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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    no shit man, you thought that too? man that was annoying the hell outta me... anyway, am I the only one who actually likes the Peter Parker story as opposed to the Spider-Man story? in the first one I liked his discovery of his powers and using them on everyday, real-life situations (small time crooks, fires) as opposed to his battles with GG. in the second one, i like how he struggled with all his responsibilities and losing his powers as opposed to battles with Doc Ock, though the train scene was cool, especially how all the New Yorkers kept him from falling off and tried to defend him from Ock... speaking of fires, i suppose in every installment now there will be a fire scene? Dunst has got to go, nuff said there... more JJJ is always good...JK Simmons seems to be gold in almost everything he's in... overall, i'd put it in my top 5 comic movies list, but certainly not number 1...i don't really have a number one, but i've been favoring The Crow for years now...
  2. Black Lushus

    GNR Behind the Music

    I agree with everyone else here, the show was lackluster and i was also disappointed with the lack of Izzy history. imagine the shit they would have put out if Izzy wasn't with them...they could have easily made this into a 2 hour show like other bands, i mean, hell didn't Creed get a two hour show? i like Creed, but no where near as much as GNR, it's like comparing apples to oranges. the fan base is huge enough to warrant a full 2 hour, in-depth show...also, i know Axl is crazy and has issues, but it seemed like a total dump on Axl show as opposed to a history of GNR show, perhaps it's warranted, but he's not the only guy in rock music to have issues...i had no idea Steve Adler had gotten THAT bad, man what a waste of talent he became...
  3. Black Lushus

    Can Someone Enlighten Me

    stereotypes that don't apply to Black Lushus: watermelon love, chitlin love, basketball playing abilities... stereotypes that do: can run fast, dancing abilities, strong love of fried chicken, attraction to white girls with junk in the trunk...
  4. Black Lushus

    Gunn, Holly unhappy with WWE

    i can see Vince now, sitting in his chair just reading over the memo about his two unhappy "superstars"...seeing that grin of his is making me chuckle to myself right now...
  5. Black Lushus

    Best "Old School" Action Cartoon

    correct, there were originally 3 members and then a fourth one came along, not sure my memory is hazy on this...one guy was water, one was ground, one was air...can't remember the fourth one..there was also a girl that I believe operated from a satellite in space, directing the guys on where to go...the bad guy was a half man, half cyborg thing, can't recall his name...dammit now i gotta go look this shit up because not remembering is bugging me!
  6. Black Lushus

    Movies you wanted to see badly

    I think Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale have the WORST chemistry of any pair I have ever seen in big budget "blockbuster" movies...
  7. Black Lushus

    Gunn, Holly unhappy with WWE

    especially when you consider how many times combined these two have been repackaged and they still fail to get over...Bombastic Bob anyone? how about Rockabilly? take a hike bozos...
  8. Black Lushus

    Some people need a sense of humor.

    kiss my ass bitch... sorry for the grumpiness...hey thanks for the gift!
  9. Black Lushus

    Gunn, Holly unhappy with WWE

    there's the door -------->
  10. Black Lushus

    Somebody has pictures of Marney....

    is everything taken literally on this forum, Agent Of Oblivion?
  11. Black Lushus

    Thread for people who think people who watch

    with makeup on and her hair done, Coral from the second NY season SMOKES Trishelle...you have to think back a few years to remember that picture, you can't go off of the RR/RW challenges because they didn't doll up to often for the cameras...she certainly has the best rack, i'd even put her over Robin...
  12. Black Lushus

    Somebody has pictures of Marney....

    in other words she's the penis in her relationship...
  13. Black Lushus

    Happy Birthday Lindsay Lohan...

    until this bitch starts doing porn, i'll even take softporn, i could care less about her...
  14. Black Lushus

    Which discussion show is 2nd best to PTI?

    honestly, i'd rather hear Jim than see Jim...i want to hear his schtick, which is the appeal of his radio show, on TV it seems like Jim Lite and it doesn't translate well to me...
  15. Black Lushus

    Report: Karl Malone to retire?

  16. Black Lushus

    Hosses vs. cruiserweights

    on a somewhat related note, how can anyone forget the awesome sight of Kevin Nash launching Rey Mysterio head first like a fucking dart into the side of that trailer back in 96? i don't think cruisers should be BEATING hoss-type guys, but it's cool when it looks like they're going to win only to eventually get overwhelmed by the power of that hoss...the only time light versus heavyweight works is in cases like Benoit, Bret Hart, HBK, Jericho, Eddy, etc. against UT, Nash, Vader, Yoko, Sid yadda yadda...Rey against say Yoko is just not what I want to see...
  17. Black Lushus

    Thread for people who think people who watch

    there will be no Real World hating, the pros outweigh the antis!
  18. Black Lushus

    Favorite Zucker/Abrahams Movie?

    i wasn't a huge fan of the Naked Gun series but Police Squad! kicked serious ass...
  19. Black Lushus


    yeah, he needs to make like a tree and get out of here... it's LEAVE you moron, LEAVE!
  20. Black Lushus

    anyone remember this old arcade......

    that's the one where the bad guys were named after the weapons that they used and the final guy was a mirror of you and would mimmick almost every move...
  21. Black Lushus

    What's the Best NES Series

    I agree, I think the damned cool cinema scenes are what actually kept me playing any of the games more than anything. you two can kiss my ninja gaiden lovin ass!!!!!!!!!
  22. Black Lushus

    Somebody has pictures of Marney....

    stop being so sensitive...you have a man and we're all losers on a posting board, just like i said earlier and you're saying now...why do you care what is said about you on here, tell people to fuck off and roll with it...
  23. Black Lushus

    What's the Best NES Series

    whatever... why do i need to tell you why, just take my vote. Ninja Gaiden, because it was innovative with it's story-telling, innovative with it's action, had great music (boss music rocked) and was hella hard to beat... there Ninja Gaiden, one vote for Ninja Gaiden, happy now?
  24. Black Lushus

    What's the Best NES Series

    fuck, i knew i was forgetting somthing...Castlevania 0wnz j00!!!!
  25. Black Lushus

    Which discussion show is 2nd best to PTI?

    duh silly me!