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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Announcers making shoot comments...

    Don't remember the Man's Man? Or the Kiss My Ass club? the kiss my ass shit was funny, the faces he made were priceless... as for man's man, well all the great ones have their ups and downs i suppose...
  2. Black Lushus

    Announcers making shoot comments...

    That PPV was done LONG after that heel turn, and way before JR's heel announcer turn about a year and a half later though Black Lushus-pwned
  3. Black Lushus

    Star Wars DVD's

    eh, I could do without the Ewoks stuff...is that stuff even recognized in Star Wars canon anyway?
  4. Black Lushus

    Announcers making shoot comments...

    Schiavone, what a dope, hindsight ain't always 20/20 Tony, Regal is one of the best things going in the WWE right now...hell i've always been a fan of his anyway...
  5. Black Lushus

    2004 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees

    im not sure if that's a true statement though, AoO...MTV2 still plays mostly videos, though more shows are showing up on it and then there's that MTV Hits channel that shows nothing BUT videos (though mostly mainstream stuff)...im not sure if everyone gets MTV Hits, but if BFE Nebraska does, then surely everyone else does...
  6. Black Lushus

    Once again....Ian Robinbson....

    hell i'm fine with Metallica if they just get a different drummer...Lars doesn't seem capable of playing at top speed anymore, James and Kirk still can i'm sure and Rob seems suited for it, so....new drummer please!
  7. Black Lushus

    2004 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees

    that's funny because I was thinking about Junior/Senior as well while going through the more obscure categories...the video was pretty cool, the song is very catchy and their CD actually is pretty decent...they came out last summer so it should be in the same year as all the other videos nominated...hell i thought Get Low came out in 2002!
  8. Black Lushus

    2004 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees

    I don't have a problem at all with most mainstream music...i'm not going to be like everyone else and list a bunch of bands that no one but them has heard of yet they proclaim them to be "the greatest bands ever!" when we do one of those stupid threads...hell, Dr. Dre's The Chronic and GNRs Appetite are on my all-time top 5 list and it didn't get more mainstream at the time of their release than that... Besides, I usually watch the awards because 9 times out of 10 SOMETHING interesting happens whether it be the opening comedy act (Chris Rock is usually solid) or a musical act (GNR's surprise appearance)...so yeah I'll be watching it...as for predictions, anything by Outkast, Jay-Z or Beyonce will win the main categories because MTV has been pimping those acts hard all year round on all channels...
  9. Black Lushus

    Announcers making shoot comments...

    well im not sure how much "shooting" JR was doing during that PPV, you have to remember this was during JRs "heel" turn where he got "fired" by Vince McMahon because of his bells-palsy...remember when he came back on RAW with a big heel speech running down Vince and the WWE and then bringing us the fake Razor and Diesel? He was then the "heel" commentator for awhile alongside Vince, i think it strectched for a good 5 or 6 months, not sure though...
  10. Black Lushus

    bret vs austin

    i have that match on tape, it wasn't GREAT like the SS 96 match and the WM13 match but it continued to sell the angle well...if i recall, both men were hampered big time with leg injuries so they weren't able to provide the best match possible at the time but at least made it very watchable...
  11. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    shiiiiiiiit Bruticus owns motherfuckin Computron! EDIT: but Predaking owns them all! forgot about him!
  12. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    the general consensus would be that brawn died when the autobot shuttle crashed after the Decepticons hopped off it while hot rod was shooting at them...
  13. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    you know I actually dug Hound too, seems like after Season One he got shipped to back up duty after being VERY prominant in season one...Trailbreaker also...seemed like they were big time in almost every episode of season one...Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Mirage were never prominant, another puzzler...but hey, gotta sell those toys so push guys back to make way for new ones!
  14. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    I demand Prowl and Jazz be in this thing on the Autobot side! Maybe Hot Rod...
  15. Black Lushus

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    I agree, there's no reason why 3 other wrestlers had to be involved in this match...surely they could have figured out a good finish without all of that crap...it didn't HURT the match, but I would rather see a clean finish, as i'm sure everyone else does...
  16. Black Lushus

    thoughts from RAW

    *marks out for humongous avatar*
  17. Black Lushus

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    anybody know how many minutes I should set simulated games on so that I don't end up with scores such as 56-54, 65-37, etc.? How about actual game playing minutes? I usually set games on 10 minute quarters, been doing that for years on Madden, and though my stats were realistic for the most part (yardage-wise), I ended up beating the Jags with the Bills in week 1 56-0...
  18. Black Lushus

    DDR Extreme USA Info

    Ghosts was on Max2 USA Bah, I don't play at home anymore anyway...
  19. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    The Matrix wasn't something they pulled out of their asses. It was well established in the comic before Transformers the movie (which gave it a shitty rename of the matrix). True but the comics were a different canon than the cartoons, I'm talking about the cartoon itself... Oh yeah, Starvenger, I couldn't even get into Beast Wars at all, I dunno, when it comes to Transformers I just fear change! See you guys aren't following me, I don't have a problem with the Matrix concept itself, I think it's pretty cool and all, but the fact that we don't know jack about it until after the first 50 something episodes is what was stupid about the whole idea...the writers needed soemthing to elevate Hot Rod so they introduced the Matrix into the cartoon world...
  20. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    yeah they go back and tell us that LATER, after the movie...
  21. Black Lushus

    Books you can read over and over again....

    Starship Troopers and To Kill A Mockingbird...
  22. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    no no, the matrix woulda been fine had it not sprung up in season canon TWO SEASONS LATER! here's an example...it clearly shows that the autobot the Matrix chooses grows in size and appearance and gains the name Prime, the movie and season 3 tell us this, but in season two, it shows that Optimus Prime was created by Alpha Trion from the remains of Orion Pax, not once does it mention a Matrix...see what I mean, they just kinda picked it outta think air...i guess they didn't think us too old for cartoon geeks would pick up on it 20 years later!
  23. Black Lushus

    DDR Extreme USA Info

    bah, still haven't put Ghosts back on...DDR can suck a dick...
  24. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    the matrix was a horrible plot device that never shoulda been introduced in the movie...if it was something so big and monumental, why was it never mentioned in the first two seasons...seems to me the writers were lazy and couldn't think of a better way to elevate Hot Rod to main event status so they threw that out there...kinda like the WWE...
  25. Black Lushus

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    hmmm, skin color is right...shaved head, so close on that one...i don't wear sports clothing, not too much yellow or carolina blue, i'd say mostly greys, blacks and whites...i do laundry once a week, so right on there...i do have some white qualities which my friends have sometimes responded by callin me the whitest black guy they know, can't say i care for that compliment, but oh well...i'm 5'11"...my WIFE is constantly in my shit, but I leave her alone, i don't care what she does as long as she ain't cheatin...i'd say you nailed me about 75% there, good job bro!