing gets the bitches out on the dance floor faster than Get Low or Salt Shaker, both Lil Jon produced songs...as goofy as the dude is, he knows how to get chicks to dance...
  19. Black Lushus

    2004 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees

    My Band is actually a pretty catchy tune and a somewhat funny video...no way in hell is that the worse single of the past 20 years...you seem to be forgetting avril lavinge... and yeah, going with Dids, Lil Jon's been hot for quite a few years now with songs like Get Low and Bia Bia...Dave Chappelle had nothing to do with that, he was just dogging on him because of how succesful he was at the time as most sketch comedies do... EDIT: in fact, and I may be wrong, but I believe the first couple of Lil Jon sketches aired BEFORE Yeah came out...
  20. Black Lushus

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    do you have it set up under TV presentation? not sure if it makes a difference, but i noticed that also, the clock doesn't stop while replays and stats and what not are showing, unlike past games...
  21. Black Lushus

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    then i will just have to take you by force!!!!!!!!
  22. Black Lushus

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    if this were prison, I would buy AoO for one carton of smokes and make him wear lipstick and earrings...
  23. Black Lushus

    2004 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees

    to further add to this, you people also realize this IS mtv we're talking about here? why act so surprised about what videos get nominated year after year? someone mentioned BSB, Nsync and Britney being all over the awards a few years back...well DUH, they WERE the hottest thing going at the time, why be surprised that that would happen?
  24. Black Lushus


    30 bucks and no pussy? pass...
  25. Black Lushus

    Driver watching in-dash DVD kills two

    the whole concept of watching a DVD while driving is silly from the standpoint of why one needs to see a movie that badly that they just can't wait til they get home to watch it...I can understand having it in the back for kids but adults don't need that kinda shit...fucking lame...