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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    The next Xbox WWE game...

    Agreed, AKI's wrestling engine is about as good as it gets, thank god for Def Jam Vendetta...only thing that woulda made Revenge the best all-time (well next to FirePro I suppose) would have been a CAW feature...
  2. Black Lushus

    bret vs austin

    it's been discussed here numerous times, but i'll once again go on record as to say that it was one of the best fueds of all time, IMO but unfortunantly it didn't have a proper blowoff thanks to the whole Montreal thing, which may be why i wouldn't call it THE best fued ever...now if Austin and Bret both showed up on like TNA or something and renewed their fued, that would kick major buttocks, but im sure that is highly unlikely...
  3. Black Lushus

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    well, living in Nebraska doesn't bring us much memories wrestling-wise...best experience was the IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies PPV back in 96...horrible show overall, but the Nash/HBK streetfight kicked all types of ass...when Nash beat up MadDog Vachon and stole his fake leg, the heat for that was mega-intense...that was also back before table breaking became too cliched in the WWE so the spot where Nash powerbombed HBK through the table was pretty awesome to see up close...
  4. Black Lushus

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    i'm nowhere near as dark, i'll say THAT much and I'm certainly no pimp, though I may have claimed to be in my time prior to marriage!
  5. Black Lushus

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    I'm game AoO, go for it...
  6. Black Lushus


    I agree, I can't think of one role i've enjoyed him in...also, doesn't he do some gay stuff in this movie? not interested...
  7. Black Lushus

    Needs more Cowbell

    is it just me or is Walken almost always gold on SNL?
  8. Black Lushus

    Movie Characters

    the character did kinda suck, but that was the most fuckable i've ever seen Thora Birch next to American Beauty...
  9. Black Lushus

    Star Wars Episode III Title Announced

    and this title is worse than the other titles in the series.....how? Empire Strikes Back..yeah THAT'S a great name...i've said it a million times before im gonna say it again, i think the intense hate of the new trilogy is lame, old and doesn't make any sense...get off the satr wars hate bandwagon ya fuckin sheep...if Lucas had the technology in 77 that he has now, the product would be the same so stop bitching about too much CGI and lame acting and all that because the original had all the same negatives minus the CGI...
  10. Black Lushus

    Transformers the Movie

    as a huge Transformers mark, i think this is gonna turn out to be a bad idea...leave well enough alone...what i WANT to see is a cartoon studio pick up where season 3 of the original left off with the return of Optimus (rebirth doesn't exist in my world)...or at least the japanese Headmasters series brought over here, since that was the same cartoon studio and all...
  11. Black Lushus

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    Okay, been playing it all weekend and here's my take...glad it's only 20 bucks, because if I payed 50 i'd be pissed...now overall it's good, don't get me wrong, the gameplay itself kicks ass, it's fun unlike Madden which became frustration...I love the ESPN style presentation...but there's too many graphical and audio glitches, which i know the hard drive would clear up, but im not paying 100 bucks for the drive and a game i won't play (FF11)...i had to turn the player vocies off as well as the announcers, that shit was way too annoying...great game for 20, horrible for 50...im not set up for online play and i don't have the HDD so that's probably what's swaying my opinion, but hey i don't have that stuff so i should still expect a good game...
  12. Black Lushus

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    my take on it is simple: if you want exactly what the comic book has, go read the fucking comic book...why would you want to watch the EXACT same thing when you can simply pick up a 20 page book and read it?
  13. Black Lushus

    Star Wars DVD's

    i guess im the only one that doesn't have a huge problem with the changes Lucas made or with the newer trilogy...oh well...plus I still have my old tapes if i REALLY need to refer to them that bad...the Star Wars universe in general is cool enough to where I can deal with change...
  14. Black Lushus

    Why ESPN sucks

    no i'm pretty certain ATH and PTI are still on the main channel, I know they show REPEATS on the News channel...
  15. Black Lushus

    Super Bowl XL

    I never did my homework during roman numeral class in grade 6 seriously. some mod can please change the title for me. Fuck if I know what the proper identification for it is. you could have just put Super Bowl 40, less typing... EDIT: oh yeah my predictions...New England and Green Bay rematch...if not GB then the Eagles, I think they may just finally get over that hump...but there hasn't been any real DRASTIC changes to the Pats lineup so a repeat really seems possible for them...and I hate it being a Bills fan and all...
  16. Black Lushus

    Nightmare on Elm Street: Real Nightmares on CBS

    I'm in agreement with the folks that liked Fear on MTV, that show was pretty decent and I can see how people could get freaked in the situations they were put in...
  17. Black Lushus

    The Pictures in People's .sigs

    don't really care about sigs/avatars or what people think of mine...besides, Dolemite is the shit...
  18. Black Lushus

    Movie Characters

    he was in that animated movie that Richard Linklater made not too long ago (he's the guy that did Dazed for those of you who don't know)
  19. Black Lushus

    Movie Characters

    what bugged me about him was how he would always pinch the bridge of his nose EXCESSIVELY!
  20. Black Lushus

    Getting into Megadeth's music

    Megadeth sucks live...at least in my experience...i think Mustaine was drunk because he was playin like shit, he was missing cues, fucking up rythms and what not, his singing was way off...we all started chanting you suck 30 minutes in and he told us "I may suck, but you guys are the assholes that paid 30 bucks to see my ass!" then walked off....needless to say we were all less than ecstatic...
  21. Black Lushus

    Getting into Megadeth's music

    agreed...i don't understand the knock on it it sometimes gets...
  22. Black Lushus

    A Congratulations Thread

    been there done that, when i played Vendetta, as i mentioned earlier, I was up til 2 when i had to get up for work at 5! eeeep!
  23. Black Lushus

    A Congratulations Thread

    I am starting to fear for your social life! j/k
  24. Black Lushus

    Bands that could have been bigger than they were

    Sorry it took me like 3 days to respond to this, I don't have a computer at my new apartment yet, and thus can only post at work (or if I go to a friend's house) ... Lushus, how can you compare ANY current new band to the Stones or Beatles or Led Zeppelin (or the others)? Those bands are like the upper echelon of music. Other than maybe a band like U2, there's not a band out there that will reach that level. People can circle jerk over Nirvana until they're blue in the face, but truthfully they've already failed to reach that level, and it's only been 10 years since they broke up. To compare a band like 311 to the Beatles is like saying that today's authors are comparable to Shakespeare or Hemingway: there just isn't anyone right now that will earn a spot on the immortals list. maybe I misinterpreted the direction this thread was heading...it seemed like we were getting to the point of deciding who could have been as big as those bands...my bad...im starting to reach Choken proportions here, i better chill for a bit...
  25. Black Lushus

    A Congratulations Thread

    i beat Red Dead Revolver through and through (all modes) the other day, fuck that game can get hard, especially the showdowns... played DefJam Vendetta for the first time Friday and beat it after 5 straight hours of playing....FUCK YOU METHOD MAN AND REDMAN!