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Everything posted by CanadianGuitarist

  1. CanadianGuitarist

    Is there ANYTHING off limits for vince to try?

    I meant to put something along the lines of the last two posts. Is there a line that Vince won't cross? We'll find out tomorrow night.
  2. CanadianGuitarist

    NFL - Week One.

    Nice catch by Plaxico. Giants are back in it.
  3. CanadianGuitarist

    The Wonder Years coming to TvTropolis

    Equally important is that CTS is now showing Step by Step.
  4. CanadianGuitarist

    Your all-time favorite album.

    Tool's Aenima squeaks by, if for nothing more than Welcome to the Machine getting an asterisk due to it being ten songs shorter.
  5. CanadianGuitarist

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 1

    Only by half a point. Shake it off.
  6. CanadianGuitarist

    What do you base your love of your favorite team on?

    Treble, I agree 100% with the Jays. Casual at best Raptors fan. Also geography. This one's kinda stupid, but anyone here with a brother or sister might empathize with me. I was a San Jose Sharks fan from the ages of 5-8 because I shared a name with a player on that team (Brian Mullen). He was traded to a team that I forgot two days later (which turned out to be the Isles). So I kinda went into team purgatory. I didn't hate the Leafs, especially as they were getting better in 92-93, but since my brother was a Leafs fan, it wouldn't fly. They played a Saturday night game with my Habs towards the end of the 91-92, which planted the seeds to my becoming a Habs fan. It only intesified as the possibility of an Original Six final loomed the following year. As for the Raiders, this one's along the same lines. I always watched football as a kid, a Niners fan. My interest waned when Montana left, and eventually retired. I didn't follow fo rmany years, but as silly as this sounds, ESPN NFL 2k5 for Xbox re-piqued my interest, and it was easy to get behind the Raiders with another childhood fav, Jerry Rice in Oakland.
  7. CanadianGuitarist

    HEY wildpegasus do you watch gay porn?

    The term "beautiful expression of love" is completely non existant in any pornography. That's what _makes_ it porn. Nail. On. Head. Sorry, WP. No knock on you personally, but you're on your own here.
  8. CanadianGuitarist

    Paris Hilton

    Why are there so many....ah, forget it. That line writes itself.
  9. CanadianGuitarist

    HEY wildpegasus do you watch gay porn?

    Did we ever figure out what gender Hemme was? That could really fuck up that argument. WP, I cut you some slack in the kising thread in LSD. Now I have to call shenanigans. What you'd see in a foriegn film with two fags counts as beautiful expression of art, as you put it. (generally speaking). I'm going to assume that there's facials in porn. Or rusty trombones. That's not art. Sorry.
  10. CanadianGuitarist

    New Music Game

    I think Nickelback will take the prize for worst group mentioned. I dont know about that, man. Like a bisexual, that could go both ways.
  11. CanadianGuitarist

    Paris Hilton

    I can honestly say that was the first I ever heard of her ever. A CD store near my house has a billboard out front that says "Yes, we have the new Paris Hilton CD. We're sorry". You need to get a picture of that. Will do. Check back around 6 tonight...or later, I suppose. My pic shouldn't make or break your day, lol.
  12. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL 2006 Off-Season...

    Yeah, I thought that was the best part of their playoff coverage. When there weren't any playoff games on a given night, they would usually show two classic games back-to-back. Alot of great hockey. It sounds good on paper, but I'm still not entirely sold on classic games in full. If anyone's seen what the Leaf Network does, compressing a game commercial free into an hour, I think that'd be the way to go. Enough time to get the full aura surrounding some bigger moments, I say.
  13. CanadianGuitarist

    Fucking Wisconsin

    Christ there are a lot of deviants in Wisconsin. The sixteen year old she was romantically involved with? Reportedly began performing orally on up to 15 boys of her choice? Jesus.
  14. CanadianGuitarist

    NFL - Week One.

    Nevermind. Porter picks it off, returns it for a TD. 27-17 Steelers.
  15. CanadianGuitarist

    NFL - Week One.

    Steelers miss a field goal with three to play. There's hope yet for the Dolphins, who have 60 yards to go.
  16. CanadianGuitarist

    NFL - Week One.

    Did you expect the inverse? Troy Poloamaiu just made it happen. He JUST stayed in bounds, too.
  17. CanadianGuitarist

    Crocodile Hunter Dead

    Tonight's South Park (and they've been going chronologically for the last six weeks or so) is the CaveMan Steve, featuring an opening couple minutes of Crocodile Hunter, including one of my favourite SP lines ever "Screw you guys...let's hunt for crocodiles!"
  18. CanadianGuitarist

    Crocodile Hunter Dead

    Nice to see Andre Agassi and Bill Gates lending a hand. Fuck Gates. There's absolutely no way that's not Augusta National president Hootie Johnson. I'm conflicted over the video thing. I guess it's alright if that's what he wanted, but I cant imagine ever wanting to watch it.
  19. CanadianGuitarist

    Paris Hilton

    I can honestly say that was the first I ever heard of her ever. A CD store near my house has a billboard out front that says "Yes, we have the new Paris Hilton CD. We're sorry".
  20. CanadianGuitarist

    NFL - Week One.

    Not this late. I just got home from work to see the start of the fourth...was Miami passing this well all game?
  21. CanadianGuitarist

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What was said? Although I'm not sure I want to know. Also, they should prolly aplogise for two Hurrican Katrina remarks on Raw ten days ago. Nonsense. Mooney's awesome. He had pop on TSM during that Top Raw Moments special on USA last year.
  22. I interpreted it the way you sugested, Hawk. This happened yesterday a few times when I was at a golf tournament. Since TV only often shows the top, 45 or 50 guys, but there's 200 or so guys you only ever read about. I didn't know who Tim Petrovic was when he got out of a courtesy car right in front of me, as he smiled for a pic my dad took. His caddy was holding a scoreboard with his name in it, which made it into the pic, causing my grandfather and dad to agree we'd probably need it a year from now. A guy behind us at the practise range said "That's Greg Owen. He missed a two foot putt last year. That's all I know about him" As for the actual topic...I'm reasonably sure I don't know who any actress between the ages of 23-30 is. I could not pick Jessica Alba or Amanda Bynes out of a line up.
  23. CanadianGuitarist

    New Music Game

    This will take the prize for worst song mentioned: Photograph by Nickelback Photograph by Def Leppard
  24. Sadly, not yet. Please read this.
  25. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL 2006 Off-Season...

    So, how long before one of you says " Bring it!" and the other says "OH NO YOU DIDN"T!" Not trying to ruffle feathers, but ten minutes to read a reply is too long for a prediction-based discussion. Gagne won't report to camp without a contract, says tsn.ca Let the stand-off continue.